Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 103 Perfection and Assets

Chapter 103 Perfection and Assets

After returning from the ruins world, Di Ke resumed his previous peaceful and fulfilling life of practicing and spending time with Jiang Fang and his children.

In the meantime, I only had a small gathering with the members of the Super God Team.Now that he no longer needed to go on adventures in the wilderness with them and hunt monsters to make money, Dicko also took out two sweet potato spirit spirits to raise the physical fitness of all the members of the Super God Team to the level of God of War.

Other than that, Dicko only traded a few sweet potato plant spirits with Dillon, and was not in a hurry to go to Hongning Base City to make a deal with Hong.

Dicko knew very well that although this sweet potato plant spirit was relatively rare and rare, there were even better plant spirits found on the earth.

The spirit of sweet potato and vegetation that improves physical fitness can only be given to warrior-level and weaker war-god-level warriors. Even if the quantity is relatively large, the value to Hong will not be too high.It is impossible to exchange some sweet potato and plant spirits from Hong for something truly precious. After all, Hong does not lack the spirit of plants!

If you really want to exchange something good with Hong, you still need a treasure that can make Hong's heart flutter.Although Dico also has such things, such as the Force sword, inner armor and space ring he got from the ruins world this time, he is not willing to replace any of them.

It was December 12rd, the twelfth lunar month of winter, and even though Jiangnan Base City was located in the south, the weather was very cold.Especially after the first snowfall this winter, the whole area is covered with snow, and the Dongyang community is also covered with snow, as if there is a pure white carpet.

In the martial arts training hall on the second floor of Dike's villa, Dike was sitting cross-legged on a mat. He was immersed in training. His skin was red and sweating, and it even radiated heat, making the entire martial arts training hall feel warm. , as if the air conditioner was turned on, causing a layer of water mist to condense on the outside of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

Time passed quietly, and after the sun slowly rose and dried the water vapor outside the glass window, Dicko, who was immersed in cultivation, slowly returned to normal, and opened his eyes with a sigh of relief.

"Unexpectedly, although I have just started to learn Fire Body Technique, I have used the principles of Fire Body Technique to perfect the Guidance Technique I created." Di Ke couldn't hide the joy on his face: "The effect is so good, even Hong He The guidance technique created by the God of Thunder is far from comparable to my "Vulcan Guidance Technique". This guidance technique is definitely the best guidance technique on earth. Such guidance technique is enough to The speed of warriors' cultivation progress is increased several times or even ten times, greatly accelerating the birth rate of powerful people in the Earth's lineage."

"Huh?" Diko, who had perfected the "Vulcan Guidance Technique" and was in a very good mood, heard the conversation downstairs keenly. He couldn't help but get up with a slightly trembling expression, went to take a shower and changed clothes, and then got off Went upstairs.

When Di Ke came downstairs, he saw Jiang Fang holding her son Di Xu in the living room, chatting and laughing casually with Lan Ran's daughter Lan Ying.

Due to Diko's training, even if the air conditioner was not turned on, the entire villa was as warm as spring.Lan Ying took off her precious furs, and her tight-fitting clothes highlighted her sexy and mature body. Dike, who had just taken a cold bath, couldn't help but feel hot all over.

"Is the practice over?" Hearing the footsteps going downstairs, Jiang Fang looked up and saw Di Ke and said with a smile: "Why did you practice for so long today? Sister Ying has been waiting here for you for almost an hour. "

"President Di," Lan Ying, who turned around and saw Di Ke, couldn't help but subconsciously stood up and shouted a little cautiously.

"Sister Ying, I have already said that you can just call me by my name. Why should the family be so restrained?" Di Ke smiled and waved his hand: "Sit down, sit down and talk!"

Di Ke walked over to Jiang Fang and sat down. After the three of them chatted for a while, Jiang Fang stood up with the child in her arms and said, "It's time, I'll take Xiaoxu to breastfeed. Sister Ying, you and Di Ke take your time." Let’s talk.” “Let’s talk upstairs!” After Jiang Fang left with her child in her arms, Dike greeted Lan Ying and took her to the study room upstairs.

"Sit!" In the small and quiet study, Di Ke sat down behind the desk and gestured to Lan Ying who walked in later.

Smiling and nodding, Lan Ying stepped forward and sat down on the chair opposite Diko. She raised her head to face Diko's slightly scorching gaze. She couldn't help but lightly brushed the hair on her forehead with her reddish-faced hand, and then quickly removed it from her pocket. He took out a stack of documents from the briefcase he was carrying: "Didico, some properties that Congressman Dillon sent before, plus this transaction, the delivery of all assets has been completed. I made a You can take a look at the classified statistics.”

"Okay, let me take a look," Diko nodded and smiled slightly, took the file and started looking through it. After a moment, he said, "There are so many?"

"It's a lot! Dike, I'm afraid he is now the richest man in China, and he doesn't even have a lot of assets. These assets add up to one or two trillion, and they are all very high-quality assets. In a few years or more, It's normal for the value to increase to [-] to [-] memories or even more," Lan Ying said, unable to help but laugh at herself and said, "If I had known there would be so many assets, I wouldn't have helped you manage them."

"Although many of these assets are fixed assets, some companies also have a lot of shares, and the industry is spread all over the world. There are too many things that need to be dealt with in the management process. Even if I form a professional team, I will need to do it every day in the future. The number of things he manages is no less than that of a chaebol leader, and just thinking about it makes one's head hurt." Lan Ying said, putting her hand on her forehead, shaking her head and smiling helplessly, which made Di Ke slightly stunned for a moment.

"Chaebol, am I not enough to be called a chaebol with my current assets?" Di Ke asked with a smile, and Lan Ying also shrugged slightly and said: "If these assets of yours are integrated together, they will be enough to affect the economy of a region." , of course you can be considered a chaebol. However, with your current status, do you still care about this wealth? "

"Of course! No one would think that they have too much money. No matter how strong I am or how high my status is, I still need money. Otherwise, do you think that with my face alone, people can give me money unconditionally when I get to the bank? "Dike acted so matter-of-factly that Lan Ying couldn't help but laugh.

Lan Ying's smile is undoubtedly more moving.Lan Ying, who noticed something slightly wrong with the way Di Ke looked at her, hurriedly avoided his gaze and said with a restrained smile: "Then it seems that I will have to put more effort into helping you manage these assets in the future. ”

"Good work! In the future, one percent of the profit from the growth of these industries will be your remuneration. If you manage it well in the future, this dividend can be increased," Diko said with a smile.

After hearing this, Lan Ying couldn't help but raise her eyebrows and smile slightly: "Then I would like to thank the generous Chairman Di! Don't worry, I will make you willing to increase my dividends in the future."

One percent remuneration doesn't sound like much.But compared to the annual growth income of one or two trillion assets, even one percent is definitely a lot of money.As for losing money, capital money will only increase.What's more, they are all high-quality assets.

"It's such a pity that such a beautiful and powerful woman is a non-marriage person," Di Ke couldn't help but shook his head and thought to himself after Lan Ying left.

Fortunately, Lan Ying's father is Councilor Lan. Otherwise, a beautiful woman like her with a good figure and appearance might be able to thrive in the shopping mall, but it would be impossible for her to achieve great results. So simple and easy.

(End of this chapter)

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