Chapter 274: Promise me, don’t lie to me

Lian Xingze's handsome face was expressionless, and his brows were full of arrogance: "Well, my cousin just returned to China during this time and has taken over the family business. I will ask him to invest in the company. Don't be afraid, Jiang Family It’s really nothing.”

"Yes, yes, it's good to have you." Brother Huang smiled apologetically.

After listening to Lian Xingze's words, he instantly felt relieved.

Su Jianlin curled his lips.

Sooner or later, he would have to leave this crappy company, and there were only three months left before the contract. In this kind of team, he was living like a year.

As a result, he now particularly envies Jiang Zhouye for being out of the sea of ​​suffering.

After the meeting.

He told Jiang Zhouye about this and complained to him for a long time.

Jiang Zhouye frowned slightly after receiving the news.

The leader of the Zhou family in Hong Kong City has returned to China?

Why didn't he hear about it?

So I checked online and found that there was no news about this matter on the Internet at all, not even the photo of the current person in charge of the Zhou family.

Jiang Zhouye just paid attention. Business matters still had to be left to Jiang Yisen, and then he revealed to him the changes in the Zhou family's fate.

At this time, Jiang Yisen was discussing business in the club, and several big bosses were playing mahjong.

He chewed on his cigarette, smiled casually and played a card: "What a fool."

There was already a thick wad of money in front of him, and the feeling of collecting money made him feel happy both physically and mentally.

The big-wavy female companion next to him coquettishly hugged his arm: "Mr. Jiang, how come you are so powerful? You have never lost tonight."

Jiang Yisen raised his eyebrows and whispered in her ear: "I will have something more powerful later, do you want to try it?"

They are all adults, and the meaning behind this sentence will be understood instantly by the big wave female escort.

She blushed, pushed his arm, and said softly: "I hate it~"

Jiang Yisen smiled and said nothing.

One of the people on the opposite side chuckled: "Mr. Jiang is so beautiful. I lost almost 100,000 today, how about we end here?"

Jiang Yisen raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "What? You just lost 100,000 and are leaving? I haven't had enough fun playing mahjong with you these few times."

"You are so lucky today. How can the three of us beat you? Just let us go. How about I buy you a bottle of wine to apologize?" The man made a phone call, and within five minutes, the wine was delivered to the private room. .

He said in a proud tone: "This wine is so strong that even the best drinker can drink it in three cups. Mr. Jiang, do you want to try it?"

Jiang Yisen snorted lightly, and the big-wave female escort immediately brought him a beer glass knowingly.

He raised his eyebrows with an unfocused look on his face: "Here you go, please."

"I'll go, and you won't be afraid of getting into trouble if you drink."

Jiang Yisen gave him a look, and the man immediately shut up, opened the wine, and filled his glass.

Jiang Yisen took three sips in a row.

"How?" The man looked expectantly.

Jiang Yisen laughed: "I don't feel it."


Could he have been deceived?

Just as he was about to argue with the store owner, the private room door was pushed open.

When he saw the person coming, he was so surprised that he stammered: "Fang, Mr. Fang? Why are you here?"

Jiang Yisen drank a whole cup and turned his head, feeling as if he was hallucinating before his eyes.

He rubbed his eyes: "Eh? Why did I see Fang Minghe? Your wine is a bit poisonous and made me hallucinate."


"Mr. Jiang, you read that right, it is indeed Mr. Fang who is here."

Jiang Yisen lowered his eyebrows and turned his head irritably: "Let him go."


The female companion of Big Wave tried to help Jiang Yisen up: "Mr. Jiang, can I help you back to your room to rest?"

Before he even touched Jiang Yisen, he slapped him away with his hand. His charming face was cold: "Get out of here too."

Female companion: "..."

Damn scumbag!

I just said that I wanted to show her something amazing!

She was so angry that she picked up her bag and left.

The man felt a little embarrassed seeing this atmosphere.

Looking at the expressionless Fang Minghe, and then at Jiang Yisen, he coughed lightly: "That..." Jiang Yisen smashed the cup to the ground, causing the glass to fly.

He sneered: "Get out of here."

His temperament comes from nowhere.

The other three people at the card table didn't dare to get into trouble and left quickly.

The private room door was closed before Fang Minghe stepped forward.

Looking at the broken glass on the ground, he went to the corner and used a broom to sweep the broken glass together to avoid stepping on it.

Only now did Jiang Yisen feel that the alcohol was so strong that he felt dizzy.

Squinting at Fang Minghe's figure, his voice was cold: "What else are you doing here? You used to ignore me, but now you can't reach me."

"Do you think I will ask you to start a joint venture with me? Go ahead and dream, Fang Minghe, there are many people out there, and you are not the least of them."

"I'm talking to you? Do you hear me? Oh, I remembered it. You asked me to buy milk tea. After drinking the milk tea, you will turn your back on me, right? Give me the money for the milk tea of ​​18.8 yuan? I'll go I won’t feed the dog anything to drink from you!”

It was time for Fang Minghe to sweep the floor.

Jiang Yisen has been nagging for a long time.

He turned around unbearably, lowered his head and stared at his face: "Are you sure you don't want me to join a joint venture?"

Jiang Yisen was silent.

He swallowed the curse words in a daze.

He must have been drunk and hallucinating.

He had been begging him for more than a month, but now he turned around and agreed?

is it possible?

"Aren't you going to deal with Bo Yan? Since I can't reach a higher level, forget it."

Jiang Yisen: "!!!"

Seeing that Fang Minghe was leaving.

Jiang Yisen quickly stood up and grabbed him: "Brother, Brother Fang, you just fart in front of me. I need you, can I hold you high? Don't leave?"

Because the movement was too big, he threw the person to the ground.

"Humph." A muffled voice sounded.

"Ouch." He knocked his knee on Fang Minghe's thigh.

Jiang Yisen was so painful that he quickly sat aside and wrinkled his face: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it. Oops, it hurts so much."

Fang Minghe sat up, then stood up and stretched out his hand: "Get up."

Jiang Yisen took his hand and stood up with the help of his strength. He was so dizzy: "If you're drunk, take me home."

After a long time, Fang Minghe took his arm and put it on his shoulder.

Jiang Yisen was completely dizzy and followed Fang Minghe's steps without any awareness.

"You promised me you wouldn't lie to me. You really thought I wouldn't be angry, right?"

Jiang Yisen's muttering came to his ears.

Fang Minghe couldn't help laughing, well, he was angry.

After being angry for three seconds, I promised him to coax him again.

Still the same as when I was a child, I don’t hold grudges.

The smile faded and she glanced sideways at the sleeping man.

Leng He: "Who told you to call me dirty before..."

Throwing the person into the back seat of the car, Fang Minghe stared at him for a moment before closing the door. His voice was soft and self-deprecating: "Forget it, you are right, I am indeed quite dirty."

He left after sending Jiang Yisen back to the villa.


Jiang Nanshu worked on the song and received good news from Chen Qian.

"Chu Muxi went to your third brother's research institute and brought gasoline with him."

 In the next chapter, Third Brother changes his destiny...



(End of this chapter)

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