Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 123 Luo Feng gets angry

Chapter 123 Luo Feng gets angry
Seeing the armored dragon trying to escape, Wang Tong, who had just survived the disaster, couldn't help but said anxiously: "President Di, that armored dragon, it..."

"Okay, just run away. You should take care of your own injuries first!" Diko said angrily: "You were still thinking of keeping that armored dragon. If I hadn't arrived in time, you would have died. It’s out of hand.”

"You two? What did you do to make the armored dragon work so hard?" Diko then frowned and looked at Li Kan aside and asked.

"We don't know this either! The armored dragon and Brother Wang were fighting. They were fighting and suddenly roared and then went crazy." Li Kan shook his head and seemed confused.

But after Wang Tong calmed down at this time, he thought about something and said slightly: "Is it because of the dragon egg? We accidentally discovered that the armored dragon laid eggs, and its strength was affected, so we prepared to take the opportunity to kill it. . Unexpectedly, during the battle, the armored dragon suddenly became angry and wanted to return to the supermarket. It seems that there may be something wrong with the dragon egg. Could it be that someone took the opportunity to steal the dragon egg? "

"I'll go take a look!" Li Kan said and hurriedly turned around and rushed to the Carrefour supermarket not far away. Then he came back very quickly and said angrily: "Damn it! The dragon egg is gone! There is actually someone there. We stole the dragon egg while we were fighting the armored dragon and the two fire-scaled three-halberd pigs. Being able to steal the dragon egg under the protection of so many warrior-level monsters must be a god-of-war powerhouse. The majestic god of war actually did this. This kind of thing is really shameless!"

shameless?Diko couldn't help but look a little weird after hearing this, because he had already discovered the person who stole the dragon egg through his mental investigation.As expected, it turned out to be that boy Luo Feng.

And when Li Kan was angry, Luo Feng, who was hiding in the bedroom of a villa not too far away from them, clearly saw everything that had happened outside through the window. He was staring with shock on his face and a slight sigh in his chest. It’s so ups and downs that it’s hard to calm down the nervous and exciting mood!
"Able to fly? Has the armored dragon entered the king-level level? It can easily seriously injure a king-level armored dragon. Then the person who rescued Wang Tong should also be a powerful person who surpasses the God of War level, right? This Wang Tong is also lucky. It's so good that he happened to encounter a strong person who surpassed the God of War level nearby and rescued him." Luo Feng took a deep breath, and his mood was ups and downs. After Di Ke, Wang Tong, and Li Kan left, he barely calmed down. He calmed down and said, "In case that king-level armored dragon comes back to kill us again, we'd better leave here quickly!"

After stealing the dragon egg, seeing the armored dragon transform into a king-level monster in a life-and-death fight, and being seriously injured by Diko and then escaping, how could Luo Feng still dare to stay here?
When Luo Feng was trying to find a way to leave from the subway, in one of the clean rooms on the twelfth floor of a residential building not far away, Wang Tong, who had been brought here by Di Ke, was sitting cross-legged on the floor of the living room, his twisted arms fixed The broken bone has healed, and the skin all over his body is red, immersed in the recovery of cultivation.

"President Di, fortunately you were practicing nearby and rushed over in time. Otherwise, Brother Wang and I would have been in big trouble this time," Li Kan, who was sitting on the sofa beside him and talking to Di Ke, thought of Wang. The terrifying armored dragon is so terrifying that I can't help but feel a little bit scared.

Diko shook his head and said: "No high-lord-level monster should be underestimated! That armored dragon has been able to occupy Carrefour Supermarket for so many years, but no human god of war has been able to kill it. How can it be easy to deal with? Besides, It is on the outskirts of City 003, and it is too easy for the God of War to select it as a target for training or hunting. It has experienced many battles with the human God of War, and its growth and breakthrough are also very fast."

"Speaking of which, Wang Tong helped it! It is really rare for the high-lord-level monsters outside City No. 003 to be able to break through and step into the king-level. It seems that we should pay more attention to these high-lords in the future. Only level monsters will do. Those who hope to step into the king level should be hunted as early as possible," Dike then glanced at Wang Tong and said with a frown:

"Originally, I wanted to keep some powerful high-level lord-level monsters to train the human gods of war. But such a training method does have some risks. Let the monster group give birth to more king-level monsters. If something like today happens again, , it would be too uneconomical to lose a high-level God of War."

"Human warriors and monsters fight to the death, and death and injuries are inevitable. Without these fights and battles, humans would not be able to give birth to so many gods of war," Li Kan said, shaking his head and sighing: "We have experienced too few fights, even if we rely on the vegetation. Spirits with God-of-War-level physical fitness may not be able to deal with high-level beast-general-level monsters!"

While speaking, Li Kan also specifically mentioned that he and Wang Tong had met Li Yao's son Li Wei before.There is a father who is beyond the level of God of War. Now Li Wei's physical fitness has reached the level of God of War.If you are a warrior who has ventured into the wilderness area to hone your skills since the warrior level, you may be able to become a god of war with a record of war-god-level physical fitness.

However, because Li Yao and his wife pampered their only son so much, Li Wei, who has a god-of-war physical fitness, has not yet gone to the wilderness area to truly experience the training of fighting!

This time Li Yao specially arranged for two experienced high-level general-level warriors to accompany Li Yao to the wilderness area. They also invited the Huya Team to come to the wilderness area to deal with beast-level monsters, so that Li Wei could find some powerful beasts. Practice with general-level monsters.

Unexpectedly, he encountered an accident not long after entering the wilderness area.Not to mention the casualties of the Huya team, Li Wei and the others were also besieged by a herd of beasts. They were besieged by two high-level beast-general-level lion mastiffs and a group of junior and intermediate beast-general-level lion mastiffs and tiger mastiffs. Li Wei, who was fighting to the death, seemed a little panicked and embarrassed.

"Li Wei? He also came to City 003?" Listening to Li Kan's story, Di Ke couldn't help but frown slightly.He also knew something about Li Yao's son. Although he was not a playboy, he was somewhat ambitious and short-handed. As a young man, he grew up in a honeypot, so he could not help but be a little impetuous.

Thinking of the party between Luo Feng and Huya Team, Dike didn't bother to chat with Li Kan. After finding a reason to leave, he was busy using his own privileges to find out where Li Wei and Luo Feng were.

Fortunately, Di Ke's reaction was quick enough. When he found Li Wei and Luo Feng, under the coercion of Li Wei and others, Luo Feng had already started ruthlessly and used his mental power to control the flying knife, killing them in the blink of an eye. He recruited Pan Ya, the captain of the Huya team, and two of Li Wei's bodyguards.

But after all, Li Wei has a god-of-war physical fitness, and his dodge reaction is very fast.After he reacted, he hurriedly dodged and retreated. His reaction was so fast that Luo Feng was shocked.

"Now that we've taken action, we can't leave anyone alive," Luo Feng gritted his teeth, took the initiative to approach, and then controlled the flying knife to kill Li Wei again.

Li Wei, who had not experienced much life and death, was frightened when faced with the crazy and decisive Luo Feng. He evaded the siege of flying knives and even forgot to ask for help.

If he were a junior war god with rich experience in fighting, it would be difficult to kill him with the strength of Luo Feng, a senior general-level spiritual master.But Li Wei was just a weak version of the elementary God of War, and he was soon injured. He was shot in the chest by a flying knife in a chaotic movement, and he saw that his chest was about to be penetrated by the flying knife.

At this moment, the tip of the flying knife that had pierced Li Wei's chest combat uniform was frozen in mid-air. At the same time, a clear voice suddenly sounded: "Young man, you are so murderous!"

(End of this chapter)

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