Chapter 72 What did she forget?

"No, it's too slow. Send more people to rush him!" But he couldn't be too anxious. Xiao Ge'er still felt uneasy after thinking about it: "No, I have to go to the Prime Minister's Mansion in person to have a look."

"My lord, you just said that you would not see Miss Xiao Er again for a while." Mingyang reminded kindly.

"Did I say that? Why don't I remember? How good is your memory? Then tell me, when did I return home last night? What did I eat? How many grains of rice did I eat? ? How many chopsticks of food did you pick up?"

Mingyang suddenly looked confused: "This? Master, I don't remember my humble position." He secretly patted his mouth, why did he owe it so much?
"So I said, you must have remembered it wrong. Your memory is so bad, it must be because you ate too many chicken legs. I will punish you by eating two less chicken drumsticks today!"

"Master! No!" Mingyang wanted to cry but had no tears. His delicious chicken drumsticks.
Xiao Yuge, who couldn't find Heming's help, had to take a desperate risk and went to the cliff in person to find the relevant herbs. She must not let Chu Tianqi lose his fighting spirit at this time, so she had to cure her leg.

As soon as Qian Tingxuan arrived at the door of the Prime Minister's Mansion, he saw Qing Luo rushing inside, but did not see Xiao Yuge. He realized something was wrong and quickly stopped Qing Luo: "Qing Luo, where is Ge'er?"

When Qing Luo saw it was Qian Tingxuan, he immediately seemed to have seen a savior: "Your Majesty, go and save the young lady!"

"What's wrong with her?" Qian Tingxuan's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

"My lady is going to the cliff to find medicine for the young master. I am not allowed to follow you. The cliff is dangerous. My lady has fallen from it before. My lord, please save my lady." Before she could finish her words, Qian Tingxuan had already rushed away. .

But when Mingyang saw the little girl's face full of tears, he couldn't bear it and put the big chicken drumstick he just bought from the street into her hand: "As long as our father is here, your lady will be safe and sound." , I like to eat chicken drumsticks the most. Once I eat chicken drumsticks, I forget about everything else. I’ll give this to you.” After saying that, he also hurriedly chased after his master.

Qing Luo was stunned for a moment while holding the big chicken drumstick in his hand.

Xiao Yuge came to the cliff, tied one end of the prepared rope to his body, and tied the other end to a big tree nearby, and pulled hard. After making sure that it would not break, he cautiously She walked downwards, because she knew that only under the cliff could there be Dipsacus spp., a medicine for healing muscles and bones. In fact, it is also called Dipsacus spp. among the people. This kind of medicine often grows in cliffs and is very rare. However, in order to take revenge, She had to take a desperate risk. Only in this way could Chu Tianqi's heart completely turn towards her.

There are many protruding rocks on the cliff. If you are not careful, you may be scratched, or even cut off the rope, and then fall down. She did not reach the top last time, so the injury was not serious after falling. This time she went up. When she reached the top of the cliff, if she really fell, she would probably be turned into a cake instead of being reduced to pieces.

She went down cautiously, and Huang Tian lived up to his intentions and finally let her see it. She was so happy that she relaxed her vigilance. Inadvertently, her back was scratched by a protruding stone. She couldn't help but lightly He snorted and didn't know how deep the scratch was, but he felt something warm flowing down. It must be blood.

She swung over carefully, then grabbed the rope with one hand, pulled the herbs with the other, and put them into the bag on her waist. It looked like they were ready. She was about to climb up, but at this moment, something suddenly happened out of nowhere. An arrow flew towards her and hit her rope. The rope split into two instantly, and she screamed instinctively and fell straight down!
It's over, if you fall like this, let alone revenge, you probably won't be able to come back even if you try hard!

Qian Tingxuan had just arrived there when he heard her scream. He looked up and saw this thrilling scene. Without any time to think about it, he jumped up and used the rocks on the cliff to catch him in the blink of an eye. Xiao Yuge, who was falling rapidly, quickly returned to the bottom with a slight spin and a few ups and downs. Before Xiao Yuge could recover, he gave Mingyang a wink and motioned him to chase those people. people! "Qian Tingxuan!" Xiao Yuge, who had regained consciousness, hugged Qian Tingxuan tightly. She really thought she was dead just now, but she didn't expect that he would suddenly appear and save her.

"Now I know I'm scared. How dare you come to a place like this alone if you're so naughty." Although Qian Tingxuan complained, the hand holding her couldn't help but tremble slightly. He couldn't imagine what happened just now. What would be the consequences if I were just that moment late?

He didn't even dare to imagine what he would do if he saw her fall beyond recognition in front of him, he would definitely go crazy!
When his hand touched something sticky, he felt a shiver in his heart. When he looked at it, he realized that her back had been scratched deep and long by a stone, and she was bleeding non-stop at the moment.

However, God was not good at it. At this time, it started to rain heavily. Qian Tingxuan looked around and found a small cave nearby. It was probably a place for hunters who went up the mountain to hunt, so he carried Xiao Yuge into it. In the cave.

Perhaps no one had gone in for too long, so as soon as he entered, there was an unpleasant musty smell, and Xiao Yuge couldn't help but rub his nose.

"You sit here for a while. I'll go outside to get some hay and firewood, light a fire, and bandage your wound." Although it was a hot day, the clothes were still wet. He was afraid that her wound would get wet again. If it becomes inflamed like last time, it will be troublesome.

Seeing that a prince who usually had to be cared for in everything from food, clothing, housing and transportation not only collected firewood but also lit a fire, Xiao Yuge was curious as to whether he did all these things by himself when he usually wandered around the world.

"It seems that every time, you are either on the way to save me or in the place of saving me. Qian Tingxuan, why are you so nice to me? Is it really because I saved you that night?" Xiao Yuge always felt that His kindness to her came very suddenly and strangely, and it was such a coincidence that he bumped into her every time.

Qian Tingxuan, who was lighting the fire, paused: "No."

Sure enough not!

But what he said next made Xiao Yuge a little dumbfounded.

"It's because you once said that you wanted me to marry you when you are old enough. Therefore, saving you is not to repay a favor, but to save my future princess."

"What nonsense are you talking about? When did I say that?" His serious look made Xiao Yuge a little confused about what was true and what was false, but as soon as she finished speaking, a childish voice sounded in her head: "What if If you want to be responsible for me, then come and marry me when I am old enough."

"Uh!" Severe pain interrupted those fragmentary scenes, and she couldn't help holding her head: "Who is it? Who is talking?"

(End of this chapter)

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