Chapter 87 Untitled
It didn't take long for MiG to remember the meditation method that the system had given him at Daybreak. Daglais had a dark attribute, so the meditation method happened to be called Dark Meditation, which was better than Daglais. Adapted, so MiG took out the exercise book.

Yes, this meditation method was recorded in a book. After Miguel took it out, he handed it to Dagleis. As soon as the book came into contact with Dagleis, it turned into a stream of light. Go to Graceland.

Soon, Dagleisi finished accepting the above content. After that, Dagleisi came up directly and enthusiastically gave Miguel a hug.

"Okay, Dagles, let's practice." MiG said after coming out of Dagles' arms.

"it is good."

After Dagleis agreed, after taking care of their personal hygiene, they sat on the bed and started practicing together.After Dagleis and Miguel devoted themselves to training, the previous vision when the martial soul awakened appeared again, but this time the scope of the vision was very small, and it only circulated around Dagleis and Miguel.

In the blink of an eye, time came to three o'clock in the morning the next day. Miguel and Dagles were no longer ready to continue practicing. However, after Miguel stopped practicing, he felt very strange because of the soul power he had gained during this practice. Higher than ever.

"System, please help explain." MiG asked in his heart.

"Ding, host, your meditation method and that of Dagleis complement each other, so the efficiency of your practice has been improved to a certain extent." the system explained.

Dagleisi saw that Miguel had been in a daze after notifying him to practice, so he shook Miguel's arm and asked, "Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about why my cultivation efficiency has improved." MiG replied.

"The efficiency of training has improved? Is it because you practice with me?" Dagleis said to himself.

"It's most likely because I practice with you. After all, the techniques we practice complement each other," MiG said.

"That's it." Dagliese replied. "Dagles, let's go to bed, it's getting late!" Miguel said.

"it is good."

Then Miguel and Dagles began to sleep. When Miguel was half asleep, Dagles shook Miguel's arm and said, "Brother, I can't sleep."

"Want me to tell you a story or sing a song?" Miguel asked. In his previous life, Miguel saw other people coaxing their children this way.

"Tell me a story, I want to hear my brother tell me a story." Dagleis said coquettishly.

After hearing what Dagleis said, Miguel began to tell fairy tales to Dagleis. Gradually, Miguel became more and more drowsy, and finally he fell asleep by telling himself.

After Miguel fell asleep completely, Dagleisi opened his eyes and said a little yandere: "Brother, I finally found you. This time I won't let you leave alone."

After the system heard Dagleis's words, the whole system was in trouble. With this performance, the system immediately knew that Dagleis's memory was completely awakened, but how did he awaken so quickly? Is it because of him? His soul is too powerful?
While the system was thinking rapidly, Dagleis said to the air: "Little system, I won't care about you sealing my memory. If it happens again, don't blame me for destroying you directly! Also! Give me a good life and help my brother, otherwise you know the consequences."

"Ding, boss, I understand!" the system said in a panic.

"It's good to know."

After Dagleis finished speaking, he ignored the system. He hugged MiG directly into his arms and closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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