Douluo: As long as you are brave, the Pope will take maternity leave

Chapter 113 [Love Lock Candy] Give it to Daoliu and ask him to draw a prize for him

Chapter 113 [Love Candy] Give it to Qian Daoliu and ask him to draw a prize for himself
When they came, it was just Li Hao and Bibi Dong.

And when I left, I actually took hundreds of people with me!
After several days of traveling, the group finally arrived at Wuhun City.

Entering Wuhun City, many onlookers looked sideways along the way.

Is this another new move by Wuhun Palace?
So many people entered the Wuhun Palace together?

And in the Wuhun Palace.

People from Wuhundian Academy and Wuhundian were even more surprised.

Most of these people are students!

Could it be that Wuhundian Academy has expanded its enrollment?
His Majesty the Pope said nothing, and just allowed these students to temporarily enter Wuhundian Academy to study.

Inside the Pope's Palace.

"Bibi Dong, what's going on with these people?"

Qian Daoliu was obviously a little confused. He never expected that Bibi Dong would bring back so many people after going out!

Is this to win over more soul masters?

"Before that, let's take a look, who is this?" Bibi Dong saw Qian Daoliu suddenly entering the Pope's Palace, and threw Tang Hao and Tang San in front of him.

"This is it?" Qian Daoliu felt familiar.

But after staring at Tang Hao's face for two seconds, he suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, it turns out to be our Haotian Douluo!" Qian Daoliu smiled and slowly squatted down. Seeing Tang Hao in such an ugly state, he unconsciously sneered in his heart.

Qian Daoliu had chased Tang Hao twice, but he had let him run away both times.

Unexpectedly, he would be captured by Bibi Dong now.

Tang Hao raised his eyelids slightly, and when he saw the man in front of him, his eyes were filled with despair.

"Tang Hao. Hahaha, you didn't expect that you would have such a day, right?" Qian Daoliu clasped his hands behind his back, but for some reason, he felt a different feeling in his heart.

Although the man in front of him injured his son, it was Bibi Dong who really killed his son.

However, Qian Xunji, who was not seriously injured, would not be swallowed up by Bibi Dong so easily, right?

After much deliberation, it all still has to be attributed to Tang Hao.

Tang Hao said nothing. Along the way, he tried to struggle countless times.

They were all pressed down by Bibi Dong.

He was exhausted.

"If I hadn't avenged Tang San, wouldn't I have reached this point?"

He thought about this countless times.

Originally, he had been remembering to avenge Ah Yin for a long time, and he had been patient with it for a long time.

However, seeing his son's appearance, he still couldn't help but go straight to that person to cause trouble.

Unexpectedly, standing behind Li Hao was Bibi Dong!
"Hahaha, imprison Tang Hao first!" Qian Daoliu looked at the man in front of him.

He is also an incredible fighting force for Haotian Sect.

Especially since he must be carrying the Haotian Sect's important treasure.

Bibi Dong's gains this time are not small.

"Then, Bibi Dong, what's going on with those students?" Qian Daoliu looked at Bibi Dong again.

"Build a branch of Wuhundian Academy as a new school for those students. From now on, they will be used by Wuhundian." Bibi Dong said coldly.

"Okay, this is indeed good for Wuhun Palace." Qian Daoliu nodded slightly.

But these were not his main purposes. His eyes flickered and he asked tentatively:
"What about Li Hao? Did he admit what I said to you before?"

Bibi Dong thought as expected, she still wanted to ask about this matter.

"Of course, Li Hao admitted the incident, but he didn't tell me the specific situation. I didn't blame him."

Qian Daoliu nodded slightly, amazed that this candy had such a terrifying effect!

Even if you know that this kind of love is because of the lock of candy, you will fall in love regardless of anything.

What the hell is this horrible thing?

"Then can I have a few words with Li Hao alone?" Qian Daoliu narrowed his eyes and looked at Bibi Dong.Now Bibi Dong can actually defeat Tang Hao, which shows that her strength has reached an incredible level.

Although Tang Hao had been injured before, it was still very difficult to defeat him in a single fight.

Bibi Dong was able to take him down without any injuries, which explains a lot of things.

When getting along with Li Hao, don't do reckless things easily.

"Of course." Bibi Dong said coldly.

With her as Li Hao's backing, Qian Daoliu wouldn't do anything.

She just had to keep an eye on it.


"He's right here." Bibi Dong waved, and Li Hao came out of the inner room of the Pope's Palace.

"I've seen big offerings." Li Hao saluted.

Seeing this, Bibi Dong smiled at Li Hao and walked out the door.

He signaled that the two of them could chat.

"Li Hao." Qian Daoliu felt a little emotional when he saw the junior in front of him.

Unexpectedly, I never expected that there would be such a genius in Wuhun Hall, that he could win Bibi Dong.

"You should know why I'm looking for you?" His voice was seductive when he spoke, and his voice was very comfortable to listen to.

"Of course, candy." Li Hao took out an ordinary toffee as he spoke.

Qian Daoliu's eyes quickly locked on the candy.

"Is it true? Can candy improve you?" he asked with some uncertainty.

"There is a slight improvement, but it is not big and there are limitations." Li Hao did not tell the truth.


"Every time I feed it to someone, I get only a small improvement. That's why I'm only at level 72 now. If it was really that strong, I should be at level 100 by now." Li Hao sighed and said.

Qian Daoliu laughed when he heard this, "What about your martial spirit? I remember that your martial spirit has improved?"

"It's just a side effect."

"Is your candy triggering mechanism just for people to eat it?" Qian Daoliu asked again.

But Li Hao hesitated.

Seeing this, he smiled and said: "You are from my Wuhun Palace. Of course I won't do anything to you. I just want to know if you are being targeted by some god. I need to ask these things to confirm this a little."

"Just eat it. But..." Li Hao suddenly paused, "I haven't tried it yet. Is it effective only if I give it to others?"

"If someone else takes my candy and gives it to someone else, then that person will fall in love with me or the person who gave her the candy."

Qian Daoliu was stunned when he heard this.

His eyes were a little fiery, but he was quickly suppressed by himself.

"Are you saying that there is a possibility that sugar is just a way, and whoever uses it, the effect will be on whom? For example, if I feed it to someone, then she will fall in love with me?"

Qian Daoliu asked.

"I haven't tried it, but it's possible."

Li Hao nodded, "However, this kind of thing is very rare. Even now, I only have one. In the future, I may only have this one."

"Whether you believe it or not, this is a fact. I put [Love Lock Candy] and ordinary candies together to confuse the situation. I believe your research has already clarified this."

Now that Li Hao has confessed all this to Bibi Dong.

Then Bibi Dong probably wouldn't be able to give him a chance to be with a woman outside again.

It's better to give Qian Daoliu a prize and let him draw a prize for himself.

The people around Qian Daoliu didn't have anything simple.

Any attribute of 1/4 is still good.

(End of this chapter)

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