Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 173 Stone Sculpture and Xisai

Chapter 173 Stone Sculpture and Xisai

The Proulx Guild Hall is the number one guild in the stone carving world, with branches in some of the top big cities in the Yulan Continent.

The Proulx Guild Hall located in Finlay City can be called the art palace of the entire Holy Alliance.Most of the people who can enter and exit here are aristocratic figures who claim to be well-educated.

"Hurry up, the club is already open," at Elena's urging, Dicko followed her lazily and helplessly into the Proulx Club.

He was called over by Elena early in the morning. After practicing all night, his mental energy was quite consumed. He didn’t even have time to take a nap to regain his energy. He couldn’t help complaining: “It’s still early! Lin Lei The stone sculptures carved by that boy are on display in the Proulx Hall, and they won’t fly away in vain, so why are you anxious?”

"What do you know? That is a master's work, and it is the work of a 17-year-old stone carving master. Do you know how many people will come to watch it? I'm late, and I don't know how long the queue will last. !" Elena rolled her eyes at Dico and said: "Besides, the teacher finally gave me a day off, and you don't want to spend more time with me? Am I more important, or is cultivation more important?"

"Of course you are important. What you said makes sense," Diko could only say with a smile. Since Elena expressed her feelings for him, in the past two years, although their relationship cannot be said to have heated up rapidly, it has also Clearly closer than before.

Especially in the past year or so, because Elena had to practice with Luo Ye, she had seen less of Diko.So even if they were in the same city, every meeting seemed precious. Both Dico and Elena cherished the time they spent together.

We went shopping together, ate together, and came to Proulx Hall to admire the stone carvings. Dicko and Elena were just like ordinary young lovers, enjoying the simple and warm relationship they had together every time.

However, it seems that they came a little late today. After three days of exhibition, the fame of Lin Lei's stone sculpture "Dream Awakening" has spread, attracting more nobles to come to watch. Naturally, many people came early in the morning. Got in line.

Especially some nobles who think they are qualified and understand art, but in fact they are doing nothing. What they like most is to participate in some elegant things that can show their identity and cultivation.

Just like this exhibition of the stone sculpture 'Awakening from a Dream', basically all the nobles of all sizes in Fenlai City came here as long as they had time.Otherwise, they would be embarrassed to say that they are a well-educated noble.

Because there were so many people, in the master's exhibition hall of the stone sculpture "Awakening from a Dream" exhibition, the guests who came to watch had to leave every three minutes, and then the next wave of guests came in.If you want to watch again, you have to queue up again.

"You can only watch for 3 minutes. What can you watch in 3 minutes?" Elena, who followed them into the master's exhibition hall and followed them into the master's exhibition hall, couldn't help but curled her lips after hearing some of the nobles queuing up next to them talking.

"Three minutes, you can only watch the excitement," Dico laughed dumbly, looking at the large group of heads in front of him, and suddenly thought of the scene where some tourist attractions on earth are crowded with people during holidays, so crowded that you can only look at your head. We were here to see the scenery, but obviously we were here to see the heads!
Fortunately, the master's exhibition hall is not too big. Dico and Elena followed the crowd and formed a circle around the stone sculpture 'Awakening from Dreams', so they could still see clearly.

"Wow! It is indeed a masterpiece. The expressions of these five stone sculpture girls are so lifelike, like real people. I can't believe that this was carved by Lin Lei. He is only 17 years old, two years younger than me. ", a 17-year-old stone carving master and magic genius." Looking at the stone carving 'Dream Awakening', Elena couldn't help but admired with shining eyes: "It seems that Lin Lei really has true feelings for her." Dicko , tell me, why did the girl named Alice choose to leave Linley? Is she stupid?"

"They are just teenagers and girls, how do they know true feelings?" Diko shook his head and said indifferently, and looked at a guest not far away diagonally opposite.

This guest looks to be in his 40s or [-]s. He is wearing a loose robe, with his hands in the robe and hugging his chest. His long black hair is casually spread out. He seems to be enjoying looking at the exhibition in front of him. Mengxing' stone sculpture.When Dico looked at him, the black-haired man looked up at Dico as if he was aware of it, smiled with a raised brow, and then continued to admire the stone sculpture.

Three minutes passed quickly. Just as Dico and the others were about to leave and the next batch of guests began to come in, suddenly a series of dull explosions sounded, and the entire master exhibition hall was covered by a thick layer of fog. The guests instantly became confused, with screams of fear and angry curses rang out one after another.

"What's going on?" Elena was also a little surprised and subconsciously grabbed Dico's hand, while Dico, who narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the four figures rushing towards the stone sculptures in the mist, and frowned. Ningdao: "It seems that someone wants to destroy the stone sculpture."

"Destroying stone sculptures? Why? Who would do such a thankless thing?" Elena became more and more confused.

At the same time, the black-haired man who had no intention of leaving, who was still admiring the stone carvings, frowned and cursed impatiently in the face of this sudden change.

Just when the white figure among the four figures moved erratically to avoid the obstruction of the guards and approached the stone sculpture, and after breaking the defensive magic circle on the stone sculpture, the black-haired man suddenly became sharp-eyed.

Phew... accompanied by a slight sound of energy breaking through the air, the white figure who was about to destroy the stone sculpture again had his body split into two, as if he had been cut in half.Not only him, but the other three figures who tried to stop the guards also cut into two parts.

"With such exquisite power control, such terrifying attack power, and just a trace of fighting spirit, he easily killed four seventh- and eighth-level warriors. He is worthy of being the king of killers, Xisai!" Seeing this scene, I was a little surprised and shocked. Dico, and then found that the black-haired man Xisai had left at some point.

This method of coming and going quietly really made Dico feel shocked.Although he now possesses the peak strength of the Holy Realm, if Xisai attacks him, he really has no confidence that he can withstand it.

A killer at the sanctuary level, known as the 'King of Killers', his killing techniques can be called an art.Xisai can definitely be called the most terrifying and feared Sanctuary powerhouse below the god level.

After a while, the thick fog dissipated. After the chaos was over, Dico and Elena had just left the Proulx Hall with the flow of people, when they saw Wendy, Viscount Doug's housekeeper, walking towards them.

"Master Diko, Lord Viscount, please come back to the house immediately," Wendy said directly, while Elena on the side frowned slightly: "Grandpa Doug just asked Dico to go back to see him, and didn't call me. ?”

"," Wendy hesitated for a moment, then shook her head slightly, and Dicko, whose eyes flickered slightly, probably guessed that it might not be Doug who wanted to see her, so he smiled at Elena: "You go back first. After I meet Grandpa Doug, I will go find you."

Elena had no choice but to nod slightly. Although she didn't know why Grandpa Doug called Dico over at this time, she thought he wouldn't be harmful to Dico.

(End of this chapter)

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