Kuai Wen Zhi crazy criticizes the beauty she does not want to be a female supporting role

Chapter 144: A violent kill at the beginning?This time my sister is playing and developing

Her beautiful face gradually decayed, giving off the smell of decay.

The fingers holding the hilt of the sword began to make a scratching sound.

If this sword strikes, she may die.

It was death in the true sense, with her soul scattered and no body intact. Even if there was one, Heaven would not let her go, because even she herself would never let go of an enemy to lay the foundation for future trouble.

But she was smiling almost maniacally, her face trembling wildly, so what if she died.

She, Su Yan, cannot learn to bow her head.

The sword in her hand made a sword sound, and she stroked it gently, as if caressing her lover.

In an instant, her decadent momentum increased greatly, and she was as unstoppable as the sword in her hand. She cut a way out, and the fire was wrapped around her hands and waist everywhere, like poisonous snakes corroding her skin and muscles, making her She surrendered.

However, the light of the Sky-Destroying Sword flashed across his neck, and bright red blood flowed down.

While his illness was killing him, she passed him by, turned around and struck him with a sword, catching him off guard.

He didn't expect that even if Su Sezi was nearing his final stage, he could still exert such power.

But she endured the discomfort in her body and the severe pain in her soul, and headed towards the protected Zhao Ruohan.

Zhao Ruohan raised her head in a daze. From her scarlet eyes, she saw that her beautiful appearance was so dull. She was still immersed in the sadness that she was a container and couldn't get out.

It turns out that for so long, Shen Chengyi had always treated her falsely.

Oh no, he didn't even care about trying to please her, she would stay by his side like a dog.

"Su Yan, kill him, help me kill him!" Her face began to become ferocious due to betrayal, and the blood on her face made her look like a demon.

But she still shouted loudly: "Su Yan, kill him, kill him for me."

She didn't have time to talk to Zhao Ruohan, so she put her hand on top of her head without saying a word.

The anger in Zhao Ruohan's heart suddenly disappeared. She could feel that her soul was being sucked away by something. It was as if her soul was being tossed around in a washing machine. It was very uncomfortable and made her want to vomit.

At the same time, bone-deep pain came from his limbs, as if they had been broken alive.

"Zhao Ruohan, does occupying someone else's body make you so happy? Now it's time for you to pay the debt." Su Yan looked at her distorted face and said indifferently.

The fire behind her came towards Su Yan overwhelmingly, intending to destroy her completely. Under her hand, a female figure began to slowly pull out of the body. It looked slow, but there were already a few spots on Su Yan's forehead. He was sweating profusely and his soul began to collapse.

The soul began to struggle continuously. It was a completely different appearance from the body of 'Zhao Ruohan', with mung bean eyes, garlic nose, back lips, square face, and there were traces of black energy on the soul.

She cursed ferociously: "Go away, I asked you to kill Shen Chengyi, not me."

"Ahhhhh! Don't touch me, this is my body!"

"Go away."

But no matter what, her soul was still being torn out bit by bit.

And as her soul state appeared, she could also see a girl with a beautiful face floating beside her. This was the real Zhao Ruohan.

"! Aren't you dead?"


Zhao Ruohan stared at her with hatred in his eyes.

After she took over her body, she was squeezed out of her body and wandered around the world, watching her insult her parents and kill them, and watching her use her body to seduce some pretty men.

She had long hated it.

But after 'Zhao Ruohan' looked at her, the power of her soul became stronger, and most of the soul that had been pulled out retracted back. Zhao Ruohan quickly went up to help Su Yan, pulling her hair back and saying, "Get out of my body!"

"Host, please be gentle. Heaven will not make things difficult for you. I don't have enough energy to take you away now." As Su Yan became weaker, even the system felt the decline of his body, which was specifically reflected in its body. The white hair is no longer as smooth and supple.

Su Yan didn't speak, and his men didn't stop moving.

"Host, if you do this again, you will really die! Are you crazy?" It began to shout loudly, trying to wake her up in this way.

"Okay, okay, I won't care about you anymore, just do whatever you want."

Shen Chengyi lost his smile a long time ago, and his left hand began to tremble and blood dripped continuously. He came towards Su Yan as if he was crazy: "Don't touch her!"

This is the body he prepared for the eldest lady.

The surrounding fire fluctuated with his mood, overwhelmingly heading towards her, but carefully avoiding the body of 'Zhao Ruohan'.

But the overwhelming fire seemed to be blocked by something and could no longer move forward.

She couldn't see it, but behind her was a Buddhist monk who was meditating. He opened his eyes and looked at her back, and said with a low smile: "So you are here!"

Then he looked at the system and said, "Help her. She must be working hard after such a long time."

The system looked at him and was so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth: "You, you, you!"

How could you be here!
How could you possibly come out!
He is obviously a small-world person.

He smiled and put his hand to his lips: "Don't tell her, this is your little secret."

The person he had been thinking about for so long was clearly in front of him, but he couldn't take a step forward. He had no choice. This was just one of his countless small fragments. It was the responsibility of every fragment of him to find her, find her, and protect her.

The fire light was blocked by the Buddha's light and could not move forward. However, in Shen Chengyi's eyes, it was blocked for some reason, and even he could not take even half a step forward.

Gradually he is slowly disappearing.

There was no emotion in his eyes, he just looked at her quietly.

When he disappeared at the last moment, he whispered: "You succeeded."

You succeeded, broke my Buddha heart, and avenged her.

It disturbed my Buddha mind and ruined my practice.

But I still can't blame you.

That's all, as long as I can protect you for a moment, that's fine.

The last thing that disappeared was his eyes. He finally closed them and disappeared into the world.

"Get out of here!" She growled in a low voice, using hard force on her hands to finally pull out the struggling 'Zhao Ruohan'.

With his backhand, he pushed back the soul that wanted to rush up and bite 'Zhao Ruohan'.

The soul of another world still carries a golden light.

She sneered: "Are you worthy?"

Raising her hand and placing it between Zhao Ruohan's eyebrows, golden light continued to fly from her eyebrows into her fingertips, nourishing and repairing her soul.

The fire around her became more and more intense, forming a circle around her, but she remained leisurely and did not intend to resist.

Instead, he closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, there was only deep hatred and indifference left: "Shen Chengyi!"

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