Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 113 Beads and Crystals

Chapter 113 Beads and Crystals

Looking at Diko, who was wearing a blood-red battle suit, the red-scaled giant nodded with satisfaction and said: "This blood thorn has a very good foundation, and it will grow very quickly if it is truly cultivated. Now that it has just recognized its owner, it is already a planet. level. However, it is not of much use to you for the time being, so you should continue to stay here. It will grow faster by absorbing energy here, and it will not be long before it can reach the star level. By then, it will be You are a great assistant."

"Okay," Diko glanced at the lava-like pool flowing aside and felt the extremely rich and pure fire-attribute energy in it. He nodded slightly and made the blood thorn stand out of the body with a thought and float into the water. In the pool.

The moment the blood thorn fell into the pool, it was submerged in the magma-like fiery red energy liquid, and began to actively absorb the energy in the magma pool.
"Let's go! Come with me to visit other quiet rooms." The red-scaled giant greeted Dico and then took him to another quiet room next to it. There was a A huge dark red cauldron is very conspicuous, with Bagua on the ground around it. The bottom of the cauldron is facing the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram in the center of Bagua.

"Alchemy furnace?" Seeing the furnace, Dico suddenly raised his eyebrows and moved slightly. In the memory of the inheritance of the Vulcan, there was a scene of the Vulcan refining alchemy.

This Vulcan is very good at controlling fire, and also likes elixir refining and weapon refining. These inheritance information once made Diko suspect that the Vulcan was an immortal cultivator.

The cultivation methods of the strong men in the world of mountains and seas are really very similar to the practice of refining qi and cultivating immortals in ancient Chinese myths and legends. Compared with the popular cultivation systems in the universe, they are somewhat unique.

Immediately afterwards, the red-scaled giant took Diko to the quiet room where Vulcan made weapons.In fact, there is nothing interesting in the alchemy and weapon refining quiet room. Apart from the alchemy furnace and some weapon refining equipment, there is nothing else, not even a precious medicinal material, spiritual fruit, a pill, or an ore. There are no refined magic weapons, etc., they are all empty.

Finally, the red-scaled giant brought Diko to a quiet room like a storage room. Looking at the various messy items in it, Diko finally showed a look of surprise and expectation, and became dazzled.

But after roughly checking it, Dico couldn't help but frown slightly.This quiet room is really like a utility room. There are all kinds of messy things in it, such as a piece of metal, a piece of wood, or fragments of weapons, and there are some that even Dicko can't identify. It is even more difficult to judge the value and use of things.

"There doesn't seem to be anything useful." Dico, who was a little depressed and helpless, suddenly noticed an inconspicuous gray wooden box on the wooden shelf in the corner. He reached out to pick it up, but found that the box was very heavy.

Dico opened the box out of curiosity, only to see dark red beads inside the box. Each one was as big as a dragon's eye, and there were probably dozens of them.

Dico picked up one of the beads, and sure enough, it was heavy. There were also faint secret lines on it. It looked like an ordinary and inconspicuous bead, but there was something unusual about it.

"These beads..." Looking at the box of beads, Diko suddenly thought of something. He frowned and thought carefully for a moment, then he searched for the dark red beads from the Vulcan's messy inherited memory. At the scene of glowing red light, breaking through the air and hurting people, I couldn't help but look at him: "Huh? Could it be that these beads are a set of telepathy weapons used by telepathy masters?"

"Try..." With a thought in his mind, Dicko directly tried to control the dark red bead with his mind power. He suddenly found that he was holding a heavy bead in his hand. After the intrusion of Dicko's mind power, a red halo appeared on the surface. It flew up as if it became lighter, and then whizzed and hit the walls and some items in the quiet room.

The dull collision sounds of fluffy beads were like exploding beans. Dicko felt that it was easy to control the beads. The attack power was obviously very strong, but it failed to damage anything it hit. "That's right! I happen to be short of a suitable telepathy weapon." Dicko, who was a little surprised, looked at the several items that had been knocked to the ground but were still intact. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in surprise: "These things are so... Is it hard?”

"Things made of poor quality materials cannot survive here for a long time," the red-scaled giant on the side said casually: "Although you may not necessarily use these things, they still have some value."

Diko nodded slightly and said to himself: "How can the things left by Vulcan really be useless garbage? Even if they are useless garbage in the eyes of Vulcan, they are definitely good things for me now. , it can even be said to be a treasure.”

Just like the box of beads, Vulcan was still in the corner of this quiet room like a utility room like throwing away garbage, but in Diko's hands, it turned out to be a powerful telekinetic weapon.

"Senior, apart from these things, are there any good things here?" Diko immediately put the box of beads into the space ring with a sudden thought, and then said to the red-scaled giant beside him.

The red-scaled giant didn't say anything. He just turned around and left. He quickly led Diko to another quiet room. He saw that it was almost filled with a kind of dark red crystal stone, which was so rich that it was almost violent and hot like a flame. A red mist filled the entire quiet room, faintly rotating around a dark red stone platform.

"What is this?" Diko picked up a dark red spar and felt the more pure fire energy in the hot spar. He couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Is it the crystallization of flame energy? This is The thing, isn’t it an energy crystal used to assist cultivation?”

"This is called the Fire Source Crystal. It is indeed a treasure that assists cultivation. Although it does not contain rich vitality like the Wood Bud Crystal and other auxiliary cultivation objects, it is the best auxiliary for warriors who practice the fire attribute force. It’s something for cultivation,” said the red-scaled giant.

When Di Ke heard this, he looked at it with bright eyes and asked, "So, if I use it to practice, the effect will be better than that of Mu Ya Jing?"

"Of course! The fire source crystal was conceived in this world. It not only contains pure fire attribute energy, but also contains a trace of the original power of this world. The purity of the energy is far beyond that of the wood sprout crystal. For you, it is the most These are suitable auxiliary cultivation treasures for foundation building." The red-scaled giant nodded and continued: "These fire source crystals are enough for you to cultivate to the star level."

As he said that, the red-scale giant walked straight towards the dark red stone platform in the center of the quiet room: "Here is where the energy of the entire world gathers. This stone platform can provide you with a steady stream of energy to practice, at least when you Before you reach the cosmic level, you don’t have to worry about running out of energy in this world.”

"What a treasured place for cultivation!" Diko, who followed Diko in, looked at the stone platform that seemed to be surrounded by energy and couldn't help but secretly marveled in his heart.With such good cultivation conditions, no matter how poor his foundation is, he will at least have no problem cultivating to the cosmic level.

Without waiting for Diko to ask more questions, the red-scaled giant continued: "As for the other treasures in the Fire Temple, they all need to be tested before they can be obtained. There is a space dedicated to fighting in the Fire Temple. Enter it, From weak to strong, defeat one opponent after another. After each victory, you have a chance to choose a treasure. Until you are strong enough and can pass the final difficult test in the fighting space, you will be qualified to get this fire. The most precious treasure in the temple.”

(End of this chapter)

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