The jade coffin with its lid lifted lay between a person and a demon, empty.

The Demon Emperor closest to the jade coffin just glanced casually and then looked away.


Luo Jiuqiu observed Qi Wu's reaction and curled his lips with a cold smile.

Thinking carefully about Demon Emperor Qiwu, he is very weird, especially every time he encounters Luo Jiuqiu, whenever he wants to start a fight, he is just like soy sauce and never uses his ultimate move.

For example, right now, there are many formations in the Demon Palace. Demon Emperor Qiwu clearly has the advantage, but he refuses to take the initiative to attack. Luo Jiuqiu took action before he resisted. When Luo Jiuqiu stopped, he stopped too.

Luo Jiuqiu couldn't figure out whether Qi Wu was too confident in himself, or if there was something seriously wrong with him.

As for Mr. Qiwu, he pretended to be infatuated and looked at Luo Jiuqiu, but he was ignored by Luo Jiuqiu.

Luo Jiuqiu felt that pretending to be infatuated and so on were all leftover from her early years. 700 years ago, didn't she start by pretending to be affectionate when dealing with Yunfu?

Luo Jiuqiu pointed to the empty jade coffin with puppet silk and asked again: "Qiwu, where did the person in the coffin go?"

Qi Wu was silent again, apparently not wanting to say anything.

Luo Jiuqiu narrowed his eyes slightly and became impatient.

Qi Wu quickly glanced at Luo Jiuqiu's expression, his eyelashes slightly drooping, and when he raised his eyes again, there was a look of shock on Qi Wu's face.

Qi Wu finally spoke and said, "I don't know. This jade coffin is actually empty. I didn't even notice it."

Luo Jiuqiu snorted coldly.

Qi Wu's acting skills were too poor, his answers were too stiff, and the word "suspicious" was written all over his face.

Qi Wu probably also knew that his response was weak, but he believed in the creed that as long as he deceived himself, he could deceive everyone, so he added tenaciously.

Qi Wu said: "Yes, I have no idea what happened."

Luo Jiuqiu said: "Qi Wu, I find that you are very similar to me, a fake great disciple, and you are in the same state of need."

Bai He, who was named, looked a little confused.

Qi Wu's heart skipped a beat, and he glanced at Bai He beside him, and then said, "Really? Sorry, I don't understand."

Luo Jiuqiu rubbed his wrist and said, "It doesn't matter, I'll just beat you until you understand."

Luo Jiuqiu said and took action again.

Demonic energy overflowed from Luo Jiuqiu's body, and black mist filled the air.

Countless puppet threads flashed out, intertwined into a network, and pounced on Qi Wu next to the jade coffin.

Qi Wu dodged for a moment, and the puppet silk screen continued to cast its force, trapping the empty jade coffin and coffin lid.

Luo Jiuqiu tugged on his hand and picked up the empty jade coffin that had just been thrown out.

The jade coffin was in mid-air, with the coffin lid closed, and Luo Jiuqiu put it into the space ring.

At the same time, the puppet's mercerized mesh transformed and condensed into a shining whip.

Luo Jiuqiu whipped out his whip, and it actually brought lightning.

The long whip crackled and moved rapidly like a spiritual snake, attacking Qiwu again.

Qi Wu didn't dare to be careless and quickly dodged to avoid it, but he didn't expect the long whip to follow him as if it had eyes. It kept changing directions, twisting and turning, and unexpectedly, the tail of the whip turned and hit Qi Wu. Wu's face.


There was a muffled sound, the tail of the whip was discharged, sparks flew everywhere, and a black mark was drawn out of Qi Wu's cheek.


There was a sound of lightning, and the aroma of burnt flesh came.

Luo Jiuqiu pulled hard, and a bunch of tiny barbs sprouted out of the whip's tail, instantly tearing off a bloody piece of flesh from Qiwu's cheek.

Luo Jiuqiu threw the bloody thing away in disgust, raised his eyebrows provocatively and asked, "Are you still going to fight?" Qi Wu was about to fight back, but was stunned when he heard this question and stopped his movements instantly.

Qi Wu's face was covered with blood, his skin and flesh were turned open, his cheek was damaged, and he said calmly: "It's up to you."

At this time, other people present also saw something unusual.

There is obviously something seriously wrong with this Demon Emperor Qiwu.

It would be strange for an ordinary person to be beaten like this, with his face disfigured, and not go crazy. What's more, the demons are violent in nature, have a strong desire for revenge, and have the strongest bloodthirsty among all races. As for Qi Wu, as the Demon Emperor, his face was maimed by Luo Jiuqiu, but he didn't reveal even a trace of murderous intent.

When Luo Jiuqiu stopped, the Demon Emperor stopped and refused to hit him one more time.

For a moment, the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Many sizing eyes focused on Demon Emperor Qiwu. The latter had an expressionless face, and the flesh and blood on his cheeks healed automatically.

Murong Xun came over, with a teasing look on his face, and whispered: "He doesn't really like you, does he? It looks like true love to me."

Luo Jiuqiu said: "You strangled me and almost killed me, but I didn't retaliate at all. I truly love you."

A trace of murderous intent spread instantly along with the cold and icy smoke.

Murong Xun trembled and shouted quickly: "You and I are innocent, don't talk nonsense!"

After saying that, Murong Xun quickly moved away from Luo Jiuqiu, jumping faster than a rabbit.


Luo Jiuqiu chuckled lightly, turned around and raised an eyebrow at Yun Fu, who was feeling cold all over his body. Then he pulled him over, stood on tiptoes and kissed the corner of his cold lips.

Yunfu squinted his eyes, and the cold mist that rose up on his body slowly dissipated.

Luo Jiuqiu kissed him on the lips again, then threw him away after kissing him.

Yunfu was calmed down very well.

The moving humanoid iceberg returned to normal in an instant.

The temperature in the hall warmed up.

Murong Xun secretly gave a thumbs up, admiring Luo Jiuqiu.

Murong Xun looked at Demon Emperor Qiwu on the other side, and saw that His Majesty the Demon Emperor had lowered his eyelids at some point, and could only see his cold handsome face, which seemed to be completely untroubled. But if you look closely, her jawline seems to be a little tight.

Luo Jiuqiu asked Qiwu: "It seems that you are not going to tell the truth."

Qi Wu said: "I can tell you alone."

Qi Wu's words instantly angered Yun Fu.

Almost at the same time, two figures, one black and one white, passed by Luo Jiuqiu's side.

In an instant, there was a loud "bang" sound, and two terrifying forces collided, causing a huge air wave that almost blew everyone present away.

Luo Jiuqiu's three disciples lowered their bodies and grabbed the ground. White marks were dug out on the ground before they could stabilize their bodies.

Murong Xun was in a terrible situation. Because he was too focused on watching the show, he was accidentally lifted up by the blast of air. His back hit the ceiling with a "bang", and then he fell heavily to the ground, face down, and he fell so hard that stars appeared in his eyes. .

Luo Jiuqiu covered his eyes with contempt and speechlessness.

In the distance, Yun Fu and Qi Wu were intertwined. Their swords were slashing at each other, and their spells were clashing. The floor was shattered into slag, and the blood in the blood pool was stirring and rolling.

The whole hall was shaking.

Yunfu raised his hand and waved, endless ice peaks grew out of thin air, and countless spikes broke through the ground, all attacking Qiwu.

Qi Wu didn't hesitate to use his big moves to deal with Luo Jiuqiu's surprise. He instantly raised his hand to draw a black hole and summoned a black spear burning with blazing flames.

A sword in one hand and a spear in the other. The black horn on Qi Wu's head glowed faintly, and in an instant, the black horn shot out a black light towards Yun Fu.

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