I am the Lord of Light in Douluo Continent

Chapter 428 The two-person soul fight ends in an instant

Only a wolf howl was heard, and MiG felt that his spirit was shaken a little bit, but this shake was of no use to MiG. After the wolf howl ended, Zhang Qiang took the opportunity to quickly come to MiG.

"The second soul skill, the claws of the jackal."

A sharp feeling came towards MiG. MiG did not dodge and directly blocked his second soul skill with the mourning stick.

The moment he blocked Zhang Qiang's second soul skill, MiG took advantage of the situation before Zhang Qiang's new strength was fully developed and hit Zhang Qiang's waist with a stick.

As the saying goes, no matter what kind of wolf, their weakness is in the waist. As long as they hit the waist, they can easily subdue them. Although Zhang Qiang is not a wolf, his martial spirit is a wolf, so he will naturally inherit this shortcoming. .

Due to the good grade of the mourning stick and MiG's unknown brute strength, Zhang Qiang's condition declined sharply after being hit hard on the waist by MiG.

However, Zhang Qiang, as an old man on the battlefield, saw that the situation was not right, so he evacuated quickly and opened the distance between him and the MiG. The MiG was not idle, and relied on his own speed to catch up quickly. Zhang Qiang was injured in the waist and could not move. He was hindered and eventually caught up by the MiG. In the end, he had no choice but to fight with the MiG.

"This is what you forced me to do, the third soul skill, the bloodthirsty jackal."

Zhang Qiang's third soul skill is a fanatical soul skill. During the period when the soul skill is effective, the combat power is doubled and the pain disappears. However, his natural IQ will drop to the extreme and he can only remember the person he wants to kill. It is this soul skill. , allowing Zhang Qiang to turn defeat into victory many times. As for his opponent, it was miserable.

After the effect of this fanatical soul skill wears off, Zhang Qiang will be weak for three days, and the damage he suffered during the battle will not subside. Therefore, Zhang Qiang can use his third soul skill without using his third soul skill.

In his opinion, his third soul skill is a life-saving soul skill that must not be abused. After all, Zhang Qiang is always worried about losing his own sanity in exchange for combat power, fearing that if he is not careful, he will become mad in the process. He was too damaged and died directly in the ring.

Relying on his faster speed than ordinary people, MiG hit Zhang Qiang again with a stick, but Zhang Qiang did not react this time. MiG also noticed something was wrong and immediately retreated.

Maybe it was because of his fanaticism that Zhang Qiang's IQ faded, but it was precisely for this reason that after some snake-skin maneuvering, MiG just slithered around Zhang Qiang like a dog. At this time, MiG also guessed the general function of the third soul skill. Although MiG was not tough and could wait until the frenzy was over by moving, it was really a waste of time, so he immediately activated the skill on the mourning stick.

At the same time, MiG said in his mouth: "The ghost seduces the soul, and the impermanence demands the life."

He directly hit him with a stick, and Zhang Qiang calmed down instantly. However, because MiG didn't want to kill anyone, he reduced the power of the skill. It only shook his soul, but did not pull his soul out of his body directly. However, Even so, from now on, Zhang Qiang's health will be just a little worse than before.

After the MiG battle, go directly to register the score and receive the reward. Just as the waiters were counting their level scores, Dagles came over.

"How do you feel, Chang Haoling?"

"The opponent is very weak, I can easily defeat him."

MiG thinks about it, usually in the light and dark killing fields, monsters appear in groups, but now the soul fighting field is equivalent to turning on the child's retarded mode, which is very simple for Dagleis.

After registering, MiG and Dagles waited in the lounge for a while before it was their turn to fight in a double spirit battle.

This time, two against two, the opponent they met was the cat and mouse combination. After the game started, MiG saw the cat and mouse combination fall to the ground before he was ready to start.

MiG was helpless for a while. He originally wanted to have fun, but now come on, there is no chance to play. After all, the cat and mouse combination has been defeated, so he can't let himself go to whip the corpse!

MiG didn't blame Dagles for directly ending the fight. After all, Miguel didn't make it clear. Immediately after the referee announced the end of the fight, he took Dagles down.

"Badr, you are really great. You set a record. How did you develop such good skills?" Ning Rongrong asked curiously.

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