Chapter 150 Coma!Panlong?
Just when Dico stopped burning his soul and was about to fly away, a sudden feeling of dizziness came over him, making Dico feel as if his consciousness was very tired and his whole body was sleepy and wanted to sleep, and then his eyes became a little confused. .
"What's going on? Is this a sequelae of burning souls? But I obviously stopped in time..." Diko, who just had this thought in his mind, fell down powerlessly from the head of the golden-horned giant beast. The man fell unconscious and weakly downwards.

At this time, the golden-horned giant beast was also very weak. After Diko stopped attacking its soul and the stinging sensation in its soul disappeared, when it saw Diko falling helplessly, it suddenly looked ferocious and instinctively waved its hooves. Claw attacks Dicko
"Dico..." Diat, who was watching the battle from a distance, suddenly changed his expression when he saw this scene, but he was far away and it was too late even if he wanted to save Dico.

Fortunately, the blood thorns on Dico's body can automatically protect the owner. The thorns and vines whipped and entangled the hoofs and claws of the golden-horned beast, which alleviated the attack power of the hoofs and claws. The attack power that fell on Dico was weakened. a lot of.

But even so, Dicko, who was trembling all over, still fell into the seawater below like a broken sandbag, and then disappeared out of thin air, leaving only an inconspicuous ring falling towards the depths of the seawater.

Whoosh... Whoosh... In the sound of breaking through the air, two figures rushed over from a distance. It was Hong and Lei Shen. They saw Dico falling into the sea from a distance. They couldn't help but look sad and ugly, and then they all had sharp eyes. He looked at the golden-horned giant beast that had been severely injured by Dico. His whole body became fierce, and invisible murderous intent filled the air. The golden-horned giant beast that noticed them let out an angry roar.

The golden-horned giant beast, which had just withstood Dicko's attack and was now weak, faced Hong and Lei Shen who wanted to fight on wheels and refused to give it any chance to breathe. You can imagine the shock and anger in its heart.The battle with Diko had already made it fearful of strong human beings.

"Kill!" Hong and Lei Shen didn't hesitate. A heart-stopping light appeared all over their bodies, and they turned into two streams of light to kill the golden-horned giant beast.

It was obvious that the moment the battle began, their souls were already burning and they wanted to fight the golden-horned giant beast desperately.Di Ke had desperately injured the Golden Horned Behemoth, giving them the hope and opportunity to kill the Golden Horned Behemoth. Naturally, they would not take any chances anymore. They must seize this good opportunity at all costs and kill the Golden Horned Behemoth in one fell swoop. Behemoth.

"Dico..." Seeing Hong and Lei Shen rushing towards the golden-horned beast in two curves from different directions, Diat turned to look at the place where Dico fell, full of tears of grief. As the tears flowed down, my heart was filled with pain and self-blame: "Why? God, you have already taken away one of my sons, why did you also take Dico away?"

"The golden-horned beast..." He gritted his teeth and looked at the golden-horned beast that roared crazily and wanted to swallow Hong He and Thunder God. Diat couldn't help but clenched his hands and secretly said angrily: "I am too weak! If I can be like Hong He Stepping into the star level like a thunder god, at least I can still stand a chance against this devouring beast. However, now, even if I rush forward to fight it, I will only die."

I don't know how long it took, but the confused Diko seemed to have had a long, long dream. In the dream, he seemed to see a green dragon, a white tiger, a red bird and a big turtle, and he vaguely saw them. The experience of being born and growing together
As his consciousness slowly awakened, the picture of the dream world that Dicko could see became increasingly clear.Finally, he saw a terrible battle that broke out in the colorful chaotic space turbulence. Qinglong, white tiger, Suzaku and the big turtle joined forces to deal with a tall figure shrouded in a white light mask. With them, a figure appeared behind them. The phantoms that were exactly the same as them instantly froze space and time, and the chaotic spatial turbulence also stopped.

Immediately afterwards, a transparent stream of light penetrated through all obstacles and entered the body of the tall figure shrouded in white light, but he seemed not to be affected at all. Then he waved a lightsaber with a sharp and terrifying aura, slashing. He killed the white tiger, the red bird and the big turtle one after another like a melon slicing vegetables, and then a transparent sword light shot towards the green dragon that was running away crazily towards the distance...
"Isn't this..." Seeing this, Dicko, who was completely awake, seemed to have realized something. Then he felt confused again. When he woke up again, he found that he was lying on a big bed. After suddenly standing up, he saw a pair of thin short legs, and then looked at his own small hands. He was a little confused: "What happened? I traveled through time again? And became a child?"

Immediately afterwards, Dico saw that on the big bed he was sitting on, there were twenty or thirty children besides himself. They were all sleeping in a staggered state, their clothes were shabby, like a group of little beggars. Appearing to be around six or seven to eleven or twelve years old.

"Why are there so many children? Beggar's den? Trafficking?" Looking at so many children sleeping around him, Dicko became more and more confused: "And their hair is brown, golden, silver... and curly. Why do so many of them look like foreign children? Could it be that this is really the world of Panlong? Then we children, shouldn’t we be little slaves abducted by slave traders? Isn’t this start a bit miserable? Son?" Just when Dicko was muttering doubts in his heart, there was a sudden sound of opening the door, and then a middle-aged man with a white face and no beard walked in with a few indifferent men in black attire.

"Get up! Everyone get up!" Seeing Dick sitting awake on the bed, the middle-aged man raised his eyebrows in surprise. He turned to the indifferent men in black suits behind him and signaled with his eyes, and they immediately stepped forward. He shouted and roughly woke up all the children on the bed.

Some children who were still a little irritated after waking up were so scared that they shivered when they saw those indifferent men in black suits. Some even shrank to the wall with pale faces. .

The middle-aged man looked at the children on the bed expressionlessly, then sat down on the chair brought by one of the blond men in black suits, and said coldly and casually: "Let's get started!"

"Come here!" After nodding in response, another man with short hair and black clothes standing beside the bed grabbed a seven or eight-year-old boy from the bed like a chicken and threw it to the middle-aged man. on the ground in front of you.

At the same time, the blond man in black attire next to him took a black metal box and opened the lid, revealing a crystal ball the size of a football.It looks like an ordinary crystal ball, but there is a sense of light distortion on the surface.

"Put your hand up!" The blond man in black attire shouted to the little boy. Seeing him looking like he was afraid of crying and slowly stretching out his little hand, he frowned and grabbed the little boy's hand roughly and impatiently. The little hand pressed on the crystal ball in the box.

Suddenly, turquoise and white light appeared on the originally transparent crystal ball. The middle-aged man sitting aside raised his eyebrows slightly: "Dual magic talent? It is quite rare! But this elementary element affinity is You don’t even have the qualifications to become a magician!”

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, the blond man in black attire once again picked up the little boy with big eyes filled with tears, and threw him casually in the corner beside him like trash.

"Testing magic talent? Does the little slave also need to test magic talent?" Looking at this scene, Diko couldn't help but glance at the indifferent men in black suits: "Look at how evil and indifferent they all are. , more like a killer! A killer organization?"

(End of this chapter)

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