Chapter 145 Firefighters
The eight-headed king-level monsters, the most powerful of which are the Donghai Qinglong and the king-level hissing beast, are relatively powerful and difficult to deal with among the king-level monsters. Even if Jia Yi, the third-level planet-level monster, comes, it will be very difficult to deal with them. Disaster.

But in front of Diko, he easily blew the heads of two powerful king-level monsters with just two random punches.

As for the other six weaker sea king-level monsters, Dico didn't even use his fists anymore. He just glanced at them casually and directly used his mental power to attack, which made their eyes look frightened. His eyes were dim and his huge body He fell down helplessly.

With Dicko's third-level star-level telekinesis power, how could these king-level monsters, which were only at the second- and third-level planet-level level, be able to withstand his telekinesis attacks?He was killed instantly!
"Solved! Congressman Jia, where are you now? I'm going to find you!" Dicko, who easily killed the eight-headed king-level monster, contacted Jia Yi again.

When Di Ke was rescuing the Northeast Military Region, Luo Feng, who was in Jiangnan Base City, was also supporting the Southeast Military Region. He relied on the third-level telekinesis weapon arc knife blade to quickly kill six king-level monsters like chopping melons and vegetables. .

The video of the two fighting against the king-level monster was also broadcast live around the world, and was seen by countless people in China, and even people in other countries and base cities.

At this moment, Di Ke and Luo Feng were extremely dazzling and powerful, which also aroused the excitement and admiration of many people, excited countless Chinese people, and also made more powerful MPs excited and joined the camp to rescue various military regions.

No matter how strong Di Ke and Luo Feng were, they would ultimately be unable to fight in two places at the same time.At this time, China, and even the whole world, was in a state of war.At the moment when human beings were in danger of life and death, each of the powerful members of the council stood up, just like firefighters. Wherever they were needed, they went to kill without hesitation.

Each name that used to be high-profile or low-key and unknown has become known to countless people.Di Ke, Luo Feng, Zhu Xi, Lan Ran, Yao Weiwu, and Li Yao are now the most dazzling superheroes among mankind!

Especially Di Ke and Luo Feng, they showed their strength far beyond that of other powerful members.As long as they are dispatched, they are almost invincible and invincible against king-level monsters. Wherever they go, they can kill those king-level monsters as easily as chopping melons and vegetables.

Even the terrifyingly fast Diko could rush to the rescue of some weak members and strong members in critical moments, greatly reducing the probability of serious injury or death of strong members of the Chinese side.

Comparatively speaking, the battles in other countries and base cities, Europe, America, Africa and other places were much more brutal. There were more powerful council members who were seriously injured and fled for their lives, or even died after being attacked by king-level monsters.

Even so, in the atmosphere of concern and concern from everyone around the world, the invisible aura of unity and hatred made the hearts of some strong members of Congress who were originally hesitant and hesitant boil with enthusiasm. They stood up one after another, marching forward and fighting without fear of death. Like to fight with king-level monsters
Although the strong human councilors are protected by the Black God Suit, there are many king-level monsters that are as powerful as the third and fourth planet-level monsters. In addition, there are so many that in the battles, the strong human councilors are still There are occasional falls.

So after the situation in China stabilized, Dicko, who was the fastest and most perverted among the strong members of the parliament, began to be invited to rescue some base cities in India and Soviet Russia, and to help hunt down some king-level While fighting monsters, he also occasionally offered help to some powerful members of Congress.

Di Ke's achievements quickly surpassed the equally dazzling Luo Feng, and he became the object of worship for countless humans in China and even around the world. His popularity and popularity has even surpassed that of Hong and Lei Shen.From the second half of the night when humans held the highest-level meeting in the God of War Palace to the afternoon of the next day, in less than 24 hours, the number of king-level monsters flying out of the sea reached nearly a thousand. This is just It's just part of the king-level monster of the sea.

There are only more than 100 planet-level experts in the human race, and most of them are only first-level planet-level experts.Even though they share the same hatred and the vast majority of the powerful members of Parliament participated in the battle, there is still a huge disparity.

It was very hard and dangerous for those ordinary powerful members to fight against a king-level monster, and sometimes they had to run for their lives in embarrassment.

Therefore, those who can truly deal with those king-level monsters must be veteran planet-level third-level powerhouses such as Diko, Luo Feng, and Mo Henderson, as well as some planet-level second-level councilors with powerful tricks. .

Their achievements are astonishing, and each of them is extremely dazzling. They are like firefighters putting out a fire. Wherever there is smoke, they must rush to where it is.

Dico and others killed countless king-level monsters, which inspired countless people, and was a great inspiration to mankind.But the monsters in the sea were extremely angry.

Therefore, the two beast kings among the sea monsters personally took action and killed the most dazzling Di Ke and Luo Feng respectively.Two extremely exciting peak battles started almost at the same time.
Tens of miles away from the Southeast Military Region, over the boiling Yangtze River, which is almost filled with countless water monsters, the Thunder Dragon Emperor is as thick as a water tank, with its body winding for thousands of meters swimming, with purple-black dragon scales all over its body. The lightning flashed like a divine dragon bathed in thunder and lightning, exuding a violent and terrifying aura that made the air tremble.

"The Thunder Dragon King, who is famous for his speed and strength? Then let me see how violent and terrifying your attack power can be!" Diko, bathed in dark red flames, looked at the Thunder Dragon that looked like an Eastern dragon. The emperor sneered and stepped forward to greet him.

Roar... Accompanied by a low and majestic roar like a dragon's roar, the lightning-fast dragon tail of the Thunder Dragon King also slammed down towards Diko like a thunderbolt...
A thunderous explosion sounded, and then a flame fist shadow collided with the thunder and lightning dragon tail, causing the space to tremble, and then the dragon tail flew away at a faster speed. Like this, even the winding dragon body of the Thunder Dragon Emperor seemed to be straightened in an instant and flew backwards. It flew back a full two or three miles before stopping. A large amount of dragon blood flowed from the dragon's tail. dripping down into the sky.

"But that's it!" Diko, who was shaking slightly but had stabilized his figure, threw away his hands and shook his head slightly in disappointment. His disdainful look immediately made the Thunder Dragon Emperor roar in fright, and turned into a huge beam like crazy. Thunder and lightning came over again like a phantom.

Peng.. This time, Diko still punched him cleanly, landing accurately on the head of the Thunder Dragon Emperor, and threw it away again. His scales shattered as he shook them in a daze. , the bleeding head...
Immediately after reacting, the Thunder Dragon King looked at Dico with a look of fear, and immediately turned around and ran away. This also made the countless sea monsters surging crazily in the river below freeze in their movements as if they were frozen on the river surface. one time.

And all over the world, regardless of country, color, gender and age, almost everyone watching the live broadcast of the battle exclaimed, was shocked, excited and excited.

(End of this chapter)

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