Chapter 123 Shrek gathers, the master and Tang San who have changed everything
Several people looked in that direction.

It was a somewhat shabby carriage.

But the destination is obviously heading this way.

Everyone knew that this should be the person they were waiting for.

"Is it the third brother? Or Oscar?" Ma Hongjun asked in a low voice.

"Oscar. After all, this carriage is a bit old. Third brother doesn't seem to be such a poor person." Dai Mubai nodded.

"Well, Oscar seems to have said that he can't come to this five-year appointment. He wants to improve himself." Ning Rongrong said.

"So, this person in front of me should be the third brother?" Ma Hongjun said long and continued to pay attention to the movement of the carriage.

The carriage stopped.

Then there was a shaky look.


Finally, after tilting a lot in one direction, a big fat man came down from the top.

The three people sighed.

"Oh, it turns out it's not Tang San."

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing knew that this was Tang San coming.

"Hey, wait, there seems to be someone coming down from above." Ning Rongrong suddenly called out to the two people.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were about to leave, but looked back after being stopped.

I saw the big fat man stretching after getting off the carriage.

Then he picked up the two lame guys.

"Oh no, why do those people look so familiar?" Dai Mubai suddenly frowned, as if he remembered something.

"Go up and have a look." Dai Mubai led everyone forward and immediately stepped forward.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang and Shi Beibei, who had just gotten off the carriage, were smiling.

The air outside is really good, much more comfortable than Wuhun Palace.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been at my job for a long time, and it’s really not fun to come out this time.

"Hahaha, mistress, please come down quickly."

Yu Xiaogang shouted towards the carriage.

As for himself, he was held by Ge Beibei and walked towards a wider place.

But when he turned around, he saw the Shrek people walking this way.

Yu Xiaogang's smiling expression immediately froze.

"Let's go!" He immediately lowered his head and shouted softly to Ge Beibei below him.

Ge Beibei knew what he meant and quickly fled in the opposite direction.

But immediately a big hand pressed down on his shoulder.

"Ge Beibei? Yu Xiaogang?" Dai Mubai finally saw clearly.

He looked at the trio in disbelief.

When I left the Star Empire before, I was doing fine!
At the very least it was just a mental problem.

But why are everyone missing arms and legs now?
"Teacher Xiaogang!" Ning Rongrong also shouted immediately.

She also barely recognized it.

This seems to be Yu Xiaogang.

But what she responded to was...
"I'm not Yu Xiaogang, admit it, admit it!" Yu Xiaogang quickly lowered his head and replied in a hoarse voice.

"Teacher! What's wrong with you?!" Ning Rongrong hurriedly ran over to take a look. She definitely didn't admit her mistake.

"I admit my mistake! I admit my mistake! Who are you, little girl!" Si Beibei shouted, pulling his neck.

Ma Hongjun asked madly:

"Teacher, why are your hands gone?"

"Teacher, why are your legs gone?"

"Teacher, you seem to have a strange smell."


Yu Xiaogang couldn't bear it anymore: "I'm not your teacher!"

"You are our teacher!" Ma Hongjun wanted to find out the cause of the matter.

But at this time, Yu Xiaogang was extremely embarrassed and angry.

Is the fig leaf that he has kept for so long about to be torn away now?

All this time, Yu Xiaogang had thought that only Dai Mubai knew a little about these things.

But not much.

No one else can see myself.

Especially, at the moment when Shrek Academy was destroyed, he was actually a little excited.

Because the students who saw his evil deeds can no longer be used as witnesses after leaving the school.The time when he and his two babes were doing evil things in the academy would be covered with a layer of gray cloth. As long as no one came forward to confirm it, it would be a lie!
As for the missing arm and leg, no one knows the reason.

But he never expected that one day, he would be able to see everyone in Shrek again.

They even chased me and called me teacher.

This is how to do?
My popularity is definitely very high!

If you want to survive in this situation, you can only...
yes!Isn't this Tang San?
His popularity is definitely higher than mine!
Yu Xiaogang suddenly raised his head and looked at Tang San who didn't dare to appear after hearing the sound in the carriage.

Tang San felt Yu Xiaogang's eyes.

Suddenly I felt a chill in my heart.

"Don't look for me! Go find your Tang San, third brother!" Yu Xiaogang pursed his lips in the direction of the carriage.

Everyone immediately turned their heads to look in the direction of the carriage.


Tang San actually didn't come out through the carriage door!
In order to escape in the opposite direction, he chose to climb out of the side window!

He also fell hard!
Not only that, he seems to be wearing a cane!

Looking at Tang San who was limping and running away like crazy.

Dai Mubai took two steps forward and held him down.

"Xiao San! Don't run away! No matter what happens, you are still one of our Shrek!"

Dai Mubai vaguely guessed why this guy ran away.

It's just that in the past five years, I've been doing a little bad.

But how much worse could it be?
Look at Teacher Yu Xiaogang, he has no hands or feet, so he can still live well.

I was laughing so happily just now!

You still have arms and legs, why can’t you?

"I'm not Tang San!"

Tang San huffed and puffed and continued to run, but was held down and couldn't use any strength at all.

With a snap, the bag hanging below fell down.


Dai Mubai looked suspiciously and looked at the bag on the ground.

This is?

The embarrassing scene lasted for a long time.

Xiao Wu slowly spoke from behind, "As you can see, Tang San is like this now."


Ma Hongjun also looked confused.

Ning Rongrong was also stunned.

Several people looked at each other in confusion, looking at Tang San who was still trembling and trying to escape.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

Wait until everyone is behind him.

"Let me go." Tang San finally gave up resistance.

His whole body softened and he slowly turned around.


Everyone was shocked for the second time.

"Third brother?!" Ning Rongrong covered her mouth, unable to believe that the person in front of her was actually Tang San!

Ma Hongjun also widened his eyes.

Is this person really Tang San? ? ?

What did he go through? !

"Ha, haha. You admit your mistake, right?" Ma Hongjun said hesitantly.

"Yes, it seems that I admitted my mistake." Ning Rongrong also swallowed her saliva and turned around, not daring to look again.

Tang San looked extremely embarrassed.

You were the ones who stopped me just now, and now you are the ones admitting your mistake.

Really good.

He twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at the people in front of him with his only remaining eye.

There is probably not a single piece of good skin on his face, even on his neck, and probably on his whole body.

Even big holes were made in the neck and both cheeks.

As for what use it is.
Everyone dare not think.

"I didn't admit it wrong. This is Tang San." Xiao Wu said calmly from behind.

? !
(End of this chapter)

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