Chapter 289 Human Smoke
Although it comforted itself that the picture played by MiG was fake, its sixth sense told it that if it did not leave with MiG and the others, this would be its own future.

After much thought, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger decided to leave the Star Dou Forest. Although it was a little moved, it decided to put the ugly words first and be polite before attacking.When the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was about to say something, MiG directly used his divine calculation function to quickly generate a contract that he was satisfied with and was friendly to the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger and handed it to the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

Although the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger did not understand the words on the contract, it strangely understood the contents of the contract. Because of this, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger understood that what his sixth sense told him was very likely to be true. , after signing the contract, it is very likely that you will be bound by the contract.

After the shock, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger began to carefully check the contents of the contract to prevent MiG from digging a hole for it.After carefully checking the contents of the contract, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger did not find anything that was wrong or needed to be modified. Therefore, after reading the contents of the contract, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger pressed his claws on the contract. .

After the contract was completed, MiG took out his scepter and clicked it towards the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and then a stream of light rushed towards the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.After a period of painful torture, the Dark Devilgod Tiger transformed into a human form.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

"You deserve this. By the way, the hidden dangers in your body have not been cleared out yet, but you can only clean them up after returning to Wuhun Palace! Also, you already have a human form, so you should also have a human body Name, why don’t you just call me Nasser!”

"Thank you, His Highness the Holy Son, for giving me my name!"

"Brother, where are we going now?"

"Keep going in this direction!"


After seeing MiG and others preparing to leave, the Dark Demon Tiger Nasser directly returned to his original form, bent his legs, and knelt down.MiG was very satisfied with the understanding of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger and directly pulled Dagleis to sit on it.

Following the direction indicated by MiG, MiG and his group gradually moved away from the Star Forest.After walking for a while, MiG and the others noticed a crowd of people ahead. "Brother, should we go there or go around directly?"

"Go over and ask for directions!"

When preparing to set off, MiG realized that there was a gathering area of ​​​​human beings in front of him. After soul beasts like the Dark Demon Evil Tiger passed by like this, they would probably scare people. Then MiG instilled the method of transformation into the white tiger, and the white tiger After a period of pain, Father Luke turned into a human and gave him a set of clothes, then ignored him.

"Nasser, you will also turn into a human form. As for Netherworld, I will shrink your size and let Xiaobai hold you."


No one had any problems with MiG's arrangement, and MiG didn't waste any time. He directly chanted the shrinking spell and reduced Youming's size to the size of a kitten. Xiaobai immediately stepped forward and carefully picked up Youming.

After that, MiG led everyone towards the direction of the crowd.It didn't take long for them to see someone farming in the fields. However, after they saw MiG and his party, a young and strong young man left quietly. As for the others, they were also very reserved. I didn't even dare to come up and say hello.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, Miguel was not angry and walked directly towards the village.When they reached the entrance of the village, they saw the young man who had just left running over carrying an old man on his back.

When he saw that MiG and his party had arrived at the entrance of the village, the old man immediately asked the young man to put him down. After arranging his clothes, he said very respectfully: "I didn't know that a distinguished guest has come. I am sorry to welcome you from afar! I hope you will come from afar!" Forgive me!"

"Grandpa, we are from Wuhun Palace. We went to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for souls, but unfortunately we got lost. Now we finally walked out of the forest and saw people here, so we came to ask for the direction of this place."

(End of this chapter)

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