Chapter 5 Secret
It is precisely because Wuhun Palace awakens civilian soul masters that Wuhun Palace has also discovered many talented soul masters from civilian soul masters, such as the well-known Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Snake Spear Douluo and Thorn Master. Doluo Douluo, these four titled Douluo were all discovered from among the common people. Without the awakening of spirits from the Spirit Hall, they might have been buried among the vast number of common people.

After Ling Xiao absorbed the memory of the original owner, he woke up, and then heard the voice of the system: "Congratulations to the host for eliminating the hidden dangers in the body. The soul and the body are completely integrated. Even the supreme god king of this world cannot find out that the host is resurrected through a corpse. That’s it.”

"System, according to what you said, if I didn't have you, I would probably be discovered by the Supreme God King that I was resurrected from a corpse? Then why didn't Tang San be discovered by the God of the Sea and the God of Shura that he was reborn?"

"Ding, although Tang San was reborn by seizing his body, Tang San's background is that of God Shura. God Shura hated the unchanging environment of the God Realm and the constraints given to him by the framework of the divine throne. Therefore, God Shura God was in urgent need of a successor to the Shura God, but he was unwilling to give in and wanted to cultivate a successor to the strongest Shura God, so he brought Tang San's soul to Douluo Continent and let him take his body and be reborn. It even gathered most of Douluo Continent’s luck for him, making him the son of Douluo Continent’s pseudo-luck.”

"System, according to what you said, who was the original son of destiny in Douluo Continent?" Ling Xiao asked curiously.

"The reincarnation of Bibi Dong and the Angel God, Qian Renxue." The system still replied with his ruthless mechanical voice.

"Wait, the angel god has fallen?" Ling Xiao discovered a blind spot and asked.

"Ding, host, your guess is right. The Angel God has fallen for many years, and the Rakshasa God has also fallen. However, relatively speaking, the Rakshasa God is relatively more miserable, with no trace of his soul remaining. At the same time, she remains. The Rakshasa Divine Mind in the Killing City completely disappeared after plotting against Tang Chen and passing on her inheritance to Bibi Dong. Moreover, even if she did not waste her own power and pass on her inheritance to Bibi Dong, she would not be able to persist. How long has it been? After all, after the death of the Rakshasa God, the Rakshasa Divine Mind has become rootless, and the remaining energy has been in a state of constant dissipation."

"Why did the Rakshasa God and the Angel God fall?" Ling Xiao asked curiously again.

"Ding, the Rakshasa God and the Angel God fell after being attacked by a sneak attack. The first generation of the Angel God and the Rakshasa God were a pair of sisters. Unfortunately, they parted ways due to different concepts of becoming gods.

The angel god insists on the theory of good nature and believes that through education, human beings can correct their evil ways, return to the right path and become a useful person to society, while the Rakshasa god insists on the theory of evil nature and believes that human beings are born evil and can only be saved through killing. To suppress the evil desires of human beings, only if human beings are afraid can we better educate them and make their lives better.

But it is a pity that when they gathered their divine power, they all gathered a controversial divine right, which led to the disaster of death.The judgment authority of the angel god violated the authority of Shura, and the solar authority controlled the true fire of the sun, which violated the divine authority of the God of Fire.The killing power of Rakshasa God infringes on the authority of Shura God. As for the power of evil thoughts, it slightly infringes on the authority of the Evil God King. Although the Evil God King does not mind, he will not give the Rakshasa God a good look. "

"So, it seems that these sisters have really offended a lot of gods." Ling Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

Offending the God of Fire means offending the Seven Elemental Gods, offending the God of Shura means offending all the gods of the Shura God System, offending the Evil God King is equivalent to offending the Good God King, so these sisters basically control the divine world. More than half of the gods were offended.

(End of this chapter)

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