Chapter 134 Show mercy?

After the three king-level monsters appeared one after another, another stream of light flew in the darkened sky in the distance. Accompanied by the sound of booming gas explosions, it quickly approached and turned into a black flying saucer-shaped fighter plane.

Whoosh...whoosh...two figures flew out of the opened hatch, one white and one with darker skin, looking like a South American.After the two powerful council members arrived and saw the three king-level monsters with terrifying auras in the air, they couldn't help but change their expressions: "King-level monsters? There are three! How can there be three king-level monsters? Get together? Moreover, the aura is so strong!"

You must know that lord-level monsters have the concept of territory. They basically occupy a territory and it is almost impossible to coexist with other lord-level monsters.After all, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain, unless there is one male and one female.Even if they are of the same kind, two powerful lord-level monsters will generally not stay together.

King-level monsters are even more like overlords. Often, where they live, there are no other monsters, even the same kind.

In other words, under normal circumstances, king-level monsters almost always live alone.Three king-level monsters of different types appear together like this, and they seem to have a vague intention of protecting Kirishima together. It is simply incredible.

"These three king-level monsters are by no means ordinary king-level monsters. They should have already entered the king-level." Liu He frowned at the three king-level monsters and said solemnly: "Their strength, I'm afraid it's comparable to second- and third-level planet-level humans, or even stronger!"

"Will it be so strong?" Li Yao frowned when he heard this, and Puka also took a deep breath to calm down his somewhat shocked emotions, and then said in surprise: "Strange, normally speaking, if we invade a king-level monster They will definitely attack the territory directly. Why do these three king-level monsters seem to be hesitant? It seems like they are really guarding Kirishima."

"Protect Kirishima, are you kidding me? Even if this Kirishima is their territory, why is there any need to protect it?" Li Yao, shaking his head, suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "Unless, this Kirishima is really Is there some secret we don’t know?”

"Is there a ruins?" As soon as Puka said these words, Liu He on the side shook his head and said: "I have never heard of a monster specifically guarding a ruins."

"What if there is a treasure here that is even good for king-level monsters? For example, the spirit of grass and trees, or a treasure more precious than the spirit of grass and trees," Li Yao couldn't help but his eyes were burning as he spoke.

Upon hearing his words, Puka and Liu He couldn't help but look slightly moved, and then their breathing became a little faster.At the same time, the white congressman and the South American congressman also flew over and said: "Liu He, Puka, Li Yao, what happened? These three king-level monsters"

"Stop talking nonsense! If you want to explore the secrets of Kirishima, you must first deal with these three king-level monsters. Let's try together, everyone! If we can't do anything about them, we may have to return in vain today. "Li Yao said as he turned into a ray of light and flew towards the dragon turtle.

"Do it!" After Liu He and Puka looked at each other, they also locked on the king-level monster, which was the largest mutant octopus, and then turned into a gust of wind and a stream of flames to kill it.

The remaining two congressmen who came at the end had no choice but to deal with the king-level Dragon King.Looking at this situation, there must be treasures on Kirishima. If they don't even have the courage to take action, wouldn't it be a dream to get the good things on Kirishima?

Boom.. Amid the energy explosion, the planet-level fight was undoubtedly terrifying. Under the dark sky, only phantoms of light were flashing. Both Li Yao and the others, as well as the three king-level monsters, were too fast. , Luo Feng and Li Wei, who were hiding in the distance to watch the battle, could only see afterimages that were as fast as lightning.

The air vibrated, and in the collisions, the terrifying energy escaped, and even formed like a storm, stirring up the fog on Kirishima.
Roar... In just a moment, with a deep roar, the dragon turtle that stopped slightly in mid-air had already knocked Li Yao away with one claw.Li Yao, who flew away in embarrassment and spurted out a mouthful of blood, managed to stabilize his figure, clutching his chest and turning pale. There was a deep fear in his eyes when he looked at the dragon turtle.

Although the speed of the dragon turtle is not very fast, it is surprisingly flexible in close combat, especially its four hoofs and claws, which can telescope and retract, making them appear and disappear. Coupled with the powerful shell, it can hardly hurt Li Yao. , was slapped by it with its claws like a rampage, and couldn't dodge. Even with the protection of the Black God suit, it was seriously injured.

"As expected of a dragon turtle, it's so powerful! I'm afraid it would take a third- or even fourth-level planetary human warrior to truly compete with it." Li Yao felt helpless and did not dare to fight the dragon turtle again.The dragon turtle seemed to have no intention of killing him. It also retreated to the edge of Kirishima and just looked at him with a warning.

Immediately afterwards, Liu He and Puka flew back almost in embarrassment.The dozen or so tentacles of the mutated octopus-like monster were too difficult to deal with. Liu He and Puka, who were soft but extremely powerful, could hardly cause any substantial damage to it. They were tossed around by it like ping pong balls. It's like slapping and playing.

If the mutated octopus-like king-level monster was a little more serious, a large number of tentacles would sweep out and easily surround and strangle them.

"It's so abnormal! This king-level monster is at least comparable to a planet-level third-level powerhouse. It's too powerful and too difficult to deal with." Liu He and Puka looked at the mutated octopus-like creature that was still waving its hands excitedly. Forgetting the monster, I couldn't help but feel helpless.

The battle between the other two strong council members and the Earth Dragon King is still going on. The Earth Dragon King is obviously weak.But the two powerful council members were only at the first level of planetary level. They were also helpless against the Earth Dragon King. After Li Yao and Liu He retreated after suffering losses, they made a wise choice to retreat.

"No! We are no match for these three king-level monsters. We cannot fight head-on," Liu He said after they retreated.

"What the hell, they are actually showing mercy to us!" Li Yao gritted his teeth and cursed.

Looking at the three king-level monsters retreating into mid-air at the edge of Kirishima, Puka couldn't help but frown and said, "What should we do now?"

"Contact the owner! This Kirishima matter is no longer something we can deal with," Liu He said helplessly. Li Yao frowned slightly, and Puka nodded and dialed Hong's number directly.

Li Yao, who was slightly hesitant when Puka and Hong were on the phone, quickly dialed Di Ke's number.But the strange thing is that the call cannot be made, which makes Li Yao frown and wonder: "Why can't the call be made? Is there no signal where Speaker Di is? Did he go to that mysterious ruins in the Amazon?"

"Teacher" Puka quickly got through Hong's phone and briefly told Hong about the situation here. After hearing this, Hong fell silent for a while and said: "Come back, everyone! Don't let anyone get close to Kirishima again." !”

"Yes, teacher!" Puka responded without hesitation, while Li Yao and the other two powerful council members couldn't help but frown, secretly wondering in their hearts that Hong wanted to monopolize this treasured land?
But even though they were very unwilling, they could only leave obediently with Liu He and the others.What can I do if I don’t give in?Those three king-level monsters are so powerful that even if Mo Henderson and East come, they may not be able to deal with them.Besides Hong, Thor and Dicko, who else has the ability to covet this Kirishima?

(End of this chapter)

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