Chapter 166 Betrayal, end

Roar... As if the roar of a terrifying monster sounded, in front of the army under Roaut, a giant fire snake formed of flames and as thick as a water tank was rampaging. All soldiers touched by the fire snake were quickly When it spontaneously ignited, even the armor on his body seemed to melt.

Amidst the shrill screams and screams, seeing the soldiers being burned into ashes by the giant fire snakes, the soldiers behind them also retreated in panic.

As for the cavalry scattered around, the horses under them also felt the danger, neighed, turned around and ran wildly as if they were frightened, and were not under the control of the cavalry at all.

It sounds complicated, but in fact everything happens in the blink of an eye.First, he used thunder magic to attack the soldiers who were guarding Dane's family. At the same time, he seriously wounded Roote and captured him alive. Then he used fire magic to summon the flaming snake Diko, and directly drove Roote back. army under his command.

Dane, whose movements were stagnant, also looked at this scene in shock.But almost at the same time, he staggered and turned his head in even greater disbelief to look at Jia Luo, who had come up behind him at some point and stabbed a dagger into his lower back.

"Jia Luo, you..." Feeling the stinging pain in his lower back, Dane felt even more pain in his heart and couldn't help but look at Jia Luo in shock and anger. Obviously, he never expected that this brother who had been with him for so many years would actually At this time, I chose to betray him.

Jia Luo, who had just stabbed Dane while he was in a state of panic, also looked ahead as if he was stunned.How could Jialuo have thought that the young magician from Ernst Academy who came with Elena was so powerful that even Roaut was not a match for him.If he had known, he would not have acted rashly.

"Uncle Dane..." Elena also looked here with beautiful eyes. She was also a little shocked when she saw Dane being stabbed by Jarrow.

At this time, she naturally came to her senses and realized that Jarrow should have betrayed Dane and chose to join Roaut.Obviously, he didn't want to follow Dane to fight Roaut to the death.

Elena's exclamation also woke up Jia Luo.Seeing Elena running towards this side subconsciously, Jia Luo, who narrowly avoided Dane's counterattack, could not help but approach Elena with a flash of his eyes, trying to catch Elena so that Dai En and Dicko threw themselves into a trap, so that he could get a chance to escape with his life today.

As expected of an officer who has been fighting for a long time, Jia Luo undoubtedly reacted quickly and made what he thought was the best choice when faced with such changes.

"Miss Elena," Dane shouted in a hurry when he saw Jarrow heading towards Elena.But Elena's reaction next made him stunned again.

Hey... Elena, who also reacted sharply, took action suddenly when Jia Luo approached. A black dagger stabbed Jia Luo who was caught off guard. Even though she reacted quickly, she was still beaten by Eileen. The dagger in Na's hand scratched her arm and chest, and blood spattered.

"Ah" with a somewhat suppressed cry of pain, Jia Luo, who retreated in embarrassment, couldn't help but look at Elena in shock and anger.Obviously, he still miscalculated.Not only did Jia Luo misjudge Dico's strength, he also didn't expect that Elena was also a magician and a martial artist, and had the same strength as a seventh-level warrior like him.

Elena, who had forced Jarrow back, did not continue to take action. Instead, she came to Dane's side nimbly and hurriedly used light healing magic to heal Dane's injuries.Dane's injuries were too serious. If not treated in time, his life might be in danger.

"Huh?" Dico was also a little surprised to find that Dane was actually injured by Jarrow. Then he saw Jarrow was about to take action against Elena. Although he couldn't do anything to get Elena, Dicko still Can't help but look cold.Amidst the muffled sound, while the seriously injured Roaut was thrown on the ground in front of Elena and Dane, Diko had also turned into a phantom and came to Jia Luo in an instant. Under the gaze, he was not allowed to dodge at all, and he punched him directly on the head.

The next moment, Jia Luo, whose eyes almost bulged out, flew backwards, hit a wall on the outskirts of the town, and then fell to the ground, bleeding from all his orifices and losing his breath.

After Dico brazenly killed Jarrow, Elena, who used healing magic to help Dane stabilize his injuries, turned to look at Roaut with cold eyes, holding a blood-stained black dagger towards the struggling man. Root was about to get up: "Root, when you killed my parents and sold my brother and I to a slave organization, did you ever think that this day would come to you?"

"If I knew you had such a good magic talent, nothing I could have said could have saved your life," Root, who knew he had no way to escape, couldn't help but grit his teeth and secretly regretted it.

"The cycle of cause and effect, this is your retribution!" Elena shouted, then stepped forward and stabbed the dagger in her hand into Roaut's throat.

Ah... uh... As Elena pulled out the dagger, blood spurted out. Root subconsciously clutched his throat, his whole body convulsing and blood overflowing from his mouth. After staring and kicking his feet feebly a few times, there was His hands were unable to loosen and he lost his breath.

Roar... The eighth-level monster, the saber-toothed tiger, glared and roared as it looked this way, but it was afraid of Diko's strength and did not dare to step forward to avenge its master.

At the same time, as the seventh-level fire magic blazing snake used by Dico dissipated, those troops under Roaut who had barely stabilized their position were also a little commotion when they saw Root being killed by Elena. Get up
"Brothers, many of you must have experienced the changes that year," Dane stepped forward and looked at the soldiers and said loudly: "Yes, eight years ago, Archduke Berlin failed to provide you with supplies in time. Food and grass. However, the entire Principality of Berlin suffered a major disaster that year and received almost no food. The Duke was kind and did not want to see the victims starve to death, so he distributed the saved food to the victims. "

After a pause, Dane continued: "Think about it, you don't want to go hungry, how can you bear to watch your parents and relatives go hungry? Archduke Berlin saved your parents, wives and children, but what did you do? Because the food and grass were not supplied in time, you were hungry for two days. Inspired by Luot, you rebelled with him and killed the Grand Duke."

"Eight years have passed. Have your parents and relatives lived a good life during the eight years that Roaut has been in power? Ask yourselves, how are the lives of the common people in the Principality of Berlin in the past few years compared to eight years ago?" Dane almost said The low-pitched questioning immediately silenced the restless soldiers. They looked at each other and slowly lowered their heads.

Dico, who walked to Elena, reached out and patted Elena, who was looking at Roote's body in a daze, and let her lean against him silently.

Listening to Dane's words and glancing at the soldiers who were stabbed in the heart by him, Diko couldn't help but secretly thought: "I didn't expect that Dane could be so inspiring. It seems that he is really a talent! Elena That's right, with Dane here, you don't have to worry about chaos in the Berlin Duchy."

In this way, Dane's words almost made the soldiers under DeRoot choose to surrender without any bloodshed.As for the die-hard officers under Roaut, they were basically burned to death by the blazing snakes.

"Miss Elena" Dane's father, the old man with white hair and beard, came over excitedly and said, "Miss Elena, please return to Berlin County as soon as possible to take charge of the overall situation. The Principality of Berlin cannot be in chaos." ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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