Chapter 150 Naming
If they can become saints, 10 years will not be their end.This discovery made the 1-year-old scale beast very excited. She knew that her talent was not good, and even if she turned into a human form, she would not be able to increase her upper limit. Therefore, if she wanted to break through the upper limit of her cultivation, she still needed to rely on the Lord of Light.

Now that she was told that as long as she was pious, she could purify her bloodline. Naturally, she was very excited. However, she naturally had to try the purification of her bloodline herself. After all, the only way to see the effect was to try it herself.

She tried it and finally found that it was indeed feasible. Therefore, she was extremely grateful to the Lord of Light, and her belief level naturally reached the level of a fanatic believer.

After the four of them got dressed, MiG turned around again and turned his attention to the four of them.Perhaps as the saying goes, each other is born from the heart. When the three soul beasts were about to expire, they directly transformed into the image of the old man. As for the remaining 1-year-old scale beast, it transformed into an old man. The image of a young and beautiful woman, but she does look pretty good-looking. After all, it is a woman's nature to love beauty.

"Thank you Lord of Light for your great kindness!" The four soul beasts knelt in front of the statue and said in unison.

MiG didn't have much reaction to this. His purpose of coming to Sunset Forest this time had been completed, and it was already getting late, so MiG said: "Okay, everyone, get up and leave Sunset with me." Forest!”

After hearing MiG's words, the seven soul beasts said in unison: "No."

Immediately, Miguel took Dagleis and prepared to leave the forest. After seeing the rest of the people, they all followed Miguel and left the Sunset Forest.On the way back to Tiandou City, Maria said: "Your Highness, the Holy Son, could you give the four of them names?"

MiG nodded, and then began to think about what names to give these four soul beasts. After thinking about it, MiG couldn't think of any good names. In the end, MiG decided to pick one at random, so he said: "King Kong The bear’s name is Sha Lin, the ghost tiger’s name is Karl, the male scale beast’s name is Roger, and the female scale beast’s name is Xuan Na.”

"Thank you, His Highness the Holy Son, for the name!"

"Shalin, what are your plans after arriving in the human world?" MiG asked curiously.

"As His Highness the Holy Son orders!" Salin said to MiG who was very respectful.

"What about the rest?" "We, husband and wife, just want to practice well!" Roger said.

"We, husband and wife, also obey His Royal Highness the Holy Son's orders."

"I also obey His Royal Highness the Holy Son's orders!"

"Right now, I don't have anything important that I need you to do. Salas, after returning to the Spirit Temple, you first arrange for someone to teach them the common sense of the human world."


Then MiG stopped talking, and the others had no intention of continuing, so it was very quiet along the way.After MiG returned to Wuhun Temple, he found a place to eat and had dinner. After dinner, MiG and Dagles went back to their bedroom to rest.

Time flew by, and two days passed in the blink of an eye, and in the morning two days later, MiG's nominal teacher Bibi Dong came to Tiandou City.After Bibi Dong arrived at Wuhun Temple, Salas sent someone to inform MiG. After getting the news, MiG also stopped practicing, and then MiG took Dagleis to find Bibi Dong.

After seeing MiG, Bibi Dong asked eagerly: "Mig, where is the titled Douluo you mentioned? She hasn't come yet?"

"We're here, teacher, are you ready to face Qian Renxue?" Miguel asked calmly.

After hearing Miguel's words, Bibi Dong was stunned. She couldn't say whether she was ready or not. At this time, she was in a state of confusion. She wanted to tell Qian Renxue what happened. She wanted Qian Renxue to understand why she hated her so much, but she didn't dare to tell her because she was afraid that Qian Renxue didn't want to understand her. After all, when Qian Renxue was young, she left such a shadow on Qian Renxue. Deep!
 Thanks to 懇べ660179960 for the two red beans, to logo and lb for the one red bean, to the God of Eternal Sleep for the four red beans, and to etugcfuijgfg for the six red beans.

(End of this chapter)

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