I am the Lord of Light in Douluo Continent

Chapter 264 Why Belief in God Can’t Become a Great Divine Power

Chapter 264 Why Belief in God Can’t Become a Great Divine Power

Daglais once had a conspiracy theory, believing that the mother of the gods, the mother of the God of Faith, Yuctrasil, the God of Life and Elves, deliberately kept a secret when teaching faith in God.

Daglas informed MiG of his doubts. After hearing this, MiG praised Daglas for daring to question.By consulting the memories of the Lord of Light, MiG finally came to the conclusion that there are two reasons why it is difficult to enter the great divine power with the cultivation of believers in the gods.

First, belief in the gods is the power of belief, and failure is also the power of belief.Everything that believes in the gods is forged by the power of faith, which also results in the soul of those who believe in the gods being inevitably contaminated by the power of faith.

As we all know, faith is poisonous. Even if the gods are removed cleanly, the power of faith will still have residual poison. The remnants of the power of faith in the soul will lead to the impure souls of the gods. If you want to break through to the great divine power, you need to have a pure soul. After all, only a pure soul can be in harmony with the law.

Although the Law Gods, that is, the ancient gods, also use the power of faith, they do not become gods through faith after all. The difference between having the power of faith and not having the power of faith is not very big, so not many ancient gods care about the power of faith.

In addition, the ancient gods are more resistant to the power of faith, such as the Lord of Darkness. His divine power comes from various negative energies in the world. The impurities contained in the power of faith are nutrients for him, as long as Instead of constantly absorbing negative energy beyond its own limits, these negative energies would not have any impact on the Lord of Darkness.

Other Law Gods are not as resistant to the poison of faith as the Lord of Darkness. However, as long as they do not overuse the power of faith in daily life, the poison of Faith will not have any impact on the purity of the Soul of the Law God.

Secondly, the Kingdom of God is of great significance to the God of Belief. The God of Belief becomes a god by faith, and his understanding of laws is inherently inferior to that of the God of Laws. This also results in the God of Belief being unable to fully grasp the laws contained in the Godhead. Complete control of one's own godhead will also cause the godhead to cause great oppression to the souls who believe in God.

In addition, the God of Faith is born of faith. Even if the godhead and divine fire are eliminated, the remaining poison of faith will infect one's soul. Although the God of Faith has certain resistance to the poison of faith, the God of Faith has a certain resistance to the poison of faith. The resistance to poison is really minimal.

At the same time, belief in gods can also eliminate the influence of the poison of faith by making wishes, but the way of making wishes is really unreliable. Not many gods are willing to work hard to fulfill the wishes of believers. After all, the majesty of gods is They are not allowed to respond to requests, and responding to requests will also lead to a weakening of believers' respect for God and a decline in their faith level, which can be said to be fatal to belief in God.

But when the poison of faith accumulates to a certain extent, faith in God can no longer withstand any more poison of faith. At this time, if there is more poison of faith, faith in God is very likely to gradually become faith in the eyes of believers. Gods, some may even suffer from certain deformities.

Yectrasil, who was revered by the gods of faith as the mother of faith, naturally could not leave the gods of faith alone. After multiple experiments and discussions with the gods of faith, she finally concluded that the mother of faith, the mother of life and faith, was The elven god Yectrasil found a solution, using his kingdom to carry the poison of faith.

A god's carrying capacity for the poison of faith is limited, but a world's carrying capacity for the poison of faith is definitely far greater than that of a god, not to mention that a world can purify part of the poison of faith every year, so unless the level of the kingdom of God is much lower Due to the level of Shen Zhuan, otherwise the poison of faith would never be able to exceed the load of the Kingdom of God.

After confirming the treatment method, the gods of faith combined the original container of the poison of faith, that is, the container of the power of faith, with the kingdom of God.

(End of this chapter)

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