Chapter 119 All I think about is you
She led Zhu Yan to the tree, tied him tightly, turned and smiled at Liu Ran at the door.

"Miss Liu, I need to go out for something. Can you help me keep an eye on him?"

Liu Ran rarely saw her looking so friendly and friendly. First he stared warily, and then looked at Zhu Yan.

Biting her lip, she really couldn't resist the temptation of being alone with Zhu Yan, so she nodded hesitantly and accepted.

Lin Susu was satisfied, leaned forward and raised her lips at Zhu Yan, whispering in his ear.

"You should stay with Miss Liu today. By the way, I will set boundaries for her to ensure that no butterflies or insects can harm her."

She exchanged a pair of finger-sized bells from the mall, handed one to him, and raised her eyebrows.

"Whenever you give in, ring the bell and I will come and help you untie it. However, you have to say you were wrong and apologize to me to prove your sincerity."

After the girl finished speaking, she proudly shook the bell in her hand at him. The one in Zhu Yan's hand jingled as she shook it.

In the mall, you can shake the bell at will and the bell will ring if you shake the heart bell, and vice versa.

The young man gave her an unclear look, his eyes dark, he squeezed the bell in his hand and lowered his eyes.

"It doesn't have to be like this, I apologize, I was wrong!"

Lin Susu, "..."

The corners of her mouth twitched and she said disdainfully, "Can you have some backbone?!"

Zhu Yan sneered and slowly moved his eyes to her face, "What is the backbone? I don't need it! I don't want to face this woman for a moment!!"

He looked at Liu Ran violently, with murderous intent almost overflowing from his eyes.

Liu Ran's face turned pale, he took a few steps back and said angrily, "I don't even care to look at you! Humph!"

She stamped her feet, turned around and ran out of the door.

Lin Susu was speechless for a moment, looking at the bell in her hand and thinking, is this a waste of money?
Although it’s not much, maybe you can have a good talk with the system and return it!

She looked at what Zhu Yan was holding in her palm and reached out to pick it out.

"What are you doing?" Zhu Yan frowned warily and clenched his hands tightly.

Lin Susu looked at him with a funny look, "This is my thing. If you don't use it, you should return it to me!"

After saying that, he continued to break it off. Zhu Yan's slender fingers were so strong that the veins bulged. He gritted his teeth slightly and resisted with all his strength.

This woman is too strong!
After some extreme pulling, Lin Susu was speechless and held her forehead, her heart aching with anger, "If you don't give it to me, do you believe I will break your fingers off?!"

Zhu Yan glared at her and sneered, his eyes full of arrogance and gloom.

"Once something is in my hands, there is no reason to give it back!"

Lin Susu was surprised, "I didn't see it, Zhu Yan, do you still have the potential to be a bandit?"

The young man raised his jaw provocatively, with an evil look in his brows, "I'm certainly not as good as you!"


Lin Susu laughed angrily, circling anxiously with her hands on her hips. After a long while, she crossed her arms and came to him, raising her brows playfully.

"I am a bandit. You only know now. Isn't it too late?!"

After saying that, he stared at Zhu Yan with pride and ruthlessness, wanting to see how angry and helpless he was.

However, the young man in front of her had no expression. He looked at her coldly, still holding the bell tightly in his hand as if protecting a treasure.

Lin Susu felt bored and snorted, "Isn't it just a broken bell! This young lady will be considered a thief!"

She raised her feet and was about to walk into the house when the young man's gloomy voice came from behind, "The rope! You said you would untie it when I apologized!"

Lin Susu paused, turned her head impatiently, raised her hand, and the rope that could not be broken no matter what, instantly turned into smoke and dissipated.

"I'm telling you, don't even think about running away. I can catch you once, but I can catch you twice!!"

She threatened viciously.

Zhu Yan squeezed the bell tightly, rubbed his numb wrists that were bound, and remained silent.

Lin Susu entered the room, took out the robe that was on the table in the morning and stuffed it into his arms.

"Go change it!"

Zhu Yan glanced at her, took the robe and entered the room next to her.

Lin Susu sat under the big tree in the courtyard, opened the system panel, and browsed out of boredom.

Suddenly I saw the previous long-term task panel.

Teach the villain to read and learn calligraphy, and you will be rewarded with one hundred coins for each level up.

She touched her chin, she had nothing to do anyway, it was her turn to patrol tomorrow, so why not spend some money on Zhu Yan today?

Just do it as soon as you think of it. Lin Susu called her servant and asked him to prepare pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and the great laws of the Zhou Dynasty.

Then he practiced calligraphy in the house while waiting for Zhu Yan.When Zhu Yan stood in front of her again, the ends of his hair were wet, and there seemed to be a faint vapor lingering all over his body. It was obvious that he had taken a bath.

Lin Susu clicked her tongue secretly. She didn't know how this misfortune grew. She had a clean face, but it seemed as if it had been carefully decorated with heavy makeup. It was so gorgeous that it was so beautiful.

"come over."

She patted the empty seat next to her and smiled friendly.

Zhu Yan looked at her subconsciously, and the wariness in his expression was not too obvious.

After thinking about it, he walked over and sat down, and then Lin Susu handed him a copy of Da Zhou Lu.

The page of the book also opens to the chapter on litigation.

Those who commit murder will be sentenced to three years in prison.Those who have been injured are hanged; those who have been killed are beheaded...the one who created the intention, even if he cannot do it, is still the leader. (Note 1)
His cold eyebrows glanced over lightly, wondering what she wanted to do?
Lin Susu held her chin up and smiled brightly, "Take a good look, murder... is illegal!"

Zhu Yan, "..."

The girl eagerly took a piece of rice paper and stuffed it with a brush.

"Come on, copy this paragraph a few times to make it easier to remember!"

Zhu Yan held the pen in his hand and was silent for a long time before speaking stiffly, "I can't write!"

Lin Susu was stunned, "You have been practicing for so long before! Stop pretending!"

As he spoke, he took his hand and moved it to the paper, "Write quickly!"

Zhu Yan frowned and asked suspiciously, "When did I practice calligraphy?"

Lin Susu stared at him in shock, a little in disbelief, "You just lost your memory, you are not mentally retarded! Forget about people, even words?"

She was so angry that she didn't know what to say, and she was sure that Zhu Yan was pretending just to go against her!

Zhu Yan clenched the pen in her hand, her eyes staring into the void, "I really don't remember, I forgot someone, and everything about her."

He turned his head, with unspeakable complexity in his eyes, "It's you, right? Lin Susu, I can feel it, it's you!"

The young man gradually became disgusted, "Let me forget about you, Lin Susu, how cruel are you?"

The ends of his eyes were red, and he looked at Lin Susu angrily, and his slender brush was almost broken.

Lin Susu stared at him for a long time, but finally couldn't stand the blame, and gritted her teeth.

"I might as well tell you that the reason why you lost your memory is because of yourself! Not only that, you also erased my memory!"

She stretched out her finger, poked his chest, and condemned, "Did you know that when I woke up from the boat that day, I was completely confused because I had lost a lot of memories!"

"Zhu Yan, I haven't settled the score with you yet, so it would be better for you to beat me up! Do you want to be shameless?!"

Zhu Yan was stunned for a long time, and finally his eyes turned red, "Impossible! There is no way I can do this! Lin Susu, you liar!"

As he spoke, his old habit relapsed, and he stretched out his hand to strangle her neck, his whole body trembling and going crazy.

The girl kicked her over, and the young man fell to the ground groaning, his eyes still staring fiercely at her face.

Lin Susu's face was not as ugly as usual, and she said angrily, "You can't be? That's the fact. Why do you think you won't do this? If I hadn't been determined, I would have forgotten all about it!"

Zhu Yan covered his chest, stood up, and stared at her sadly.

He clearly felt in his heart how much he longed to spend time with the girl in front of him. How could he do such a thing!

She was clearly this vicious woman. She was merciless and cruel to him. It was clearly her doing. She wanted to abandon him!

This liar, this liar...

The young man's nose was sore and his heart was so tight that even taking a breath was painful and his whole body was shaking.

Lin Susu was stared at by his hateful and hateful eyes. She thought about it and felt that it was useless to talk about it. He didn't believe it at all.

After taking a few deep breaths to adjust his mentality, he said calmly, "No matter who did this, let's just talk about the fact that you forgot how to write. You just forgot about me. Why did you also forget the words? "

"Zhu Yan, you just don't want to write. Do you want to go against me?"

The more she talked, the angrier she became. Lin Susu began to fumble around for a whip.

The system suddenly said, "If all he thinks about when practicing calligraphy is you, then he will indeed forget everything."

Lin Susu stopped and looked up at the young man in front of her. She was speechless for a while.

Look at the sinister and surly look he was glaring at her right now. This bastard was probably thinking about how to kill her all the time when he was practicing calligraphy!

She was really confused before, she actually thought that Zhu Yan liked her.

After a long time, Lin Susu asked the system in a trembling voice, "Didn't I do it in vain before? Do I have to start over again?"

She stared at Zhu Yan in front of her bitterly, trembling with anger.

This...this scourge!
Note 1: The content is selected from "Tang Lv Shu Yi"

Author: Changsun Wuji
(End of this chapter)

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