Chapter 313 The Gold of Life
To be honest, after MiG arrived at the gathering place of the Lanyin tribe, he saw a large area of ​​Blue Silver Grass, like a Blue Silver Forest.At first, MiG thought that Lan Yin’s tribe had gone out with Lan Yin, but upon closer inspection, Lan Yin’s tribe was practicing there. However, they resonated with the Blue Silver Grass in the entire gathering place, as if they were hidden in the blue sky. In the silver grass, it seemed to disappear.

MiG had no intention of disturbing their practice, so he waited aside. Soon Lan Yin hurried back: "What else do you want me to do?"

Having said that, after seeing Miguel's excited expression, Lan Yin guessed that this should be a good thing.But MiG didn't seem to hear Lan Yin's complaints, and took out the ore that contained the breath of life.

The moment the ore was taken out, Lan Yin was not calm at all.He is MiG's clone who majors in the rules of life, so he is more sensitive to the breath of life.Blue Silver King Lanfeng also looked shocked and stared at the ore.

"Are you going to give me this piece of ore?" Lan Yin's breath became urgent.

"Yes, I had this idea before, but in view of your dissatisfaction with me, I decided not to give it to you unless you ask me to call you daddy." MiG looked like a villain who wanted to be beaten. .

"Dad, my real dad, give it to me."

Lan Yin directly abandoned all moral integrity. This scene stunned the Blue Silver King Lan Feng. He never expected that his emperor was so shameless. The noble and elegant image of the Blue Silver Emperor in Lan Feng's heart was shattered.

Although he also felt that there was something in this stone that could help him cultivate, he did not have the same desire as Lan Yin. After all, the environmental conditions he was in now were really excellent. Even without this thing to assist him in cultivation, he could Can quickly improve cultivation level.

"Here, this is just for you, my dear son."

After saying that, MiG gave the piece of ore to Lan Yin without feeling any distress at all. After all, he already had a piece of gold of living beings. If he kept this piece in his own hands, it would be a waste. It would be better to give it to Lan Yin directly.

After that, MiG left the Sky City with Dagleis and returned to the inn room to rest.Miguel was going to let Dagleis give him a massage to relax his tired body. After all, Miguel traveled all over the metal city today and acted for almost half a day, which was very tiring.

"Your Majesty, is this ore very precious? I only felt a strong breath of life in it, but it shouldn't be worth it." Blue Silver King Lanfeng asked incomprehensively about Lan Yin's anomaly.

"No, it's worth what I do. If it wasn't precious, MiG wouldn't have sent it here in person." Lan Yin said confidently.

After finishing speaking, Lan Yin began to carefully remove the outer layer of rock. When the rock layer was removed, Lan Feng felt an extremely pure breath of life, and Lan Feng's breath began to become urgent.

"Life, life, spirit, spirit, spirit gold, gold, gold!"

Suddenly Lan Feng lost his ability to speak, and he also felt the gold of life under the stone layer.You must know that in the world of soul beasts, living gold is a very important resource. Lanfeng has lived for such a long time and has never seen living gold, let alone such a large piece, which is as big as a small millstone.

"Your Majesty, does it mean that Holy Son MiG doesn't know how valuable the gold of living beings is, so he gave it to us so easily?" Lan Feng still felt unreal.

"No, it was because he knew that this was the gold of living beings that he gave it to me. You have been in contact with me for so long, you should know that what I practice is the rules of life, and the gold of living beings is a tonic for you. , can quickly improve your cultivation. But for me, I can use it to analyze the rules of life in the Douluo world and improve the rules of life compiled by myself." Lan Yin said.

(End of this chapter)

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