Chapter 232 Newspapers
After the incident in the Star Luo Empire, the Star Luo Empire immediately refuted the rumors, saying that someone was framed to cause harm and sow discord. What they said made sense. This also led to the vast majority of the civilians in the Star Luo Empire believing it. Of course, those It is unclear whether the nobles (all nobles of the two empires) and Wuhun Palace believe it.

Due to the conflict between the two countries, the common people and even the small nobles on the entire continent became nervous for a while. As for the big nobles, they still lived as they wanted. After all, in their view, as long as Wuhun Palace existed for one day, the two empires There is no way to fight, and even if there is a fight, it will not be a big deal. The governance of the two empires cannot be separated from them.

Time soon came to the third day, and residents on the mainland discovered that the content of today's newspapers had changed again. This time, the contents of Wuhun Daily included evidence of crimes that had not been listed last time, people's livelihood, and major officials of the two empires. Sexy news and more!
With the release of Wuhun Daily, more and more forces have realized the importance of newspapers. Under such a situation, Tiandou Daily, Xingluo Daily and even Qibao Daily came into being.

However, the two empires are on guard against each other, which makes it difficult for newspapers published by the two empires to reach each other's countries. As for the Qibao Daily, it is closely attached to the Qibao Chamber of Commerce. The main theater of the Qibao Chamber of Commerce is in the Tiandou Empire, and the influence of the Star Luo Empire is small. This also caused Qibao Daily to be distributed in parts of the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

Gossip is human nature, so among these four types of newspapers, the residents of Soul Beast Continent like to read the most erotic news about nobles.The leaders of the two empires believed that spreading rosy news about nobles was detrimental to governing the country. Ning Fengzhi was a well-rounded person and was unwilling to offend those nobles. Therefore, Tiandou Daily, Xingluo Daily and Qibao Daily focused on whitewashing the peace and helping those nobles. The nobles cover.

At the same time, the three of them are still there to grasp Wuhundian's mistakes and publicize Wuhundian's scandal.However, Wuhun Palace's scandals are all found in Wuhun Daily, and Wuhun Daily is factual and does not add fuel to the fire like those three newspapers.

After a period of screening, the residents of Soul Beast Continent are relatively more willing to believe the content in Wuhun Daily.In addition, both Tiandou Daily and Xingluo Daily passed through the hands of nobles, which also caused the prices of these two newspapers to be a bit expensive and ordinary people simply could not afford them.

Although Qibao Daily is relatively cheap, the Qibao Chamber of Commerce is, after all, a chamber of commerce organization that aims to make profits. However, compared to the price of Wuhun Daily, it is still a bit expensive, and most civilians simply cannot afford it.

Although the price of Wuhun Daily is close to the people, 90.00% of the civilians in Soul Beast Continent are illiterate. At this time, the reporter arranged by Wuhun Palace comes into play. It is for these reasons that Wuhun Daily The scope of communication can be said to be the widest.

On the fourth day of Wuhun Daily's publication, the newspaper wrote about the differences between Ice Palace Bank and Qibao Bank, Tiandou Bank, and Xingluo Bank.Because Ice Palace was powerful and An Yue was comparable to a nuclear weapon, even Emperor Xingluo wanted to give Ice Palace a face and let Ice Palace's banks open throughout the continent.

Star Luo Empire, Tian Dou Empire and Qibao Glazed Sect saw that the bank was making so much money, so these three forces started to think of opening their own banks.In the end, banks were opened, but they were unable to open across the entire continent. However, even so, the three major forces were satisfied.

But it didn't take long for the three major banks to cause trouble. The managers of Tiandou Bank and Xingluo Bank were all nobles, and most of the nobles were greedy. This also led to them seeing the Golden Soul Coin in the bank. In the future, I want to put gold soul coins in my pocket.

(End of this chapter)

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