Chapter 304 Blessing
Lan Yin was moved by the sincerity of Lan Yincao and the others. For a moment, Lan Yin decided that this blessing should not be perfunctory.Lan Yin took fifty drops of non-attributed divine power from MiG. Through the life scepter, all of it was now converted into life divine power. With the original blessing, Lan Yin decided to make do with ten drops of divine power. Now Lan Yin Since he decided not to make do with it, he naturally had to spend a little more life power. Finally, after careful consideration, Lan Yin decided to use forty drops of life power on the blue silver grass.

As for the remaining ten drops of life power, they are used to deal with emergencies and save lives.After thinking about everything, Lan Yin took out the life scepter MiG gave him and began to perform magic.

"Laws, baptism of life."

Then a stream of life breath rushed to all the Blue Silver Grass present. When they felt the breath of life, they began to greedily absorb the power of life.

Among the many blue silver grasses, the three blue silver kings absorbed the life breath, followed by 23 blue silver grasses, which also absorbed a lot.

In the Blue Silver Forest, many Blue Silver Grasses gave birth to spiritual wisdom due to this baptism. Among them, one Blue Silver Grass was particularly special, directly leaping from ten years of cultivation to nearly ten thousand years of cultivation.

Lan Yin pays special attention to these outstanding Blue Silver Grasses. After they accept the power of life, they will naturally be close to Lan Yin. Therefore, in the future, these will become the backbone of the Blue Silver Grass clan and their most loyal followers.

As time goes by, the breath of life gradually decreases and eventually disappears completely.After receiving Lan Yin's benefits, they supported Lan Yin as the emperor even more, and their belief levels directly broke through from the original true believers to the level of fanatic believers.

The three blue silver kings and the genius of the blue silver forest have all reached the level of half-step saints. Lan Yin estimates that as long as they can persevere, continue to strengthen their faith, and use their faith to sharpen their souls, these four blue plants will be able to reach the level of half-step saints in at most six years. Silver grass has a great potential to become a saint believer.

A total of five Blue Silver Kings were born during this baptism, and more than 200 Blue Silver Grasses gave birth to spiritual wisdom.As for the three Blue Silver Kings, their gains are quite large. At this time, their bloodline is already infinitely close to that of the Blue Silver Emperor. As long as their cultivation reaches 10 years, they can naturally become Blue Silver Emperors.

Of course, they cannot be compared with Lan Yin. It is equivalent to Lan Yin being the emperor, and the three of them are princes, and they are the kind of princes who can never betray Lan Yin.

The three Blue Silver Kings have reached more than 9 years and close to 10 years, more than 7 years and more than 5 years respectively. The progress can be said to be great, but their cultivation has progressed too fast, and their cultivation is a bit frivolous. It's time to retreat, settle down, and solidify the foundation.Lan Yin gathered all the clan members who were willing to leave, and then sent them all to the Sky City.

"Your Majesty, I wonder where this is?"

Lanfeng was very curious about this energy-rich place. He had never heard of such a place. Although a large part of the energy converted every year was deducted by MiG, after years of accumulation, the energy of the Sky City at this time The concentration has exceeded the Lake of Life where the Azure Bull Python lives.

"This city in the sky is also where you will live in the future. Here, you don't have to worry about the danger of natural disasters. But you need to become my believers and contribute your faith to me. When you become saints, I will help you Become a god and become my god.”

"Becoming a god?"

The three Blue Silver Kings are very curious about this. They must know that the Blue Silver Emperor chose to transform in order to become a god. They did not expect that they also had the hope of becoming a god. Although they were only gods, gods were gods after all.Moreover, they were originally under Lan Yin's control, but now it was only clearly stipulated, and it was no big deal to them.

"You need two things to become my god. First, your level of faith reaches the level of a saint. Second, your cultivation level reaches the peak of level 99. As long as you achieve these two points, you can achieve the status of god."

The three Blue Silver Kings couldn't believe this news at all. It could be so simple. This was something that many soul beasts longed for their whole life, but in their opinion, Lan Yin must have contributed.

(End of this chapter)

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