Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 250 Double surprise

Chapter 250 Double surprise

In the early spring of the year 10066 of the Magnolia Calendar, in the Baruch Empire and the Dragon Blood Castle, the sun set, and the entire castle was enveloped in a hazy red sunshine.

In the back garden of Dragon Blood Castle, Diko and Linley were sitting across a stone table facing each other.Diko, who seemed to have thought of something, couldn't help but laugh: "I can't believe that the joke I made in the palace of your Baruch Empire actually came true!"

"I also didn't expect that Shasha has always had a very high standard, and she has never liked any young people in recent years. This time, she just went out for a trip after becoming a god, and she actually met your son Bolin, and they even exchanged words with each other. You got it right," Lin Lei said and couldn't help but shake his head and smile with emotion: "It's just that I remember that she seems to be more than ten years older than Berlin, right?"

"What's the point? They are already god-level warriors and have long lifespans. Not to mention the difference of ten years, but even if the difference is a hundred or ten thousand years, what does it matter?" Diko was laughing as if he was dumbfounded. He said indifferently: "Why, do you still care about this?"

"I don't care about this, but your son is the emperor of the Bon Empire. Although there are not many concubines in his palace, there are still many," Lin Lei couldn't help but said.

Before he could finish speaking, Diko hurriedly said: "If Shasha is willing to marry into our Bonn Empire, I can guarantee that she will be the queen. Her and Berlin's child will also become the emperor of the empire in the future."

"Since your son didn't make a queen, he is just waiting here, right? Now, you don't have any grandchildren. If Shasha marries Berlin, their child will naturally be the future emperor of the Bon Empire!" Lin Lei said Bai. Diko glanced at him and said angrily: "Do you think this is what I really want to say?"

"The bride price is here, I've prepared it, you can take a look first," Diko said as he turned over his hands, and suddenly there were gods and artifacts suspended above the stone table in front of him, the most conspicuous of which were wind and fire. A mid-level godhead and a high-level godhead with three attributes, as well as a high-level artifact with a sharp aura like a spear.

Feeling the aura of the godhead and artifact, Lin Lei suffocated slightly, and then frowned slightly: "Knowing that you killed that Sadista, and you have no shortage of godhead and artifacts in your hands, do you think I will care about these things? In fact, as long as If Shasha is willing, she can live a good life and live happily, I have nothing to say."

"That's enough! Okay, it's settled! Just keep your things! No matter what, if you marry your daughter and my son marries a wife, you still have to give me the bride price!" Diko said with a smile: " Even if you don't care about this, don't you want Delia to become a high-level god and then go to hell? At least it will be safer! Although your brother Wharton has become a god with the water element, he still prefers to understand the laws of the fire element. But he has an understanding of the fire element. How about you, since you have already refined a lower godhead with the fire attribute, you can simply refine the godhead directly to become a higher god. In this way, when you leave the Yulan Continent in the future, you will be more at ease with your brother guarding the Baruch Empire. no?"

"I'm interested! Okay, I'll accept it," Lin Lei nodded slightly, then waved his hand to accept the gift prepared by Dike, and Dike also smiled and said: "By the way, there is a small bottle in it. Liquid is not an ordinary thing. Although there are only ten drops, every drop can save your life at a critical moment. As for what it is, you will know it when you get to hell."

"Oh?" Lin Lei was a little curious after hearing this, but he was not in a hurry to take it out for inspection in front of Diko. He just nodded slightly and continued: "My law of the earth has reached a bottleneck. Although with your guidance, I tried I understand the laws of the earth's elements, but the final unification of the earth's pulses is still not possible. So, I am going to go out for a walk. So, the children's marriage should be done as soon as possible!"

"Of course that's good. I'm still waiting to have my grandson. I want to wait until my grandson grows up to go to hell!" Diko said with a wider smile on his face.

Now that the two have agreed on the matter, the marriage between the Bon Empire and the Baruch Empire has naturally attracted the attention of all parties. The grandness of the wedding was even more lively than when Berlin succeeded to the throne, and even now Yulan Some god-level experts on the mainland came to congratulate him.Even Beirut came in person, which was a big honor for Dico.Who could have imagined that when an emperor in the Magnolia Continent married a queen, almost all the god-level powerful people in the entire Magnolia Continent would gather to watch the ceremony?

Especially Beirut's personal visit to congratulate him made powerful people from all walks of life more and more aware of Dicko's great influence. Even the Lord of Beirut gave him face like this!
After the wedding, in the back garden of the palace at night, Dicko accompanied Beirut for a casual stroll and chat. Beirut couldn't help but said: "Dico, it's been 20 years since the battle where you killed Sadista. I didn’t expect that you could be so calm and calm and still stay in the Magnolia Continent. How about it, when are you going to take up the highest plane and venture into it?”

"Don't worry, I've even met my grandson!" Diko shook his head and smiled: "And now my strength is still improving, and I haven't encountered any bottlenecks. Is it better to meditate in Magnolia Continent or go to hell? In fact, there is not much difference. If you go to hell too early, you will not be able to meditate and practice."

"Well! That's true! With your current strength, if you go to hell, ordinary wandering and training will not be of much use to you." Beirut nodded slightly, and then said: "But when are you going to hell? In the dark forest, I have something to tell you."

After saying that, Beirut reached out and patted Dico on the shoulder, and then turned into a black phantom and disappeared into the dark night. Only Dico was left looking at the direction he left with his eyebrows slightly furrowed: "Some things need to be done. Tell me? Do you want to tell me about the Youlan Mansion of the Four Divine Beast Clan in the Blood Peak Continent? Or is there anything else that needs special instructions?"

After Berlin and Shasha got married, only three months later, Shasha became pregnant, which undoubtedly surprised Dico and Elena.

You know, before Berlin, as the emperor of the Bonn Empire, had no shortage of women, but he never had children. Diko and Elena, who wanted to have grandchildren, were already waiting impatiently.

Moreover, the Purple Flame Warrior Family and the Tiger Stripe Warrior Family have also been married in recent years, and even among the concubines in the Berlin Palace there are daughters of the Purple Flame Warrior Family.Perhaps because of the Ultimate Warrior bloodline, it seems that it is more difficult to have children when two children of the Ultimate Warrior family are combined.

So in fact, Dicko and Elena did not expect that Berlin and Shasha would definitely have children after they got together, but accidents and surprises always came so unexpectedly.Even the surprise this time was double, because Shasha, who was pregnant in ten months, gave birth to twins for Berlin, giving Dicko and Elena all their grandchildren.

In these years, when Diko was practicing the Law of the Earth, the Law of the Water Element, the Law of Thunder and the Law of Destruction, he was not in a hurry to break through and step into the middle god level, so his main focus was on the fusion of the mystical, and he did not deliberately pursue it. Understand certain mysteries, so that in addition to the laws of the earth, he naturally understands the mysteries of the earth elements and steps into the middle god realm, the other three god clones are still lower gods.

But perhaps because he had grandchildren and was in a good mood, Diko, who practiced more efficiently, did not have clear and mysterious rules of destruction in his practice. In the process of comprehending the fusion, he finally made a breakthrough unknowingly.

"The Way of Destruction has also broken through. Unknowingly, I already have four mid-level god clones." In Fenlai City, in a dark quiet room of the Fire Temple, with a thought, he collected the mid-level god of destruction suspended above his head. After entering the body, Diko, who was muttering to himself, couldn't help but said: "The previous three middle divine powers were fused, and the power was ten times more powerful than the upper divine power. Now the four fusions should be a hundred times more powerful than the middle divine power, comparable to using the power of the main god, right?" ?”

As he spoke, Dico borrowed divine power from the other three mid-level god clones and merged it with the divine power of destruction. The four divine powers of red, green, yellow, and black suddenly merged and turned into a dark red divine power...
(End of this chapter)

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