Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 131 Luo Feng and Li Wei

Chapter 131 Luo Feng and Li Wei

On the Australian mainland, on the foggy island with lush vegetation, there is a King Willow tree that is more than [-] meters high and has a large number of slender pale golden willow branches hanging and floating. It looks much thicker than when Dicko first came here a few years ago. There is a faintly rich breath of life permeating the air.

If ordinary people stay next to the Willow King, they will feel very comfortable, and their bodies will even be faintly nourished by the breath of life.However, it is impossible for ordinary people to reach this extremely dangerous Kirishima, let alone get close to the Willow King.

On the tall trunk of the Willow King, where a large number of branches and willow branches grow and branch, there is a faint red light, surrounded by a dense fog-like energy gathering that is visible to the naked eye. Even the surrounding air is faintly fluctuating, surrounding the group. The red light formed like a vortex.The dense fog-like energy was quietly absorbed by the red light, and then continued to gather.

Although most of the energy was absorbed by the red light, some still escaped and penetrated into the trunk of the Willow King, making the breath of life emitted by the Willow King even more intense.

There was no one on the calm Kirishima, so naturally no one could notice such a special sight.And this kind of calmness, after I don't know how long it lasted, was suddenly broken...
A figure came from a distance, looking very cautious, and soon approached the place where the nine willow and grass spirits grew. It was Luo Feng who had come to Australia for a life and death adventure.

"Willow tree? Huh? What is the red light on the trunk of the largest Willow King tree? Could it be some special treasure?" Noticed the looming energy in the thick fog at the bifurcation of the trunks of the nine large willow trees and the largest Willow King tree. In a flash of red light, Luo Feng's eyes suddenly brightened and he approached with curiosity.

Chi... Chi... As soon as Luo Feng got closer, all the willow branches on the nearest willow tree began to fly wildly, as if threads were winding around Luo Feng.The speed was so fast, far exceeding the speed of sound, that it also shocked Luo Feng.

Even though Luo Feng could barely be considered a high-level God of War spiritual master, he still had no time to dodge when faced with the overwhelming willow branches.

His face changed greatly, and he hurriedly controlled several flying knives to spin and fly, frantically cutting some willow branches that were close to him, but it was very difficult to cut off the willow branches one by one.

"What? The toughness is so strong?" Luo Feng was secretly shocked. He saw that the thickest Willow King tree trunk also had light golden willow branches shooting out. He controlled the flying knife from a distance to resist the feeling. After seeing the increasingly terrifying toughness of the pale golden willow branches, the whole person hurriedly dodged and retreated directly into the ground to escape.

A large number of pale golden willow branches were inserted into the ground immediately, but their length was limited after all, and it was impossible to penetrate the ground too deeply to attack. In the blink of an eye, they flew back and forth, obviously failing to catch Luo Feng.

And just two or three minutes after Luo Feng got into the ground, a blue flying saucer-shaped fighter plane suddenly came to the sky above Kirishima with the sound of a sonic boom, and slowly descended to where the nine willow trees were.

Inside the fighter plane, Li Wei, dressed in a silver-gray uniform, stood in the control room, looking at the screen in front of him with cold eyes, exuding a fierce and evil aura.

In just a few months, Li Wei seemed to have undergone some transformational changes.Nowadays, he is a true God of War. Although he is only a junior God of War in terms of record, he has obviously experienced a lot of battles.

Behind Li Wei, there were three other god-of-war powerhouses standing impressively. They were a short, yellow-skinned middle-aged man with a mustache, and two white gods of war.It's just that they were all bloody and injured, and their combat uniforms were damaged, making them look a little embarrassed. "Damn it! Where did this kid Luo Feng go?" Li Wei couldn't help but said angrily as he looked at the empty Kirishima without a single figure outside.

Li Wei, who almost died at the hands of Luo Feng in the wilderness area outside City No. 003, worked hard after returning. He spent most of the past few months in the wilderness area looking for monsters to fight and practice. From the beginning, he fought with high-level beasts. After fighting general-level monsters, after improving their fighting experience and strength, they began to find some junior lord-level monsters to fight with.
Especially after learning that Luo Feng entered the elite training camp and performed amazingly in it, Li Wei, who seemed to be stimulated, went even more crazy to fight with some junior lord-level monsters, and even successfully killed a junior lord very quickly. level monster, and gained the title of Elementary God of War.

This is also the reason why Li Wei's whole person and temperament have changed drastically in just a few months.After becoming the God of War, Li Wei inherited Li Yao's madness and violence, which seemed to be stimulated. When he learned that Luo Feng had come to Australia for adventure, he even took the initiative to come to Australia.

Obviously, Li Yao also wanted to find Luo Feng on the Australian mainland and teach him a harsh lesson.After all, Luo Feng was very talented, grew up very quickly, and was trained by the Extreme Martial Arts School. Even Di Ke valued him.If he doesn't take action, Li Wei is worried that he may not have a chance in the future, and it will be difficult to win over Luo Feng.

Unable to defeat Li Wei, Li Yao and his wife could only arrange for three gods of war to accompany Li Wei to the Australian continent for adventure. They also wanted to use Luo Feng's hands to sharpen Li Wei.Li Yao, who gave his king-class fighter jet to Li Wei, was not worried that his son would be in danger on the Australian mainland.

After arriving in mainland Australia, with the help of his cousin Candace in the elite training camp, Li Wei quickly found Luo Feng, who was acting alone.Of course, it was also because Luo Feng didn't want to deliberately hide his whereabouts.

But Li Wei still underestimated Luo Feng after all, and he didn't expect that he was already a high-level God of War spiritual master.As you can imagine, after the encounter, after a struggle, even if Li Wei practiced with the other three gods of war, they were still completely tortured by Luo Feng.

If Luo Feng hadn't shown mercy for Di Ke's sake and didn't want to form a deadly feud with Li Yao, a being who transcended the God of War level, Li Wei and the others would have been lying dead in the wilderness of the Australian mainland.

Li Wei, who was not taught a lesson by Luo Feng but was taught a lesson by Luo Feng, was naturally furious, so he directly used the laser cannon on the fighter plane to kill Luo Feng.

Luo Feng, who also didn't expect Li Wei to be so crazy, cursed in his heart and had no choice but to escape in order to save his life, so he ran to Kirishima.

"Master Li Wei, the fog here is too thick and the vegetation is lush. If Luo Feng wants to hide, it will not be easy for us to find him." Seeing that Li Wei was still annoyed and unwilling to give up, the bearded white war god behind him couldn't help but said: " If we get off the plane to look for him, even if we find him, we won't be able to do anything to him. Besides, it doesn't look like there is no danger here."

"We must find him. I want to see how long he can hide," Li Wei gritted his teeth and refused to give up. In his age, had he ever suffered such a big loss or suffered such humiliation?Luo Feng didn't even hurt him this time, but it made him feel even more humiliated.

The two white war gods and the short, yellow-skinned, middle-aged war god with a mustache looked at each other with helplessness. So what if they found Luo Feng?Did he really use the laser cannon on the fighter plane to kill him?

(End of this chapter)

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