Chapter 52 Untitled
"It's very simple. Let me ask you a question. I have two types of god-given soul rings in my hand. One is a god-given soul ring made using the power of the Lord of Light. If you want this kind of soul ring, I can give it to you now. The other kind is a god-given soul ring made by using the negative energy between heaven and earth. I wonder which one you want?"

"I wonder what the difference is between these two types of god-given soul rings?" Bibi Dong asked.

"The difference is that the people who make them are different. The one that can be given to you directly is made by the Lord of Light, while the negative energy in the world is made by the Lord of Darkness. The second type of god-given soul ring is relatively more suitable for you. After all, the darkness of the Lord of Darkness The attributes are similar to yours." Father Luke said with a relaxed look.

"The Lord of Darkness? What is his relationship with the Lord of Light?" Qian Daoliu asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"The Lord of Light is the elder brother of the Lord of Darkness, and they have a very good relationship."

"Brother? I wonder what the strength of the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness is?" Bibi Dong asked.

"Their strength exceeds that of the God King. You must know that the Angel God and the Rakshasa God are both first-level gods. After the first-level gods, they are the God Kings." Father Luke said with a proud face. In fact, what Father Luke did not say was, In the Bright Continent, a two-winged angel like himself has no chance to appear in front of the Lord of Light. After all, the Lord of Light has a lot of eight-winged holy angels. A two-winged war angel like him can only live as cannon fodder. Therefore, Father Luke cherishes the opportunity he has now. Not everyone can have the power of becoming a dragon.

"Then why is my reward delayed?" Qian Daoliu asked.

"Your soul is not strong enough. If you are forced to become a god, you will be stuck at level [-] for the rest of your life. If you are willing, I will help you break through now." Father Luke threatened. said.

"Forget it then, I don't know how to increase the strength of the soul?" Qian Daoliu asked.

"The best way is to continue to sharpen your soul through faith, and wait until your faith level reaches a saint believer. However, I suggest that you believe in your granddaughter Qian Renxue, otherwise it will be difficult for you to break through and become a saint believer." Lu Father K said.

"Saint believer? Why do you choose to believe in my granddaughter? Is there any taboo in this?" Qian Daoliu asked curiously.

"Fanatical believers represent dedicating everything they have to God. They will not hesitate to give God's orders. Even if it costs their lives, they will carry out the orders without blinking an eye. Saint believers, on the other hand, are fanatics. The advanced version of a believer. If nothing else, if the person who inherits the throne of God is not your granddaughter, but someone unrelated to you, then during the ninth of the nine angel exams, are you really willing to sacrifice?" Lu Father K asked.

In fact, it wasn't just him, even Poseidon Douluo Bo Saixi was unwilling to sacrifice to a stranger.To be honest, if Tang San wasn't Tang Chen's great-grandson and Tang Chen had passed away, Bo Saixi would have been devastated. Otherwise, unless Poseidon issued a mandatory order, Bo Saixi would have tried every possible means to escape from the sacrifice. destiny.

"I forgot to mention another condition, that is, if you want to break through to level [-], you must maintain the power of faith in the Lord of Light and let the Lord of Light collect sufficient power of faith. Otherwise, there will be flaws in your breakthrough to level [-]. ” Father Luke added.

"Why?" Qian Daoliu was very curious about this.

"It's very simple. It's similar to your current situation. Great worshipper, how much soul power in your body do you think is your own? Is it half?"

"Almost only [-]% is my own." Qian Daoliu replied seriously.

"You can't completely master those soul powers from the divine test, so if you want to break through level [-], you must replace these soul powers, otherwise these soul powers will affect the concentration of your divine ring." Father Luke explained.

 It's really cold today, readers, please pay attention to keep warm

(End of this chapter)

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