Chapter 169 The Grand Duke

"To save the lives of our siblings, to save us? Okay, very good!" Elena smiled, but her eyes became colder, and then she said indifferently: "Uncle Dane, please let me People organized this good uncle of mine and sold him into slavery."

When Karen heard this, her face suddenly changed and she became panicked and said, "No Elena, I'm your uncle! You can't do this to me!"

"Uncle? You collaborated with Luo Aote, forced my parents to death, and even proposed to Luo Aote to sell Allen and I to a slave organization. You are really my good uncle!" Elena sneered and spoke immediately Said: "I didn't kill you, and I didn't sell your children to the slave organization like you did to me. I was thinking that you and I are both descendants of the Berlin family, so I showed the greatest tolerance to you."

"No" Karen shook her head repeatedly with a pale face, and looking at his appearance, Dane also shook his head secretly and waved his hand to his personal guards to take him down.

When Karen was roughly pulled out by two guards, she suddenly came to her senses and couldn't help but said: "No Elena, you can't sell me to a slave organization, you can't do this to me. ..No, I know I was wrong, Elena, I am sorry for you, I am sorry for the Grand Duke...Please, go around me once, just go around me once!"

Karen's hoarse cry like a slaughtering pig faded away, and at the same time, accompanied by a slightly chaotic sound of footsteps, Dane's father Aaront led a group of well-dressed but nervous-looking dignitaries from the Principality of Berlin from outside. Came in.

"Miss Elena!" Headed by Dane, a dozen nobles from the Principality of Berlin quickly saluted and shouted to Elena after entering.

Especially the nervous nobles behind Aaront, who just saw Karen's embarrassment.Invisibly, she was naturally a little more afraid of Elena.It can be seen from Elena's treatment of Karen that this Miss Elena is much more decisive than her gentle and kind father.

"You don't have to be polite, you are all the elders of the Principality of Berlin, and the Principality will still need to rely on you in the future," Elena said calmly, looking at these nobles of the Principality of Berlin.

All the nobles didn't even dare to say it, and their attitude was extremely respectful and polite. Diko couldn't help but praise secretly while laughing in his heart.

At this time, Elena is really a bit like a queen!This lukewarm attitude made the nobles of the Principality of Berlin, who could not figure out her thoughts, naturally become more cautious one by one, not daring to speak too much, not even daring to breathe.

"Miss Elena! The country cannot be left without a master for a day!" Aaront continued: "Now that Miss Elena is back, she should inherit the position of Grand Duke as soon as possible in order to stabilize the principality and avoid any chaos. .”

"The position of Grand Duke? Grandpa Aaront, do you want me to be the Grand Duke?" Elena heard this and looked at Aaront with a frown on her face and asked.

Aaront also hurriedly said: "Miss Elena, it is said that the grand duke's son should succeed to the throne. However, after all, Master Allen is still young and may not be able to stabilize people's hearts. And Miss Elena, you Not only is she the daughter of the Grand Duke, but she is also a student of the Ernst Academy. If she can inherit the position of the Grand Duke, she will surely unite the entire Principality of Berlin."

"This is the best way that I think is best after discussion with everyone. I hope Miss Elena can put the overall situation first and agree to inherit the position of Grand Duke," Yarant said with a straight face, but saw that Elena was still frowning. With a hesitant look on her face, she couldn't help but said: "Miss Elena! After the situation in the principality stabilizes and Master Allen grows up, it won't be too late for you to pass the title of Grand Duke to him in the future!"

"Okay! Grandpa Aaront, I will do as you say," Elena nodded slightly, and Aaront, who was overjoyed when he heard this, also brought a group of dignitaries from the Berlin Empire, as well as Dane. Elena knelt down and shouted: "Grand Duke!" "Okay, everyone, please get up! Grandpa Aaronte." Elena, who gently raised her hand, then stepped forward to help Aaronte up and said: "Grandpa Aaronte, You were once the finance minister of the principality and have rich experience in government affairs. Next, I will spend most of my time practicing, and I am afraid I will have to work hard for Grandpa Aaront to help handle the government affairs in the principality."

"It is an honor for me to be able to assist the Grand Duke!" Aaront nodded slightly, and Elena also continued: "In addition, when I bring Allen back, I also hope that you can teach me, Grandpa Aaront. he."

"This Grand Duke has such trust, I should do my best," Arrent said solemnly when he saw that Elena was about to entrust Allen to him.

Since she chose to become the Grand Duke of the Principality of Berlin, Elena was naturally unable to leave for a while.Moreover, with the killing of Luot, news of the civil strife in the Berlin Principality spread. The other two principalities, which are adjacent to the Berlin Principality and can be regarded as old enemies, are also on the Chen Bing border, and there is a strong tendency for intruders to invade and invade.

Fortunately, Aaront helped handle some of the government affairs of the Principality of Berlin, and Dane was also very good at leading troops in battles. Not only did Dane quickly stabilize the domestic situation, but after several small-scale tentative confrontations with the two principalities, Dane led the troops. , which also allowed them to see how powerful Dane was. Seeing that there was no advantage to take advantage of, they had no choice but to withdraw their troops.

But it was mainly because of Elena Ernst's status as a student at the Academy of Magic that the Grand Dukes of the two principalities were wary, and even the Kingdom of Hess, which was also eyeing the Principality of Berlin, became more restrained.

Even so, Diko stayed with Elena in the Principality of Berlin for several months. After everything was stable and Elena's identity as the Grand Duke was recognized by the Holy See of Light, he was eager to transfer his younger brother to her. After Allen picked up Elena, she accompanied Dicko back to Finlay City.

Elena was originally worried that Grandpa Doug would not let Allen go easily, but unexpectedly, when she went back and saw Doug, before she could say anything, Doug smiled and congratulated her on becoming the principal of Berlin. The Grand Duke, and jokingly asked Elena to take Allen back to the Principality of Berlin as soon as possible. He does not raise idle people here.

Seeing that Doug was so easy to talk to, Elena was naturally grateful.It can be said that she and Dicko were raised by Doug, and they naturally have some feelings for Grandpa Doug.

But when Dico saw Elena's moved look, he secretly thought that Doug was an old fox.In fact, for the Saber organization, it makes no difference whether Allen is in Finlay City or in the Principality of Berlin.Because if the Saber Organization wants to kill someone, it will be useless even if he hides in the Kingdom of Finlay.

And on the night when Dico returned to Finlay City, he left the Viscount's Mansion and went to another residence he purchased in Finlay City. In a quiet alley not far from his residence, his figure seemed to be... He was moving forward like smoke and suddenly stopped.

At the end of the alley, a black figure stood suddenly, as if waiting for him. The moment he stopped, the figure rushed towards him as fast as a ghost.

"Assassin? A very powerful assassin! At least he has the strength of a seventh-level or eighth-level warrior. Strange, who would ask a killer to kill me? Could it be..." When Dico saw this and was frowning in doubt, the black figure He was already close in the blink of an eye, and at the same time, an inconspicuous black dagger stabbed towards his heart like a poisonous snake spitting a message.

Faced with the opponent's fierce killing move, which showed no mercy at all, Diko, who didn't think much, also evaded the killing dagger like an arc of lightning, followed by a twist of his wrist, and a movement of his palm. It hit the opponent's chest from a very tricky angle...
(End of this chapter)

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