Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 181 Cooperation, strong dragon?

Chapter 181 Cooperation, strong dragon?
Seeing the change in Monroe's expression, Dico couldn't help but continued meaningfully: "President Monroe, do you want not to offend the Holy See of Light, or do you want to cooperate with me and become friends with me?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that I don't just want the Principality of Berlin to expand its territory and become a powerful country," Diko said instead: "As you said, if I want to grow stronger, I have to cut off the light. The meat of the Holy See. Therefore, it is normal for me to confront the Holy See of Light in the future. Sooner or later, I will get rid of the Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness, control the territories of the two major alliances, and establish an empire like the Puang Empire 5000 years ago. That way, it’s even a stronger country.”

When Monroe heard what Dico said, he couldn't help but feel even more shocked.He never expected that the young man in front of him, who smiled calmly and confidently, would have such ambition and courage.

Solve the two major churches?I am afraid that even the emperor of the O'Brien Empire, the largest military power in the Magnolia Continent, would not dare to say such a big statement.If the two Holy Sees were easy to deal with, it would be impossible for them to stand to the west of the Warcraft Mountains for thousands of years and no one could shake them.

Of course, if the God of War takes action, it should not be difficult to destroy the Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness.However, there is not only Martial God but one god-level powerhouse on Yulan Continent.With the high priest, an old rival, the Martial God would not easily start a large-scale war on the Yulan Continent.

But Monroe recalled what Dico said. One or two decades later, with Dico and Vicente, the ultimate warriors at the pinnacle of the Holy Realm, Dico's side would be so strong that even the Holy See of Light would not be able to truly be shaken. , should be enough to make the Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness fearful.

Especially since Diko is so young and already has the strength of the Holy Realm. Who knows what level Diko will be able to reach in 20 years or decades or hundreds of years?For the Dawson Chamber of Commerce, it is indeed of great benefit and attraction to cooperate with such a talented Sanctuary powerhouse with unlimited potential.

And it's just some materials and secret support. Even if the Holy See of Light discovers it in the future, the Dawson Chamber of Commerce can completely explain that this is a business behavior if they are held accountable. Could it be that after Dick gave the money, the Dawson Chamber of Commerce can't do anything with him? Business?
Therefore, after some hesitation, Monroe gritted his teeth decisively and agreed to cooperate with Dico and secretly provide support to the Principality of Berlin.

With the wealth of the Dawson Chamber of Commerce, the intelligence capabilities and hidden power of the Saber Organization, and the addition of the Vicente family, Dicko is naturally confident and more confident to build a powerful empire based on the Principality of Berlin. , and even replace the two major Holy Sees in the future and occupy the territory of the two major alliances.

You must know that the vast territory of the two major alliances combined even exceeds that of the O'Brien Empire, the most powerful country in the Magnolia Continent today.Occupying such a large territory, when Diko breaks through and reaches the god level, his status and influence in Yulan Continent will be no less than that of the God of War and the High Priest.

In order to express his sincerity, Dico personally came to take Vicente's family to the Principality of Berlin. There was also a small surprise, that is, in addition to Vicente's four grandparents, Vicente also had a younger sister. He also succeeded in becoming a Purple Flame Warrior under the method of stimulating bloodline taught by Di Ke.

In other words, Vicente and his family now have five Purple Flame Warriors. In the future, they will be five Purple Flame Warriors at the pinnacle of the Holy Realm. Each one of them will be as strong as Luo Ye and Wu, the Chief Judge of the Holy See Inquisition. Senno's.

When leaving Hess City, Dico specially invited Linley to go to the Principality of Berlin, but Linley refused after a slight hesitation.

Now, he just wants to focus on training to improve his strength, and strive to reach level nine strength in human form like Dico as soon as possible, so that after transformation, he can become a strong man in the holy realm.Therefore, Linley decided to go to the Warcraft Mountains to practice hard.

Dico was not surprised by this and did not force him.Anyway, this time, he went out and brought back five purple flame warriors, which was considered a worthwhile trip.Coupled with the agreement to cooperate with the Dawson Chamber of Commerce, it is even more rewarding.

When Diko and others returned to the Principality of Berlin, as expected, because of the beast tide disaster on the day of destruction, news spread. Even if the beast tide did not affect the Principality of Berlin, it still caused panic among many people. The people in the Principality of Berlin also fled for their lives.

On the contrary, the city of Berlin County became much livelier due to the gathering of some fleeing nobles from the Kingdom of Finlay and the Kingdom of Hanmu, but it also brought some unsettling factors.Berlin County, outside the ancient castle, when Dicko brought Master Vicente and his father Old Bach, a gray-haired aristocratic old man also came out of the castle. It was the news that the Duchy of Berlin was now The minister of state affairs, Aaront, is like a man.

"Master Diko, you are finally back," Yarant said with relief when he saw Diko: "If you don't come back, I really don't know what to do."

"Sir, you are an old man from the Principality of Berlin. Is this a wolf or a thief that can make you so at a loss?" Dico asked with a joking smile.

Upon hearing this, Yarant couldn't help but smile bitterly and sighed helplessly: "Hey, it's hard to explain. This matter is much more troublesome than the wolf who came and the thief."

"Where is Elena?" Diko asked noncommittally, and Aaront also said: "We are greeting the nobles from the Kingdom of Finlay and the Kingdom of Hanmu! These guys are really difficult to deal with. "

"They are just some homeless dogs. Even if they are accompanied by some elite guards, do they still dare to act recklessly here? As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress local snakes. What kind of strong dragon is here this time?" Diko shook his head and said, He walked directly into the castle, and Aaront, who quickly followed, also introduced the situation to Dico in a low voice.

After listening to Aaront's story, Dico was already confident. When he arrived at the door of the castle hall, he heard a somewhat arrogant voice coming from inside: "Miss Elena, you are a woman. What kind of Grand Duke! I think, since you have become Lord Luo Ye’s sect, you’d better practice magic with peace of mind. It’s better to give up the position of Grand Duke of the Principality of Bolin to my grandfather. And you, just marry me. , this way we are a family..."

"Sir, are you sure this isn't a delusional idiot?" Diko looked sideways at Aaront with a strange look on his face, while Aaront smiled helplessly and did not answer.

Dico, with his slightly cold eyes, stepped directly into the hall. This also made Elena, who was sitting high above the hall, frowning and wanting to get angry, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she stood up to greet her and said: " Dicko, are you back?"

"Huh?" Elena's action also instantly attracted all the nobles attending the banquet in the hall to look over curiously, and sitting at the front on the left was an old man in black robes with a cold and arrogant expression. Next to him was a blond man in white robes. The young man frowned and looked at Diko.

Diko, who had said a few words to Elena with a faint smile, also turned to look at him, and said with sharp and cold eyes: "Boy, you want to marry my fiancée, have you asked me?"

Upon hearing Dico's words, the entire hall was in an uproar. Many people's expressions became exciting, and they even looked like they were watching a good show.

Elena, who was slightly stunned, couldn't help but look at Dico with a touching smile. The gaze that looked at Dico lovingly immediately made the blond young man who was also stunned by Dico's words react. After coming over, his face immediately turned red and showed an annoyed look.

(End of this chapter)

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