Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 247 Stimulating Talent Energy

Chapter 247 Stimulating Talent Energy

The Magnolia Festival in the year 10045 of the Magnolia Calendar is a very special day, because on this day Elena officially passed the throne to her 22-year-old son Berlin.

After the ceremony, Dico was chatting in the palace garden with Heise, who had been away for several months. This time he came back specifically to attend Berlin's enthronement ceremony.

"Lord Xisai, this is rare! This time, you actually stayed at the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple for so long, and you left within two days of coming back. Are you really planning to be with Rosalie forever?" Dico joked. asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Xisai suddenly smiled awkwardly and said: "It's not like forgetting it. To be honest with you, in fact, I was lucky enough to get a lower godhead in the cemetery of the gods. I went to find Rosalie before. I also want to give her the divine power. However, it would be quite dangerous if someone discovers that she is refining the divine power as she is a Holy Realm Ultimate. After all, there are many Holy Realm Ultimate and God-level experts on the Yulan Continent now."

"Killing her, an extremely powerful person in the Holy Realm who has not yet successfully refined her godhead to become a god, to get a godhead, I'm afraid many people will be willing to do it..." When Xisei said this, Dico suddenly smiled: "I see that's it. ! Master Xisai, are you still hiding this from me? It seems that you are so affectionate and loyal, and you take the initiative to guard the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple. Rosalie must be very touched, right? I’m afraid that as time goes by, you But you really have to fall into a nest of tenderness and it’s hard to extricate yourself!”

"Well, I mentioned to Rosalie before that I asked her to come to Fenlai City for a retreat, but she didn't want to leave the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple, so... I really have no choice," Xisai coughed slightly and said slightly helplessly. : "Now you are in charge of Fenlai City, and there are god-level powerhouses like Desili and others. One more of me is not more, and one less of me is not more. Anyway, for me, it is the same no matter where I practice. ."

"Is it the same? I can't see, can you? If you are at Rosalie's place, you will probably be more passionate about practicing," Diko deliberately joked, so that Xisai, who had no choice but to change the subject, could only change the subject: "You kid, Now you are becoming more and more perverted, and you can even kill the famous powerful gods in the plane prison. What is the motivation for you to practice so fast? Is it because of Elena, or is it because of your beautiful and sensible pair? Children?"

"Of course I am gifted and have a good understanding. No one can envy me." Diko's words, coupled with the smile on his face, immediately made Xisai feel depressed and speechless.

This guy's strength is not only improving at a terrifying rate, but he can even choke to death when he speaks.Seeing Diko's confident and proud look, Xisai couldn't help but grit his teeth and secretly felt cruel.Damn, this little guy is a perverted middle god who can kill upper gods. He Xisai must understand the laws of dark elements as soon as possible and step into the realm of middle gods, otherwise he will be too shameless in front of juniors. .

But what Xisai never expected was that more than a year later, before he had reached the middle god realm, Diko, the daughter of Linxi, who was still a junior in his eyes, would show up without any signs. The breakthrough became a miracle.

After learning that Lin Xi had become a god, everyone, let alone Xi Sai, was surprised. It felt a bit unbelievable!It has only been ten years since Linxi entered the realm of Holy Magic. A strong man in the Holy realm has become a god after more than ten years of cultivation. This cultivation speed is not inferior to that of Diko.

Compared with Dike who was young and was very impressive when she first entered the Holy Realm. Although Linxi was very talented in magic, she quietly became a Holy Magician. After entering the Holy Realm, she was too much. Low-key, with almost no chance to show off his strength.

Now that he has stepped into the god level quietly, it is no wonder that everyone is stunned and dumbfounded.Could it be that just because she is Dico's daughter, she is so evil?

Even Elena, a mother, never expected her daughter's sudden breakthrough to become a god.You know, since she abdicated, she has devoted herself to practicing and understanding the laws of light elements. Although she has gained some achievements, she is still far from becoming a god.

She entered the Holy Realm about 20 years earlier than her daughter. She asked herself that her cultivation talent was not inferior to her daughter's. She really couldn't understand how her daughter could comprehend the mysterious laws as easily as eating and drinking.
The key is that her daughter Linxi clearly has magical talents with fire and light attributes, but she has cultivated a lower god clone with wind attributes. This makes Elena even more confused and even confused. .And the only one who truly understands the reason is Dicko.In fact, he has been thinking about how to stimulate the innate energy of the children of the four ultimate warrior families like the clan baptism of the four divine beast families, so that after they step into the holy realm, they can easily break through and become gods, just like the divine beasts. When you reach maturity, you can directly become a god.

In the end, by combining bloodline stimulation and soul-burning methods, Dike finally figured out a way to stimulate the innate energy in the soul space, and let his daughter Linxi try it, and it succeeded.

And then, in less than half a month, energy fluctuations that turned into gods appeared in Fenlai City again and again, as if exploding, and the Boang Empire suddenly gained seven god-level powerhouses. , it was Lao Bach from the Purple Flame Warrior family, his daughter Yan Ya, son Vicente, and two grandsons Yuxing and Trey, as well as Terin and Bolk father and son from the Tiger Stripe Warrior family.

This incident once again shocked many god-level powerhouses on the Yulan Continent, and also stunned the god-level and saint-level powerhouses in the Bon Empire.

In particular, the early batch of saintly strongmen in the Bon Empire, such as Doug, including the Holy See's Luoye, Kendler and other holy strongmen, have some understanding of the strength of Lao Bach and the others, relying on the talent of the ultimate warrior At best, their strength is only at the second level of the Saint Realm. Their understanding of the laws is not deep, and they are far from the limit of the Sanctuary Realm. Why did they suddenly become gods?

Thinking of Princess Linxi who had previously achieved breakthrough into a god, it seems that they all have one thing in common, that is, they all have the blood of a family of ultimate warriors.

Naturally, interested people have speculated that this may be related to their ultimate warrior bloodline.Perhaps like a mythical beast, one can naturally become a god upon reaching maturity, and the ultimate warrior bloodline may be comparable to the bloodline of a mythical beast.

But in the past, the ultimate warriors born on the Magnolia Continent, although they were very powerful in the holy realm, I have never heard of anyone cultivating to become a god.Then there is no doubt that all of this is probably Dicko's handiwork, and only the extremely evil Dicko can always bring surprises to people like this.

In fact, not only those god-level experts and saint-level experts, but also Beirut were shocked.Diko actually figured out a way to stimulate the natural energy of the blood of the divine beasts, similar to the baptism in the mysterious ancestral hall of the four divine beast families. Beirut no longer knew what to say...
To know the method of stimulating bloodline, even Beirut, as the main god, has not been able to figure it out before. Therefore, except for his three sons who were born to easily reach the holy realm, the descendants of the God-Eating Rat have no other rats with the blood of the God-Eating Rat. Warcraft can only become level nine at most, and it is difficult for them to step into the holy realm.

In fact, the God-Eating Rat, a divine beast with such a talent and evil perversion, like the four divine beasts, is the most top or even unique divine beast in all major planes. The bloodline of the God-Eating Rat is not inferior to the blood of the four divine beasts.

The method of stimulating bloodline that Beirut obtained from Dico previously allowed some peak-level ninth-level stone-eating rats and shadow rats in the Dark Forest to quietly break through and step into the sanctuary, becoming the Purple Golden Rat King.

Now it is known that Dico has created a method to stimulate the innate energy of the bloodline of divine beasts. When Dico taught Old Bach and the others this secret method, Beirut naturally found out through the Lord God's consciousness quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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