Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 188 Dico is causing trouble

Chapter 188 Dico is causing trouble

With the strong support of the Holy See, in just two or three months, the Principality of Berlin successfully defeated the Kingdom of Hanmu, the Kingdom of Finlay, and several remaining Warcraft in the neighboring Warcraft Mountains that were also attacked by the beast tide, and successfully recovered them. the territories of these kingdoms and principalities.

Naturally, during this process, the Principality of Berlin, which helped many civilians affected by the beast tide return to their hometown, also attracted many civilians, and even some noble children, powerful warriors and magicians to join the army.

When Dico and the others retook Finlai City, which was occupied by Warcraft, in addition to the elite troops under the Holy See, the Principality of Berlin already had 30 million troops, and although most of them were gathered and defeated troops from various countries, or recruited He was a new recruit, but in the battle with the monsters, he was quickly honed and integrated, and became a truly combatable soldier.

In Finlay City, Elena, who was standing side by side with Dico on some of the dilapidated city walls, looked at some of the depressed and ruined scenes in the city and couldn't help but sigh: "I never imagined that Finlay City, which was once so prosperous and lively, would become like this. .”

"I'm afraid many people didn't expect that we would come back so soon, right?" Diko smiled calmly and said: "In just a few months, the world has changed, and the world has changed. From now on, Fenlai City will be ours. Although it is a bit dilapidated now, it will be repaired quickly. In the future, it will eventually become prosperous and lively again, and even become more prosperous and lively than before!"

"But will the Holy See allow us to easily control this place? Even the Holy See may not be willing to admit that our Principality of Berlin occupies the territories that we have now recovered. After all, the emergence of a powerful Kingdom of Berlin or Empire of Berlin, It’s not conducive to the Holy See’s control over the Holy Alliance,” Elena said.

As she spoke, Elena couldn't help frowning and said: "By the way, I heard that the Dark Alliance has also taken action. With the secret support of the Dark Holy See, the Black Lion Kingdom and several other Dark Alliance kingdoms were previously occupied by Warcraft. and the principality’s troops are already recovering the lost territory one after another.”

"Hehe, the Dark Alliance is not slow to respond," Diko smiled with twinkling eyes: "However, it is still slower than us. So, it gives us a chance!"

"Opportunity? You you want to continue to regain the territory of the Dark Alliance? This will anger the Dark Holy See!" Elena looked at Dico in slight surprise and frowned.

"So what? Do you think the Light Holy See is afraid of the Dark Holy See?" Diko smiled noncommittally, and then said meaningfully: "Besides, those people sent by the Light Holy See have probably recovered their lost territory and fought with ordinary monsters. We haven’t had enough yet! Now that they have the opportunity to regain the territory of the Dark Alliance, they will probably be even more excited, even more active than us. After all, the Dark Holy See and the Light Holy See are old enemies."

"Without the consent of the Holy See, we rashly started to make enemies of the Dark Alliance. This..." Elena hesitated slightly after hearing this, and then her expression changed: "You want to kill first and then wait for the real deal with the Dark Alliance. After the conflict broke out, the Holy See of Light was left in a difficult situation?"

"Yes! The snipe and the clam are fighting for their own benefit. Only when the Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness come into conflict will the senior leaders of the Holy See have no time to think about how to weaken the power of the Principality of Berlin," Diko nodded slightly.

"However, those people sent by the Holy See are not all impulsive people. They may not be reckless and impulsive to invade the territory of the Dark Alliance," Elena said with a frown.

"Then it's up to us to pre-emptively create conflicts," Diko shrugged and said, "Some of them may be calmer, but when there is a real conflict, with the temperament of the people of the Holy See, they will never bow to the Dark Alliance easily. of."

"Dico, you are really becoming more and more like a politician and conspirator now," Elena looked at Diko and couldn't help but said: "It seems that the Holy See of Light really did what they wanted to do to take advantage of us this time. This is the biggest wrong decision!" "Humph, using me? The people of the Holy See are too arrogant. Do they really think that I will care about the identity of a special deacon of the Holy Realm they gave me?" Diko snorted with disdain. sneered.

Dico naturally knew what those people in the Holy See of Light did in the name of light and what they were really like.

Perhaps only those who are truly ignorant, those who have no spiritual sustenance, will believe in any light?As for the truly strong ones, even the strong ones in the Holy Realm of the Holy See of Light, they actually believe more in their own strength than in the Lord.

Half a month later, with the assistance of the elite troops of the Holy See, the army of the Principality of Berlin successfully eliminated some remaining monsters in the Kingdom of Finlay. Some experts from the Holy See and high-ranking military officers of the Principality of Berlin were greeting Elena. Next, a celebration banquet was held in the temporarily renovated palace hall of the Kingdom of Finlay.

And just above this banquet, news came that an army entering the Black Lion Kingdom on the front line encountered people from the Dark Alliance, and was ambushed and suffered many casualties.

The key is that this army is led by members of the Holy See of Light, and the leader is the son of a deputy commander of the Holy Legion of the Holy See of Light.As Dico said, among the people of the Holy See of Light, there are many people who are reckless, impulsive, eager to achieve success, and have high ambitions but low intentions.

After receiving this news, both the officers of the Principality of Berlin and most of the people in the Holy See of Light were naturally shocked and angry.With the full support of Diko and Elena, even some relatively calm experts from the Holy See could not oppose sending troops amid the excitement.

So the troops of the Principality of Berlin bravely entered the Black Lion Kingdom, which was adjacent to the Kingdom of Finlay and on the side of the Dark Alliance, and quickly defeated the vanguard army of the Dark Alliance that ambushed their own troops.

The response of the Dark Alliance was also very fast, and they quickly mobilized their troops. After several confrontations, the two sides finally faced off outside the Black Lion City, the royal capital of the Black Lion Kingdom, which was also occupied by Warcraft. The war was about to break out, and the real show had just begun. ..
A total of 40 to [-] troops from both sides were stationed outside Black Lion City. There were continuous military camps. The murderous atmosphere even made the remaining monsters in Black Lion City anxious.The roars of some monsters occasionally sounded in the city, making the atmosphere even more tense.

On the side of the Holy Alliance, next to the military tent of the Berlin Principality's army, in the military tent where Elena lived, Elena, who was walking back and forth with a frown on her face, couldn't help but feel a little confused when she saw Dico still sitting there calmly drinking tea. Helpless: "Dico, we are really in a difficult situation now, but the Holy See has sent news, asking us to exercise restraint as much as possible and not really start the final battle with the Dark Alliance."

"Next, the Holy See will definitely send strong men from the Holy See to negotiate with the Dark Holy See. I am afraid that this battle will end in an anticlimax." Before Elena could finish her words, Diko suddenly opened his eyes and said: "The Holy See of the Dark Holy See The strong man is indeed fast enough!"

"What? You said that the powerful men from the Holy Realm of the Dark Holy See have arrived?" Elena's face changed slightly, while Diko's lips curved with a cold arc: "This is our chance! You said, if What will happen if the Saint Realm strongmen of the Dark Holy See die before the Saint Realm strongmen of the Light Holy See arrive? What will happen if they reach our military camp and are killed by me?"

Elena's beautiful eyes suddenly widened when she heard this: "Are you going to lure them here and then kill them, making people think that they want to strike first and leave us?"

(End of this chapter)

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