Douluo: As long as you are brave, the Pope will take maternity leave

Chapter 128 Save Bo Saixi?If you love her, you should make her happy

Chapter 128 Save Bo Saixi?If you love her, you should make her happy

Qian Daoliu's eyes were splitting for a moment, and he quickly crawled out from under the table.

He rushed towards Li Hao and Bo Saixi on the bed.

But there seemed to be an invisible barrier that "protected" the entire bed, preventing his fists from entering it.

"What are you doing?!" Qian Daoliu's voice was trembling.

in the barrier.

Bo Saixi knelt on the bed without turning her head. She just glanced at him sideways and said nothing.

Li Hao was behind her with a playful smile.

"Li Hao! Stop!" Qian Daoliu banged on the barrier, as if at this moment, he had forgotten his martial soul and his soul skills.

But Li Hao worked harder at this time.

Not only did Bo Saixi not refuse, she was also very cooperative.

Qian Daoliu was flustered and he increased his intensity.

"Stop! Please stop!"


The huge angel wings spread out, and Qian Daoliu directly revealed his true body.

The strength of his hand suddenly increased by several orders of magnitude.

The barrier is broken.

Huge soul power rushed directly into the bed.

Bo Saixi in front of Li Hao also died together.


Bo Saixi turned into countless pieces and fell on the bed.

Seeing this, Qian Daoliu's bright mood was cast into a shadow.

Everyone froze in place.

"Isn't it right? I, I just broke the barrier, why Bo Saixi?"

But Li Hao, who was supposed to be on the bed, disappeared.

It's like it never existed.

Those fragmented Bo Saixi gradually turned into pieces of real flesh and blood.

Qian Daoliu screamed uncontrollably.

"I didn't kill him! It wasn't me!"

"It's not me!"

He looked at the pool of flesh and blood, as if his IQ had been lowered by several orders of magnitude, and as if he had completely substituted himself into it.


Suddenly, the whole world began to go backwards.

"Time goes backwards!?" Qian Daoliu was shocked.


He was back to hiding under the table.

Li Hao and Bo Saixi were very happy on the bed.

They don't seem to notice themselves.

But this time Sendo Ryu understood that the barrier could not be broken.

If broken, Bo Saixi will die.

Qian Daoliu resisted his impulse and looked for another turning point.

He watched Li Hao's movements, which made Bo Saixi extremely happy every time.

A strange idea suddenly occurred to me.

"If you love her, you should make her happy."

"Isn't she quite happy now?"

wrong!This is not right!

This is definitely not an idea I can come up with!

Qian Daoliu suddenly woke up.

He looked up suddenly and looked out the window, the sky was blue.

Use all your strength to rush out of the roof.


The blue sky is gone, now the sky is pink.

The surroundings were foggy and the visibility was less than two meters, as if a huge smoke bomb had been thrown into the entire world.

Pink mist enveloped this large area.

Not only that.

The air is filled with the scent of exhaustion, which induces hallucinations in those who smell it.

Qian Daoliu can still see that extremely beautiful figure, she shuttles through the mist.

As long as you want to see her clearly, you may encounter another one.

Qian Daoliu understood.

This may be some kind of field.

It can cause those inside to hallucinate.

First, let you feel so good that you can faint, and let you do whatever you want inside.

Let me tell you again, you are not the one who feels so happy.It's Huang Mao you have always suspected.

And you are just the one who enjoys watching them fly.

"What a weird power." Qian Daoliu took a long breath.

Not surprisingly, the cause of all this is because of Li Hao.

Qian Daoliu felt that he could no longer stay here, and now he immediately went to Li Hao's place to see what happened.

"No! Bo Saixi! No!"

Tang Chen also experienced the same plot as Qian Daoliu.

It's just that this time he went back in time and chose to watch silently.

A voice appeared in his ear.

"Look, she was very happy when you were away."

"But don't worry, they are pure love."

"What can you give her? You can't give her anything like this. On the contrary, he has the strength and appearance to give her everything she wants."

"I forgot to tell you that according to the previous timeline, she will be sacrificed to your great-grandson~"

"Bullshit! What great-grandson? Does he deserve it?" Tang Chen gritted his teeth and swung the Clear Sky Hammer, hammering it everywhere.

He didn't deny the previous words about living a happy life.

After all, he also has a family.

Bo Saixi was the one who didn't get it, and she lived a happy life with others.

Apart from being furious, Tang Chen didn't have many tenable reasons to refute.

It's just that when it comes to your own people, you can be more subtle.

Therefore, I only refuted those things about my great-grandson.

In a fit of madness.

The blue sky also turned pink.

Tang Chen gasped for air.

Yes, he himself "does whatever he wants" in the hallucination.

After seeing that this was all a lie, he relaxed a little.

It's just that he hates Li Hao very much now.

The person who felt that Bo Saixi was snatched away must be Li Hao!

The disgusting scene in the hallucination just now was definitely caused by Li Hao!
"Li Hao! Come out!" Tang Chen roared.

But the surroundings were all pink and nothing could be seen clearly.

All means of perception are restricted at this time.

Tang Chen had no choice but to carry a hammer and search everywhere.

"That's it?" Tang Chen frowned and saw a golden figure not far away.

very familiar.

Like an old friend.

Tang Chen speeded up and soon met the golden figure.

"It's you?"

Tang Chen couldn't help but make a sound.

"Who are you?" Qian Daoliu was confused, but he didn't recognize that this was Tang Chen.

"Tang Chen, he was the king of killing before."

The two finally recognized each other.

"Were you involved too?" they both asked.

Then they snorted at each other.

He kept silent about the previous hallucinations.

"Let's find the root of the matter. If this continues, there may be irreversible damage to Douluo Continent."

"I don't know where the pink mist has spread."

Qian Daoliu did not directly fight with Tang Chen.

After all, they are both friends and foes.

What you want to do depends on where you stand.

Now they are all facing the same problem.

That's pink mist.

At this time, Li Hao.

He was looking at the pink sky and felt something indescribable.

He could feel that the pink mist was under his control.

It can also make people confused by lust and fall into hallucinations.

Although it is slightly harmful to the body, it can give some small comfort to those who are affected by the illusion.

As long as they were not fantasizing about his own women, Li Hao would give them the greatest amount of spiritual pleasure.

And those idiots who fantasized about their own women all turned into green-haired turtles in their fantasy worlds.

If you want to become a god, another way is to collect faith.

And how does he collect faith?
Just in time, the fog came.

Maybe you can borrow it.

(End of this chapter)

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