Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 152 Bloodline?bayonet

Chapter 152 Bloodline?bayonet
The efficiency of the killer organization is very fast. After a simple breakfast, the brother and sister Dicko and the silver-haired girl Elena were led away from the stronghold of the saber organization by Bell, the blond man in black outfit, and went straight to Gone to Finlay City.

At night, they rested in a wilderness.It was dark at night, and beside a bonfire, the blond man Bell was sitting cross-legged and practicing.As a killer, he is accustomed to adapting to various environments, resting and practicing in any environment, so that he can always maintain the best condition.

In the carriage, Elena and her brother had already fallen asleep leaning against the carriage. However, Diko, who was sitting cross-legged and pondering the secret code of fighting spirit that Bell had just taught him today, frowned and opened his eyes with surprise. Zhise: "How could it not work? After trying for so long, I still can't cultivate Dou Qi. It is simply more difficult than cultivating genetic energy at the beginning. My Dou Qi talent is not so bad, right? Is it possible that I can only cultivate in Panlong World? Magic?"

"Forget it, let's try the Gene Source Energy Cultivation Method!" A somewhat helpless Diko muttered for a moment before closing his eyes again, posing with five hearts pointing toward the sky, and started practicing Gene Source Energy.

But this time, in just a moment, or not even a moment, Diko soon sensed the fire and lightning elements between heaven and earth, and in his senses were densely packed fiery red light spots and lightning-like fire elements. The elemental energy of thunder and lightning quickly poured into his body as if it had found a vent.
Dicko felt his whole body warm and tingling, as if he was being warmed by a fire. At the same time, he felt a slight electric shock. His muscles all over his body were trembling, and his physical fitness was rapidly improving at a perceptible speed.

"It's really possible, great! So what if you can't practice fighting qi? Can you practice gene source the same way?" Feeling the changes in his body, Diko was secretly happy and quickly tried to use "Vulcan Guidance Technique" to assist in his practice. , improve the body's efficiency in absorbing refining elemental energy.

After a night of practice, after dawn the next morning, although Dike had not developed fighting spirit, his physical fitness had increased more than ten times.He looks like a ten-year-old child, but his strength is stronger than that of an adult, and he is probably comparable to a second- and third-level warrior.

The effect of practicing Gene Source Energy for the first time was obviously very good, and it also made Diko more confident in his future practice.Even if he is unable to cultivate fighting spirit, he can still rely on the gene source energy cultivation method to become a very powerful warrior, and it is not impossible to even have a holy body level.

"The physical body is sanctified? If I can cultivate the physical body to the level of the holy realm, it should be considered the physical body is sanctified, right?" Diko secretly thought a little self-deprecatingly, but also a little surprised: "My elemental affinity is very high, and it is said that cultivation Fighting qi will be easy. Even if a warrior has poor talent, he will not be completely unable to cultivate fighting qi. Could it be that I am a bloodline of the four ultimate warriors? If so, which bloodline will it be? "

Dragon blood warrior?It seems unlikely that the Baruch family still exists, and I haven't heard of any dragon blood warrior blood being left outside.Immortal warrior?Dico looked at his current small body and felt that it didn't look like him.

"Purple flame warrior? Tiger stripe warrior?" Diko, who was secretly guessing, shook his head: "Forget it, it's better not to dream about becoming the ultimate warrior. Even if I really have the blood of the ultimate warrior, it's almost impossible. It's impossible for the blood concentration to reach the limit. Even if it does, I don't have the fighting spirit secret book to practice with it. Besides, except for the dragon-blood warrior bloodline that can be inspired by the holy dragon blood, how should I stimulate the other three ultimate warrior bloodlines? I don’t know either.”

"So I'd better practice my genetic energy cultivation method honestly! With the assistance of "Vulcan Guidance Technique", when I develop the force, I can practice the "Fire Body Technique" of the Vulcan lineage. "Hey, by the way, maybe I can become stronger through physical training and try to stimulate the power of my bloodline. By then, even if I can't practice fighting qi, the powerful bloodline of the four divine beasts will allow me to practice with twice the result with half the effort." Thinking of this, Diko added His eyes lit up.

In fact, with the foundation Diko had accumulated by devouring the starry sky world, even if he could tap into the potential of his own bloodline by practicing "Dragon Blood Fighting Qi" like Lin Lei, Diko didn't care too much.

After the bloodlines of the four ultimate warriors are stimulated, they can easily reach the holy realm. A strong foundation does not mean that they will definitely become a peerless powerhouse.Just like the four divine beast families in hell, although they have a large population, most of their children are just mediocre.

But for Diko, who cultivates gene source energy, as long as the bloodline is stimulated, even if he does not practice fighting spirit, he can still discover the potential of the ultimate warrior bloodline through physical training.

A few days later, Dico, Elena, and the Allen brothers followed Bell, the killer of the Saber organization, and finally arrived at Finlay City.Finlay City is not only the royal capital of the Kingdom of Finlay, the leader of the Holy Alliance, but also the holy capital of the Holy Alliance and the headquarters of the Church of Light.

Therefore, the prosperity of Fenlai City is second to none in the entire Magnolia Continent. It is the economic center, art center and power center of the Holy Alliance. It is also one of the top super cities in the entire Magnolia Continent.

On Greenleaf Road in the east city of Finlay City, many powerful people from the Finlay Kingdom lived.Among them is an inconspicuous mansion. Its owner is just a viscount. He was awarded the title of viscount more than 100 years ago. Now he has no sense of existence.

In the living room of the mansion, an old man with a white beard was sitting on the main chair, looking at Dico and Elena with interest and a kind smile.

If Dicko had not guessed the identity of this old man, he would never have thought that he would be the person in charge of the Saber organization in Finlay City.

Such a kind and aristocratic old man, even in the prosperous Fenlai City, only a few well-informed and powerful people know his identity.

Mr. Bayonet, an old man with a white beard, just looked at Dico and Elena with a smile, as if he wanted to remember them clearly. Without saying anything, the servants of the mansion took them to settle down and rest.

"Two little guys with super affinity to elements. Our Saber organization has not encountered such good talents for a long time. They are also magic geniuses..." After Dico and Elena left, Mr. Bayonet narrowed his eyes slightly and said, He laughed so hard that his beard stood up.

"Wendy, if I remember correctly, in a few days it will be the admission day for major magic schools, right?" As soon as Mr. Bayonet finished speaking, the middle-aged housekeeper who walked in from the outside said respectfully: "Yes, grown ups!"

"Well, then let's take them to sign up for the test! I think it should be easy for these two little guys to enter Ernst College," Mr. Bayonet said with a leisurely smile: "Perhaps, within a few decades or one or two hundred years In the next year, our Saber organization will also be able to have two Holy Domain Magisters. Little Bell, what do you think?"

"This..." Bell felt a little embarrassed when he heard this and didn't know how to answer, Holy Domain Magister?Mr. Bayonet really dares to think!Dico and Elena's magic talents are good, and it is very promising to become seventh-level, eighth-level or even ninth-level magicians.But how much is the Holy Domain Magister, the entire Magnolia Continent?Not to mention the Holy Domain Magister, even the Holy Domain Warrior, the Kingdom of Finlay, which has a population of tens of millions, has no one on the surface.

Of course, the Holy See of Light must have strong men from the Holy Realm, but even the Holy See of Light does not have many with this level of combat power.Although the Saber Organization is the strongest among the four killer organizations, there are not many strong ones in the Sanctuary. There are a few that are nothing to mention, and they are probably all Sanctuary warriors.

The training of a magician is more difficult than that of a warrior.In the entire Magnolia Continent, the number of holy magicians is far less than that of holy warriors.The Saber organization, which is good at cultivating killers, naturally does not have a Holy Domain Magister.

(End of this chapter)

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