Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 116 Liu Wei’s breakthrough

Chapter 116 Liu Wei’s breakthrough
Buzz... The wrist-like auxiliary optical brain worn on the forearm of his left hand suddenly trembled, causing Diko, who was immersed in practice, to wake up.

"Huh?" Diko, who frowned and opened his eyes, smiled happily after seeing the information displayed on the auxiliary optical brain: "Liu Wei? Has he finally made a breakthrough and entered the planetary level? It seems that , his potential is still much lower than that of Ling Ying, and he spent several years at the peak of the God of War level before breaking through. If I hadn't guided him and taught him the secret method to reach the planet level, I'm afraid he would have reached the planet level. The hope is even slimmer.”

After Diko received the inheritance of the Vulcan lineage, he naturally knew a lot of guidance on cultivation and realm breakthrough techniques, as well as some secret methods to assist breakthroughs.Even Dico himself created a secret method similar to helping the peak God of War level experts to enter the planet level.

Therefore, in the past few years, the birth rate of powerful councilors on the earth has been very high, especially some outstanding high-level gods of war and peak god-of-war powerhouses from the two major martial arts schools and the Huaxia Kingdom, many of whom have broken through to the planetary level.

Liu Wei had Di Ke's guidance and help, but it still took him several years to break through, and his potential can only be said to be average.And Ling Ying, who has been in the planetary level for six or seven years, has now entered the second level of the planetary level.

In a few years, without the help of any treasures to assist training, just by practicing the "Vulcan Guidance Technique", one can step from the first level to the second level of the planetary level. This speed is already pretty good.

After all, not everyone is as lucky as Luo Feng, who has the luxury to practice with a Muya Crystal that can create a planet-level powerhouse.

The powerful senators on Earth, after entering the first planetary level, may not be able to make a breakthrough to reach the second planetary level for more than ten to 20 years or even longer.

Even with Hong and Lei Shen's great potential and understanding, it took them decades to reach the sixth or seventh planetary level.If it weren't for the assistance of the "Vulcan Guidance Technique" created by Dicko, they would not be able to reach the eighth and ninth planetary levels now.

"Liu Wei has made a breakthrough and will become the ninth inspector of the Extreme Martial Arts School. In terms of the number of inspectors, the Extreme Martial Arts School has already surpassed the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts Hall!" Di Ke secretly thought, and now the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts Hall has more inspectors. The number of inspectors also exceeds the six in the original work, and there are eight.

Even though there are twice as many powerful MPs on the planet as there were ten years ago, reaching [-] or [-], the birth of each powerful MP ​​is still a huge sensation around the world.

Having one more inspector is also very important to Extreme Martial Arts Hall.The appointment ceremony of the Inspector is a grand event in the Extreme Martial Arts Hall. Hong and Lei Shen will attend, and other powerful members will naturally give face. Unless there is something important, almost all the powerful members will gather.

However, in the past few years, Diko has participated in more grand celebrations for the birth of powerful new congressmen, almost every year, and many of them have achieved breakthroughs with Diko's guidance.

So gradually, Dicko, who felt that it was not interesting, became too lazy to participate in such celebrations.This time, Liu Wei took over the position of inspector of the Extreme Martial Arts School. He did not go to the celebration, but stayed on Kirishima to continue training!
It wasn't until a few days after the celebration that Liu Wei took over as the inspector of the Extreme Martial Arts Gym that the Chinese government held a celebration for Liu Wei, that Dike, who had returned to Jiangnan Base City after training, took the time to go there.

In the base city of Kyoto, in an officially arranged clubhouse, a large number of political and business dignitaries, big shots, some powerful warriors from the Chinese Kingdom, military experts, etc. gathered together. Even the most powerful person in the Chinese Kingdom is now... Jia Yi, who has already broken through to the third level of the planetary level, is here.

Among this group of people, the most dazzling ones are naturally those who are completely loyal to the Chinese government or have a close relationship with the Chinese government. There are as many as twenty or thirty strong members.

The ones with higher status among them are Jia Yi and a few planet-level second-order powerhouses such as Ling Ying, Zhu Xi, Lan Ran, etc. Almost all of them have a good relationship with Di Ke.But the protagonist tonight is naturally Liu Wei, who has just broken through and entered the planetary level.After all, this celebration was held for him.

For example, the appointment of inspectors at extreme martial arts gyms, as well as the birth of new warriors beyond the God of War level in various countries, will be made public in order to increase the influence and cohesion of their respective forces.However, only high-level figures from all parties have the opportunity to participate in the celebration. Ordinary people have no access to it at all. They can only pay attention to some official live broadcast promotional videos and the like.

Dico almost skipped the time and arrived just as the celebration was about to begin.However, none of the people gathered in the celebration hall felt dissatisfied. On the contrary, they were all excited. Jia Yi even brought a group of powerful members to greet him personally. Those with insufficient strength and status could only watch from a distance. Not even qualified to join in.

Not to mention those gods of war, or the powerful figures in the eyes of ordinary people, even some powerful members looked at Dico with reverence, and they had to respectfully shout "President Di" in front of Diko.

Although apart from Hong and Thor, very few people know about Dicko's true strength.But Dicko, who was already as powerful as Mo Henderson and East nearly ten years ago, is now as powerful as you can imagine, and his influence has long surpassed that of the other three Speakers, comparable to Hong and Thor.

In China, Di Ke's reputation is not inferior to that of Jia Yi. He can be called the spiritual leader of the domestic warrior community. I don't know how many young people in China feel proud and admired!

Especially those councilors who stepped into the planetary level under Mondico's guidance and guidance. Although they did not worship Dico as their teacher, it did not hinder their respect and recognition of Dico.Invisibly, a group of strong men had already gathered around Diko.His casual words are much more useful than Jia Yidu.

After exchanging some polite words with Jia Yi, Lan Ran and others, Di Ke turned his eyes to Li Yao standing aside: "Second planetary level? He stepped from the first planetary level in just three years." The second level of planetary level, the progress is not slow!"

"Without Speaker Di's guidance, I, Li Yao, would not be where I am today," Li Yao said respectfully. He was full of respect for Di Ke.

Ten years ago, because of Ahan's involvement, he was originally going to spend several years in jail.But later, after Dicko learned about his life experience, he came forward to get him out of prison.But he didn't take advantage of him, and threw him directly to the Southeast Military District of China, asking him to help the military deal with the beast tide to atone for his sins.

It is certain that he was unhappy and even dissatisfied at the beginning, but as he fought against lord-level monsters in large beast tides time and time again, and after improving his strength, he received personal guidance from Dike, and finally broke through and stepped into the world three years ago. At the planet level, he was only grateful to Dico, and regarded Dico as his noble person. He only followed his lead, and even tempered his temper.

I have to say that in the original work, Li Yao was able to achieve a breakthrough at the critical moment of life and death and step into the planetary level, which still has some potential.Coupled with Dike's deliberate polishing, his potential has been truly squeezed out, and his progress in cultivation is not much slower than that of Ling Ying.

"Dico, I thought you, a busy man, wouldn't come today!" Liu Wei, who was the protagonist of today's celebration, couldn't help laughing and cursing when faced with Diko, who immediately stole his limelight as soon as he entered.

Diko also smiled and said: "I have been waiting for this celebration for several years. Seeing that you haven't made a breakthrough, I thought I couldn't wait any longer!"

(End of this chapter)

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