Chapter 132 Zhu Zhuqing’s first time
"Just, just tonight???"

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Bibi Dong in disbelief, obviously surprised by Bibi Dong's behavior.

Before, she wished she could have all Li Hao's time to herself!
What's going on today?

Not only did he take the initiative to give up to Li Hao, but he also said that he could wait in vain tonight.

This is to let myself and Li Hao spend the night.
"Why, don't you want to?" Bibi Dong raised her head slightly, with a sweet smile on her lips.

"Yes, of course I do." Zhu Zhuqing smiled slightly and lowered his head.

"Then stand down. Today's chicken soup has already been made by others." Bibi Dong said at the corner of his mouth, as if he was the master of the harem who suddenly became enlightened.

After Zhu Zhuqing left, Bibi Dong was thinking about how to make Li Hao's god-like speed match her own as soon as possible.

"The first thing is to collect faith. Li Hao has already put nearly half of the people in Douluo Continent into sweet dreams in that large-scale illusion. I believe they still like that feeling very much."

"What I need to do is to promote it, unify and protect Li Hao's statues."

As she thought about it, Bibi Dong couldn't help but smile.

Become a god, just become a god with Li Hao.

"The purpose of a believer's faith is pleasure, or lust."

"Give believers the joy of fantasy from time to time. If implemented throughout the continent, the speed will be very fast. The power of lust is not small, as long as everyone has this desire."

"However, if we want to unified management, it is also crucial to merge and unify the Star Luo Empire and the Tiandou Empire!"

"So, the next step is to unify the entire Douluo Continent."

"It's just that during this period, the collection of beliefs can also be carried out."

When she thought of this, Bibi Dong became very motivated. In the end, the goal was so consistent!
The day of reunification is also the time of wedding!
The news that Li Hao has reached level 99 spread throughout the entire Wuhun Hall.

Yan and others could not imagine how someone could be so terrifying.
Even if you are riding a rocket, you won't be able to go so fast, right?
At first they didn't believe it at all, until Li Hao went to the dormitory, collected the last remaining things, and moved them completely to Bibi Dong's private house.

They finally believed that Li Hao had really taken off.

They had never even felt Li Hao's soul power up close.

But after just one glance, they all took a deep breath and lowered their heads uncontrollably.


The pressure is too strong.

Only a few people knew about what happened in the ruins of Shrek Academy.

If they knew that Li Hao and Bibi Dong were standing together to worship Qian Daoliu, the expressions on their faces would probably be even more exciting.

"I'm only level 60! This guy was directly promoted to level 99!"

"Hahaha, weren't there people who suspected that he was a related party? Didn't you want to admit his identity as the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace?"

"Damn, it's a good thing I didn't go out to be a clown!"

"But why did he move into the Pope's private residence? Shouldn't he enter the Presbytery?"

"Well I can't say."

Just leave these words to them to talk about slowly.

Li Hao had already finished taking a shower and was ready to sleep.

Bibi Dong allocated a separate house to Li Hao.

This house is right next to Bibi Dong.

It was night.

Li Hao turned off the lights.

He was lying on the bed, still thinking about how to balance several women in the future.

Those who have not yet seen each other for the first time include Hu Liena, Zhu Zhuqing, um, Qian Renxue, and Ning Rongrong who has just locked up her love.Oh, by the way, there is another person with terrifying combat power, Bo Saixi.

Thinking of this, Li Hao felt that his subsequent life seemed to be really sexually happy?
The collectible card game is now going to change its format.

Since Bibi Dong agreed, she just watched and did it.

Anyway, just don’t touch Qian Renxue.

If Qian Daoliu found out that his granddaughter had suffered from him, it would be a big trouble.

"Then let's go find Hu Liena tomorrow." Li Hao thought silently, and became a little sleepy as he thought about it.

Suddenly a faint fragrance came.

The smell was so alluring that even Li Hao, who almost fell asleep, couldn't help but take a few more whiffs.

Having been around Bibi Dong for a long time, he couldn't remember who this smell belonged to.

"Humph, you went to bed so early?" A slightly resentful voice sounded.

Before Li Hao could stand up, a pair of warm hands slowly placed on his chest.

"As expected of a kitten, it walks very quietly." Li Hao closed his eyes slightly. After hearing the voice, of course he knew who it was.

Zhu Zhuqing.

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time." Zhu Zhuqing sighed.

She slowly got on the bed, took away Li Hao's pillow and replaced it with her legs.

Then his hand gently touched Li Hao's face and chin.

So gentle, so warm.

Li Hao just closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

A burst of warmth came, and where her ears touched her skin, she felt silky and fragrant.

After a long time.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time." Li Hao raised his hand and gently touched her face.

"You know? When I found out that my love for you was only because of candy, I suddenly felt a little scared." There was some unspeakable grievance in Zhu Zhuqing's words.

"Afraid? Yes, you should be afraid." Li Hao agreed.

This kind of love comes without any effort, how much can you cherish it?

Zhu Zhuqing said softly: "But I still didn't leave because you saved me, especially when I knew that the night you saved me was the night when I got together with His Majesty the Pope after a long time. At that time, you have to Knowing that I was being hunted, he immediately came to save me, I was very touched."

"I heard that His Majesty the Pope was very gentle at that time. It was supposed to be a night of spring supper, but when you got the news about me, you immediately put on your clothes and ran out, with His Majesty the Pope chasing after you." Zhu Zhuqing chuckled at this. He came out and said, "I think you won't leave me alone in the future."

"Did she tell you all this?" Li Hao was very surprised that they actually said so many things to each other during the time they spent together.

No wonder Zhu Zhuqing has no complaints about Bibi Dong.

The two of them should be considered friends, right?
"Yes, I also told you how you locked her in love at that time." Zhu Zhuqing raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "I didn't expect you to be so courageous, and you are not afraid of locking up a man."

"How do you say that, as long as you are brave, the Pope will take maternity leave." Li Hao added.

"Hmph, you are really powerful. You really upset His Majesty the Pope." Zhu Zhuqing lightly hit Li Hao's chest with his small fist.

"You can do it if you want."

Li Hao put one hand around Zhu Zhuqing's neck.

Zhu Zhuqing also understood and slightly lowered his head.

Their lips finally touched.

(End of this chapter)

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