Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 240 Trouble is coming

Chapter 240 Trouble is coming
Seeing Lin Lei's worried smile, Dico shrugged slightly and said, "Speaking of which, I am somewhat responsible for this matter. If I had arrived earlier and not tried to test Beaumont, this would not have happened. .Okay, let me accompany you to the Baruch Empire!"

"Dico...then, where is your Bon Empire?" When Lin Lei heard this, he couldn't help but ask with a moved expression. Desili couldn't help but smiled and said: "Lin Lei, are you being... Are you scared to death by what happened today? Master Diko has more than one clone of the middle god. Even if there is trouble in the Bon Empire, he is completely confident that he can handle it."

"Thank you! Diko, I..." Linley reacted after hearing this and couldn't help but express his gratitude.You know, there are quite a few god-level powerhouses who escaped from the prison on the Gobada plane this time. Who knows how many god-level powerhouses will go to the Bon Empire to cause trouble?Will there be a higher god?
And Diko must have thought of this, but the god clone still chose to go to the Baruch Empire with him, which would undoubtedly weaken his ability to protect the Bon Empire.No matter how confident Diko was in his own strength, this move moved Linley very much. Diko really regarded him as a good friend and brother!

"Okay, don't waste time! Let's go!" Diko said and flew towards the Baruch Empire first, while Linley and the others followed quickly.

"Dico! Desili and the others...don't you let them rush back to Finlay City?" Seeing that Muba and Desili were also following him, Linley couldn't help but communicated through the message.

After hearing the words, Diko pondered for a moment before ordering Muba and Desili to return to Fenlai City. If they both went to Baruch Empire and a god-level expert went to Fenlai City, Dico would be a bare commander himself, even if there were Several god clones seem to be a little lackluster!

"Go directly to the imperial capital of the Baruch Empire. If there is a god-level strongman who wants to covet the Baruch Empire, he will probably go directly to the imperial capital," Diko said after quickly entering the territory of the Baruch Empire. .

Linley couldn't help but worry: "Then if they go directly to the Dragon Blood Castle, almost all of the saintly warriors from my Baruch Empire and my relatives will be in the Dragon Blood Castle."

"It's okay, they are all within the Baruch Empire anyway, and the imperial capital Baruch City is not too far from the Dragon Blood Castle. I will use my spiritual consciousness to pay attention to the situation of the entire Baruch Empire. Once I find that there is a god-level powerful "We have entered the Baruch Empire and if we want to go to Dragon Blood Castle, it won't be too late for us to get there," Diko said calmly.

After hearing this, Lin Lei nodded in relief, and then he and Diko rushed to the imperial capital of Baruch City.On the way to Baruch City with Lin Lei, Olivia and Tu Li Lei, Di Ke also quickly sent spiritual messages to Fa En of Wushen Mountain and the disciples of the high priest of the Magnolia Empire, asking them to prepare as soon as possible. Escape for your life and quickly leave Wushen Mountain and the imperial capital of the Magnolia Empire for safety.

After all, those who dare to covet the O'Brien Empire and the Magnolia Empire must be god-level powerhouses, and they will also be relatively powerful god-level powerhouses.The Holy Domain disciples under the Martial God and the High Priest had no power to resist when faced with the god-level powerhouses in the plane prison and the Holy Domain extreme men under their command.

Diko, who was powerless and had neither the power nor the obligation to protect the two empires for the God of War and the High Priest, could only do to warn their disciples. Giving them time to escape would be the end of his benevolence.

In the palace of the Baruch Empire, Emperor Xino, who was handling government affairs in the palace, couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw the sudden arrival of Diko and Lin Lei: "Uncle, why are you here? What are you..."

"Sino, our Baruch Empire may be in big trouble. Please ask the people in the palace to leave the palace and go out for safety first," Lin Lei, who didn't bother to explain to Sinodo, ordered.

Seeing Lin Lei's serious expression, Xino also realized the seriousness of the matter, so he nodded quickly and went out to make arrangements.At the same time, Xino couldn't help but feel a little flustered and confused.You know, his uncle has already become a god-level powerhouse. How terrible must the big trouble he talks about be for the uncle who has become a god to deal with it so solemnly and nervously?

"Lin Lei, don't be too nervous. The soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the earth, and the matter has not reached the point where it is unmanageable." Dike, who patted Lin Lei on the shoulder, said worriedly: "Sino... you are a pretty good nephew. When faced with big things, He is indeed a qualified emperor to be able to deal with it calmly and calmly." "By the way, I heard that your daughter is not married yet, right? Now that my son has grown up, how about we get married?" Diko turned to smile. road.

Lin Lei, who had just smiled when he heard Dico praising Xino, was stunned for a moment when he heard what Dico said later, and then he smiled helplessly: "Dico, at this time, do you still have the intention to do this to me? A joke?"

"Who are you kidding me? I'm telling you the truth! Of course, whether this can happen or not depends on whether the children can see each other right in the future," Dico said.

Lin Lei was really speechless, and Olivia and Tu Lilei on the side also looked at each other with strange expressions.But Dicko's gags did relieve the tension and anxiety in their hearts.

Time passed quietly, and Diko and the others did not wait too long in the palace of Baruch City. Diko, who seemed to be sensing something, called out to Lin Lei and the others, and flew to the already empty palace first. in mid-air.

"Huh? No... Isn't it Ogawen?" Through the detection of his spiritual sense, he sensed the aura fluctuations of the first few god-level strongmen among the seventy or eighty strong men flying towards Baruch City. Coton raised his eyebrows and was slightly surprised: "Then where did Ogavin go?"

"Dico, what's wrong? Could it be that the god-level warrior who came to our Baruch Empire is too strong?" Seeing the frowning look on Diko's face, Lin Lei at the side asked.

"One mid-level god, three lower-level gods, and seventy or eighty powerful saints, we can handle it, don't worry," Diko shook his head and said, "However, when I checked with my spiritual consciousness, the other party was the leader. The middle god has also sensed it. Knowing that we also have a middle god and three lower gods here, I dare to continue coming here, so I should have some support."

After hearing that Di Ke said that the other party was also a middle god and three lower gods, Lin Lei and the others could not help but relax a little.But after listening to Dike's words, Tu Lilei couldn't help but worry: "Although Master Dike is sure to deal with the middle god, the lower gods who survived the plane prison are not weak at all." . The three of us are three against three, but we don’t necessarily have much confidence."

"What are you afraid of? We even killed Beaumont, can they be stronger than Beaumont?" Olivia said indifferently.

"It's better to be careful," Lin Lei said and glanced at Tu Li Lei. Among the three of them, Tu Li Lei was relatively weak, so Lin Lei could completely understand Tu Li Lei's worries, and this time Tu Li Lei was also Linley came to take risks in order to help him.

If Tu Lilei hadn't been the strongest man in the Far Eastern Prairie, and his relationship with the three grassland kingdoms wasn't too close, and he didn't have to protect the three kingdoms, he probably wouldn't have been able to help Lin Lei.

Diko and the others did not wait too long in the air of the palace when they saw figures flying over quickly from the distant sky. A total of seventy or eighty figures arrived in the sky above Baruch City in the blink of an eye. Powerful and surging waves appeared. The aura filled the air, causing many people in Baruch City to look up in surprise: "Sacred realm strongman? What do so many holy realm strong men do when they come to the emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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