Chapter 129 Son Di Xu
Hearing the sound coming from outside, the corners of Diko's mouth twitched slightly, while Puka and Chu Qiang on the side also looked at Diko with slightly strange expressions.

Then, amid the sound of footsteps, a handsome young man who looked about twelve or thirteen years old walked in.

The handsome young man was holding a small flying knife in his hand and playing with it flexibly. He was wearing a white training uniform. He looked carefree and casual. He didn't treat himself as an outsider at all, as if he had come to his own home.

But when he got closer, he saw Dico sitting at the head seat of the dining table. His expression suddenly froze, and the flying knife he played with so much fell to the ground with a 'snap'. After he reacted, he looked a little embarrassed. Feeling unnatural, he couldn't help but said to Diko in a stern voice: "If you don't go see my mother when you come back, you still have time to eat here. Be careful that my mother won't let you in at night!"

"You brat, I'm trying to teach you a lesson!" Dicko said angrily as he stood up and slapped the table. Seeing the young man raising his hands to block him and subconsciously backing away to dodge, Diko couldn't help but turn over. He rolled his eyes and said, "You haven't had dinner yet? You three, eat slowly!"

After Diko said that, he walked directly out of the villa. After he left, the young man breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but put his hand on his chest and said quickly: "Go back quickly! Mom has cooked for you. Here! I will stay here at night, so I won’t go back to disturb you.”

After saying that, he turned to look at Chu Qiang and Puka's young man. He couldn't help but stepped forward and slapped the table, saying in a ferocious manner: "You two are really not brothers enough! My dad is here, and you both Don’t tell me in advance!”

It sounds a bit ridiculous for a young boy who is still young to call himself brother to an inspector of an extreme martial arts gym and a talented student from an elite training camp. Chu Qiang and Puka couldn't help but laugh when they saw the boy like this.

However, they didn't think it was ridiculous, they just found it interesting that the young man liked to pretend to be old-fashioned like an adult.

"Why are you laughing? What the hell are you laughing at?" The young man became annoyed by their laughter and cursed angrily. Then he sat down and pouted and said, "Isn't it just because he has practiced more than me for several years? Wait for me After practicing for a few more years, I will kill you all with my flying knife!"

"Di Xu, if you practice for a few more years, I guess you really won't be your match," Chu Qiang said with a smile, looking at Puka and said: "However, if you want to beat Brother Puka in seconds, do you think I'll give you a few more years?" Time, are you sure you can become a planet-level spiritual master?"

"I" Di Xu, who was speechless after hearing this, still couldn't help but said harshly: "What about planet-level powerhouses? If you are not fast enough, you will be besieged by my flying knives! At most, it will be a battle. Wearing the Black God suit to protect yourself, I can't hurt him."

"Hmph! When I step into the planetary level, you just wait to be tortured by me!" Then Di Xu snorted a little arrogantly and said confidently.

Chu Qiang and Puka smiled at each other after hearing this, but did not refute anything.Although Di Xu is just a boy who has just turned ten, his mental power has already reached the threshold of the God of War, and his physical fitness has also reached the level of a warrior.

An 11-year-old warrior at the level of a warrior is simply unbelievable. Even the son of a warrior who has surpassed the level of a god cannot grow up so fast.But for Di Xu, who has awakened his spiritual power since he was a child and took a small amount of the spirit of sweet potato and grass, the improvement of his physical fitness is considered slow.

After all, when he was too young, Di Ke and Jiang Fang did not dare to push him too hard.But even so, Di Xu, who is only 11 years old, can definitely be called a monster genius.

At the same time, he is also the youngest student in the extreme training camp. Because he is too young, he is only in the basic training camp.

With Di Xu's current strength, he is naturally invincible in the basic training camp and can easily defeat all the students in the basic training camp.

In addition, Di Ke and Jiang Fang gave Di Xu the best training and instruction since he was a child, so that at a young age, Di Xu was not inferior to some talented warriors in terms of basic sword skills, body skills, and strength.Perhaps because he has awakened his spiritual power since he was a child, his understanding is also very good. He can learn anything quickly and his understanding is far beyond that of children of the same age.

Not to mention the cultivation of mental power. Under Di Ke's careful cultivation, he began to exercise Di Xu's control of mental power as soon as he became sensible. So far, Di Xu's control of his own mental power is definitely not inferior to that of a real God of War. The only thing missing from a spiritual master is real fighting experience.

With such a good foundation, in a few years, when Di Xu grows up and enters the elite training camp, there is no doubt that he will be the best among them, and his future will be unlimited.

So in the extreme training camp, Di Xu's status is very special.Apart from his status as the son of Di Ke and Jiang Fang, no one dares to underestimate him based on his own potential.

Even the talented students in the extreme training camp, as the emperor's darlings, were full of jealousy towards Di Xu.It’s okay that his parents are both strong men who have surpassed the God of War level, but they are so evil and perverted at such a young age. He is simply the favored son of heaven!
Even Hong's children are not so perverted. It is with the help of Hong's excellent warrior genes and resources that they can become the top powerhouse among the Gods of War.Among them, Hong's son was more talented, and it was under Diko's guidance that he broke through to the planetary level.

Yes, Hong's son Hong Xi, who had little presence in the original work, is now also an inspector of the Extreme Martial Arts Gym.His successive breakthroughs with Jiang Fang, Puka, and Liu Wei suddenly increased the number of inspectors at the Extreme Martial Arts Hall to nine, overwhelming them at the Thunderbolt Martial Arts Hall.

Jiang Fang, who is also the inspector of the Extreme Martial Arts Gym, may be regarded as the most low-key among all the inspectors.Before she even stepped into the planetary level, she was already the God of War teacher at the extreme training camp.After becoming an inspector, she still stayed in the extreme training camp to teach the disciples, which made her the most dazzling teacher in the extreme training camp.

However, the place where Jiang Fang lives is just an ordinary-looking secluded villa in the area where the God of War teachers live in the training camp, and the location seems a bit remote.

In the yard outside the villa, looking at the brightly lit living room inside, Diko, who was standing there hesitantly, heard Jiang Fang Qingyue's calm voice inside: "Come in? What are you doing outside?"

After hearing this, Diko took a breath and walked in. He saw Jiang Fang filling a bowl of rice at the dining table and putting it down. Then he sat down and said, "Come over and eat!"

Di Ke, who responded and silently walked over and sat down, looked at Jiang Fang opposite who was eating calmly and slowly, feeling a little reserved. After taking a few mouthfuls of food in silence, he coughed lightly and said, "Ahem, little one." Xu, Puka, Chu Qiang and the others are having dinner together! He probably won’t be back at night.”

"I know," Jiang Fang, who glanced at Di Ke with a frown, said after another silence, "Have you been in Jiangnan Base City in the past few months?"

"Oh, yes, didn't Liu Wei have a breakthrough? I went to the Kyoto base city, and then went to City 003 for a retreat. There is no one at home, so there is no point in being alone," Diko nodded and said casually. .

"Humph! It's not interesting? Isn't Sister Ying in Jiangnan Base City? Didn't you go find her?" Jiang Fang snorted lightly. Seeing Di Ke's embarrassed and speechless look, she couldn't help but say, "I'm here for you." You are so worried and troubled about the affairs of the Vulcan Group that you have not visited her for several months since you returned to Jiangnan Base City, and you have ignored the Vulcan Group. You are really busy!"

"President Di, who doesn't have any free time, remember to wash the dishes after dinner," Jiang Fang said angrily, then got up and went upstairs: "You sleep on the sofa downstairs tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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