Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 162 Purple Flame Warrior Family

Chapter 162 Purple Flame Warrior Family
It was only more than two years before the day of destruction caused by the god-level monster Di Lin, and Di Ke never thought of stopping Lin Lei from pulling out the soft purple-blood sword from the weak point of the suppression space in the misty valley and releasing Di Lin. .

Although he knew that the Day of Destruction caused by Di Lin would kill many humans in the Holy Alliance and Dark Alliance, Dico was not a savior and had no responsibility or obligation to save them in advance.

Moreover, if it were not for Di Lin, Lin Lei, who fell into the hands of the Holy See for revenge, would probably really die.Diko was not sure of rescuing him from the hands of the Holy See of Light, and their relationship was not good enough for him to fight against the behemoth of the Holy See of Light for Lin Lei.

However, after the Day of Destruction, when large areas of the territory of the Holy Alliance and the Dark Alliance were occupied by Warcraft, and the prestige of the two Holy Sees was greatly affected, it was a good opportunity for Diko.

Heroes emerge from troubled times. If Diko is willing to stand up and fight against Warcraft, with his strength at the peak level of the Holy Domain, many people will definitely quickly gather around him, allowing him to gain a foothold in the Warcraft-occupied area abandoned by the two major alliances, and Rapidly growing and rising.

Helping those who are cornered by the monsters to expel the monsters and regain their homes seems to be a very meaningful thing, which is enough for Dico to gain the worship and belief of many people and provide him with the power of faith after he becomes a god in the future. .

By then, under the threat of Di Lin, the two major alliances would probably not be able to take care of him.When he really develops and has enough territory and troops, his strength will probably become more refined. Even if the two major alliances notice the threat, it will be too late to deal with him.

If it doesn't work, Diko will be able to eliminate the Holy Alliance and the Dark Alliance without waiting for Lin Lei to take action in the future, thereby occupying all the territory of the two alliances west of the Warcraft Mountains, regaining the style of the Pu'ang Empire in the past, and establishing a more powerful empire. .

Moreover, Dico also believed that Di Lin, as a god-level powerhouse, launched the Day of Destruction just because he wanted to vent his anger and regain his sense of existence after escaping from the prison on the Gobada plane.Even if Diko takes the lead in resisting the Warcraft, Di Lin probably won't care about a mere strong man from the Holy Realm, let alone attack him regardless of his status.

After all, for Di Lin, it does not make much sense to let the Warcraft in the Warcraft Mountains occupy large areas of the two alliances.

Some plain areas are not suitable for Warcraft to survive.After those Warcraft wreaked havoc, it is estimated that most of them will return to the Warcraft Mountains soon.And Diko can just lead people to regain the territories occupied by Warcraft. Otherwise, the population of these places will recover and prosper in a few decades.

But if you want to establish your own force, fight against Warcraft, and occupy territory, it is far from enough to just rely on Diko's strength, or just rely on him as a strong man in the Holy Domain.He needs helpers, and if he wants to gain a foothold in the Magnolia Continent, or even confront the two major Holy Sees in the future, he will need enough power from the Holy Domain.It is undoubtedly a good choice to help the four ancestors and grandsons of the Hyde family to inspire their bloodlines and make them become the Purple Flame Warriors of the Holy Realm.

Linley was able to get the help of the undead warrior Buck brothers to establish the Baruch Empire. Naturally, Dicko could also rely on the power of the Purple Flame Warrior family!

In fact, when Dicko revealed his identity as a tiger-striped warrior and offered to help Vicente and the others awaken the bloodline of the Purple Flame Warrior in their bodies, they were hesitant at first.

But when Vicente awakened the Purple Flame Warrior bloodline under Dico's guidance and was able to transform into the Purple Flame Warrior, the four descendants of the Hyde family were surprised and excited, and at the same time they truly recognized Dico.On the one hand, as they are both descendants of the four ultimate warrior families, Vicente and the others already identify with Dicko.On the other hand, Di Ke taught them the method of stimulating the bloodline of the Purple Flame Warrior, so that the Purple Flame Warrior family is expected to prosper and become stronger, and even future generations can awaken the Purple Flame Warrior bloodline. What a kindness!
In addition, Dico has already stepped into the holy realm after his transformation at such a young age. He is like a monster and has unlimited potential!Vicente, who believed that Dico was expected to become the top strong man on the Magnolia Continent in the future, even surpassing any of the ancestors of the four ultimate warrior families, was naturally willing to lead the entire Hyde family to follow him.

After taking care of the Hyde family, Diko told them to keep a low profile and practice hard, striving to cultivate the purple flame fighting spirit to the level of a ninth-level warrior as soon as possible, and then quietly returned to Fenlai City.

Although Dico now possesses the peak strength of the Holy Realm after his transformation, he does not want to leave the Saber organization directly.In the future, he really wants to establish a force and develop on the Yulan Continent, and the Saber organization behind him will also be a good help.A killer organization, but also an intelligence organization!
What's more, behind the Saber organization is Xisai, the king of killers who will reach the god level in a few years. Before becoming a god, having a god-level backer named Diko can develop more safely.

But what Diko didn't expect was that as soon as he returned to Finlay City, Elena brought him a very unexpected news.

In the Viscount Mansion on Green Leaf Road, Dico was in the room where he lived. Hearing the news that Elena came over and told him in a mysterious way, Dico couldn't help but stared in shock and said: "What? What did you say about the Holy See of Light?" Master Luo Ye, a legendary ascetic, wants to accept you as his disciple?"

"Yeah! I didn't expect that either! I just went to the slums in the city to deliver some food to some poor children, but I unexpectedly met Mr. Luo Ye. At first, I saw that he was skinny and skinny. , I thought he was an old beggar! Who would have thought that he would be the leader of the ascetics in the Holy See of Light?" Elena shrugged innocently:
"He said that I have a kind heart and a pure soul, so he wanted to accept me as his disciple. He also said that I might be able to practice the great prophecy technique that only the Pope can practice! He also said that if I can really practice the great prophecy technique, I can Let me be the Saint of Light of the Holy See of Light, and I may even become a rare female pope of the Holy See of Light in the future!"

"Saint of Light? Female Pope?" Diko looked strange when he heard this. You must know that before returning to Fenlai City, he had made preparations to become an enemy of the Holy See of Light in the future!In this blink of an eye, is Elena going to join the Holy See of Light?

"Does Grandpa Doug know about this? Could it be that he will allow you to become Luo Ye's disciple and join the Holy See of Light?" Diko asked with a frown.

Elena also had a slightly weird expression when she heard this and said quickly: "I'm just wondering! I told Grandpa Doug and he didn't object. He just said that I would make my own decision and he would support my choice."

"No objection?" Diko was also surprised. He and Elena were talents cultivated by the Saber Organization. Elena's magic talent is so good, can the Saber Organization be willing to give up on her and let her join the Holy See of Light?Or is it that the Saber Organization wants to take the opportunity to place her in the Holy See of Light?

Thinking of this, Dico couldn't help but shook his head slightly to deny the idea.The Saber Organization doesn't strive for world hegemony, so what's the point of risking offending the Holy See of Light by placing a genius in the Holy See of Light?

"By the way, that Lord Luo Ye also said that he could see the hatred and murderous intention in my heart, and wanted to help me get revenge, so that I could focus on practicing magic with him in the future!" Elena continued: "But , I refused. I want to avenge the hatred of my country and my family myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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