Chapter 751 Breaking out of the siege
Luo Feng was puzzled and didn't know why Bai Yang said that.

Bai Yang didn't explain. Luo Feng would understand later, and it would be hard not to be disgusted by then.

After the two sides finished their discussion, they immediately drove away in their respective treasures.

Controlling the most powerful treasure will inevitably consume a lot of spiritual energy, and it is impossible to stay like this forever.

The guests sitting on the mountain under the lava sea immediately felt the movement of the Star Tower.

He drove to the top of the mountain and immediately rushed forward secretly. These actions did not alarm anyone.

Bai Yang stood in the control room, looking at the position of the mountain on the spiritual energy meter, which had been following him, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

This guy really caught up with us!
"Luo Feng, let's leave the lava sea.

Then we will implement Plan 4.”

Luo Feng agreed, drove the blood-red pyramid downwards and suddenly rushed out of the lava sea!

This is still within the scope of the Yanbing Domain.

Many of the strongest people in the universe have no intention of giving up and are certain that they will come out again.

All the surrounding areas are repeatedly covered by the domain light that can cover dozens of light years.

No matter where Bai Yang and the others come out from, they will be discovered immediately.

Only the sitting position on the mountain is special and can still hide from the public.


With the sound of magma being forcibly pushed away, the bloody pyramid immediately returned to its normal area.

"It's the pyramid!"

"The Eastern Emperor Holy Land didn't catch him, nor did they stop him!"

"Our chance! Get moving!"

But in the next moment, a series of terrifyingly powerful attacks easily distorted and shattered time and space, and slammed towards the Star Tower!
Suddenly, the blood-red pyramid disappeared and the tomb ship appeared!

Boom! Bang! Wow!
Countless attacks bombarded the hull, but to no avail, it didn't move at all!
"Damn it!"

"The Tomb Boat! It is indeed the inheritor!"

"Is it harder than the most powerful treasure?"

A gigantic monster over a light year in size came roaring over, its huge scaly wings spread out, its mouth open, revealing an endless black hole, and it directly bit the Tomb Ship.

In just a moment, nine extremely powerful treasures crashed into the giant strange beast, causing the beast of the Divine Eye Clan to tremble and collapse.

All the strong ones have gone crazy!

No force can take it all for itself!

The First Lord, the Fourth Lord, the Fifth Lord, and the Sixth Lord of the Divine Eye Clan in the distance all showed anger. This was their strongest attack!
"You idiots from the Divine Eye Clan, you also want to take the inheritor away? Dream on."

In the distance, a giant skeleton sitting on a white throne made a hoarse voice, "My Skeleton Clan has been keeping an eye on you for a long time, and we are here to ruin your plans! Hahahaha!"

"The Skeleton Clan!" The four true masters of the Divine Eye Clan became even more angry.

Now that three of the seven true masters are dead, the four demon lords of the Skeleton Clan no longer have any difficulty fighting against the Divine Eye Clan.

As long as they can be dragged to death together, the Skeleton Clan would rather die together!
"What a bunch of lunatics, all of them crazy!
In ten seconds, 16 of the most powerful Arcana attacked us."

Luo Feng was also a little surprised in the control hall of the Tomb Boat. Although he had expected that this might be a dragnet, he was still a little surprised when he actually encountered it.

Bai Yang looked around at the furnishings and chuckled:
"That was the last chance in the First Universe Era. If we don't go crazy now, it will be too late.

No matter what they do, there is no need to be surprised. "Boom~~
There are all kinds of noises outside.

It could be a palace-type treasure, a telekinetic weapon-type treasure, or a melee-type treasure...

One thing after another fell on the boat of the tomb, which also opened the eyes of the two people.

The most powerful treasures in the entire universe are pitifully few in total, and are generally in the hands of the strongest people in the universe. Today, I'm afraid that more than one-third of the strongest people in the universe have gathered here!

"There is no way to shake this tomb boat."

"The tomb boat doesn't even have any injuries, let alone any cracks."

"It even kept flying forward and couldn't even stop it."

All the strongest people in the universe went crazy at first, but soon discovered the horror of the Tomb Ship, and even the major ethnic groups stopped deliberately causing trouble!
They even started to attack together, but it was still useless!

Bai Yang used a light computer to broadcast the images from the outside world simultaneously to the main plane of the universe.

The powerful men of humanity gathered together and were astonished at what they saw.

At the farthest point behind the Tomb Boat, the Star Lord Beizhen was following in the Black Ball Palace and saw the entire scene.

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel very happy and praised the foresight of the ancestor:
“Hahahaha, you’re not going to get any, so just waste your time!
The ancestor is indeed very insightful, this deal is definitely worth doing!"

What he didn't know was that further behind him, there was another person also watching silently.

The tomb boat travels all the way, sometimes even deliberately heading towards dangerous places!

For example, rushing into the lava sea again, or rushing into a storm, and not letting go of the endless swamp under your feet.

Bai Yang Luo Feng kept drilling around like this, forcing the strongest person in the universe to give up.

"The Duan Donghe lineage is well-deserved of its reputation!" The hermit watched from afar with a complicated expression, "The tomb boat that the previous Duan Donghe transformed was so powerful, it seems I have no chance.

I really want to take a look at the inheritance of Duan Donghe's lineage. There should be information about treasure refining in his lineage.

After all, this is one of the pinnacle inheritances, but under the original universe will...even Luo Feng may not know the true depth of the Duandong River lineage." The hermit shook his head slightly.

With his current divine body, it is impossible for him to sneak in silently.

Baiyang Luofeng didn't need him to save them at all, they would definitely return to the human territory like this.

Unable to contact Bai Yang and unable to sell his goods well, Zuo Shanke finally decided to leave.

In the endless dark whirlwind, a pointed-roof palace was suspended, and the four true masters of the Divine Eye Clan were roaring inside it. They watched the tomb ship from the outside world gradually go away.

“Run, run, run!” The calm First True Lord couldn’t help but get angry and snorted, “Give up, let’s give up! It’s useless to chase them, I don’t believe it…

This human Luo Feng has been hiding in the Tomb Boat. The road to becoming a strong man requires the test of life and death... I have never heard of a strong man who can become the strongest in the universe by hiding and not fighting!"

“Yes, if he wants to become the strongest person in the universe, he must do so in this reincarnation era.

He has inherited the Duandonghe lineage. If he wants to get real training, he will have to fight with the strongest person in the universe, or take risks in the three Jedi!
Unless he fails to become the strongest person in the universe, he will have to go through life and death trials, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future!"

The battle between Bai Yang and Bei Zhen Star Lord was too short.

Even the other universe masters in the Dongdi Universe did not see the details. They had no idea how powerful Bai Yang was now, and the Lord of Beizhen Star would not publicize it himself.

If the races in the Universe Sea knew that Bai Yang could become so strong just by “learning a little bit of inheritance”, they would definitely continue to catch up with him for hundreds of years.

In the virtual universe, Giant Axe and Chaos suddenly received a secret message from Bai Yang, and the three of them agreed to meet in the Giant Axe plane.

As soon as Bai Yang appeared, Great Axe and Chaos heard him say:
"There is one good thing."

(End of this chapter)

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