Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 252 Beirut’s Entrustment

Chapter 252 Beirut’s Entrustment
A few months later, in the metal castle of the Dark Forest, Beirut looked at Dicko walking in from the outside and looked at him carefully. He couldn't help but said: "Are you ready to leave the Magnolia Continent when you come to see me? ?”

"Yes, Lord Beirut, we are going to take Tarosa and the others to go to hell first," Diko nodded slightly.

When Beirut heard this, his eyes brightened and he smiled and said: "Hell, one of the four highest planes, is definitely a plane with many strong people and a lot of killings. If you want to go to hell, it is indeed a good choice."

"There are other things that I should tell you," Beirut then said with a slightly serious face: "Dico, have you ever wondered why the four ultimate warrior families suddenly disappeared? In fact, the ancestors of the four ultimate warrior families in the holy realm , were taken to hell by the strong men in hell. To be precise, your four ultimate warrior families belong to the four divine beast families in hell."

"Four Divine Beasts Family? Could it be?" Diko pretended to be surprised and thought thoughtfully, while Beirut also nodded slightly and said seriously: "That's right! You must have guessed a thing or two, the ancestor of your Four Divine Beasts Family is Four main gods. Although they are only the lower main gods of the four elements of earth, wind, water and fire, the combined innate magical powers of the four divine beasts are still very powerful. Even if they are against the upper main gods, that is, the masters of each department, they can still fight. "

"Then, how did they fall? Could it be that they died in..." Diko, who was pretending to be shocked, couldn't help frowning. Before he could finish speaking, Beirut had already said: "Well, you will naturally know how to do it in the future." You know, there’s no need to guess too much. Even if you guess it, it’s meaningless. After all, even if your strength reaches the peak level of a superior god, in the eyes of the Lord God, you’re just an ant that can be easily crushed to death.”

Then Beirut said: "The four divine beast families are the roots of your four ultimate warrior families. If the children of your four ultimate warrior families want to be reborn and improve their understanding potential, they must return to the four divine beast families and be baptized in the ancestral hall. , stimulate the innate energy, and naturally become a god like a mythical beast that has reached maturity."

"Of course, since you have now created your own secret method to stimulate the energy of your bloodline talents, and taught it to the children of the four ultimate warrior families, it doesn't really mean much whether they go to the four divine beast families for ancestral baptism," Beirut said and then said: "But the Four Divine Beasts family is facing a huge crisis after the death of their four ancestors. So after you go to hell, it is best to go back to the Four Divine Beasts family. Your family Perhaps only you can resolve this crisis."

Resolve the crisis of the four mythical beast families?Diko was a little speechless. He had no sense of belonging to the proud family of the four divine beasts in hell, and it could even be said that he had no good impressions.As for the ancestors of the tiger-striped warrior Bolei family, he also has no emotions.

When Diko heard about the crisis of the Four Divine Beasts family, instead of asking what the crisis was, he frowned slightly and looked calm. Beirut, who looked at him deeply, continued: "The Four Divine Beasts family is here. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to go to Youlan Mansion on the Blood Peak Continent in hell.”

"Yes, Lord Beirut," Dicko responded. Just when he was about to say goodbye and leave, Beirut suddenly called him. He turned over his hand with a slight hesitation and took out a green token that exuded a surging aura and handed it to him. : "This is the Lord God's Token. You can hold it and use it to ride the teleportation array to other divine planes, the highest plane and the material plane."

"Thank you, Lord Beirut!" Feeling the aura similar to the power of the Lord God exuding from the Lord God's Token, Diko's eyes lit up and he quickly took it in surprise.

"Originally I wasn't planning to give you this token of the Lord God. This token was given to me by the Lord God, and I only have one piece in my hand," Beirut continued: "I also relied on this token of the Lord God to travel to many planes. . Now, I think you are strong enough. Traveling to more planes will be beneficial to your cultivation and understanding of the mysteries of the laws."

Just one piece?When Diko heard this, he felt a little disbelief in his heart. This Lord God Token exuded the power of the Lord God of the wind system, and he had obviously refined it himself.In the original work, the Lord God Token given by Beirut to Linley and Beibei should have been given by the Lord God of Blood Peak.For Beirut, refining a main god token is much easier than refining a main artifact. "In addition, there is one more thing. I want you to take my three children to hone their skills in hell. They have been practicing for millions of years, but they have never left the Magnolia Continent!" Beirut's next request made Dico stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said: "Mr. Beirut, your three sons? They are only the strength of the Holy Realm."

"Haha... Do you think that they, who have been cultivating for millions of years, are really only at the level of the Holy Realm?" Beirut laughed when he saw Diko's shocked and surprised look.

At the same time, three phantoms suddenly fell aside and turned into three handsome young men wearing black, purple and gold robes.Judging from the auras emanating from their bodies, they turned out to be middle-level godly warriors.

"Them?" Seeing the three of them, Diko reacted and still pretended to be surprised: "Mr. Beirut, they are"

"As you can imagine, the three of them are my three sons, Harry, Hart and Harvey. Although their talents are far inferior to yours, and even inferior to Linley and Olivia, they have practiced for more than a hundred years. After thousands of years, they have still cultivated to the middle god level like Tarosa. The strength of each of them is not weaker than Tarosa. When you get to hell, they will not hold you back or cause you any trouble," Beirut said with a smile. .

Dicko naturally knew about the strength of Harry and the others.In fact, Diko seriously suspected that the reason why they were still at the middle god level was not only because it was really time-consuming to cultivate to the upper god level, but also to integrate the mysterious laws.

But Diko still couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Master Beirut, you are so strong, why don't you take them to hell for a while in person, instead of asking them to follow me to hell?"

"On the one hand, I have confidence in your strength and believe that you can ensure their safety after entering hell. On the other hand, now that you are a father, you should understand that sometimes children still don't want to live with us all the time. Under the protection of his wings," Beirut said, looking at his three sons with a sigh: "Moreover, their current strength is not bad, and they can fight against ordinary high-level gods. If you go to hell to hone your skills, you can make progress faster, and maybe you can enter the realm of higher gods as soon as possible."

"Okay, since Mr. Beirut trusts me so much, there are quite a few people I want to take to hell this time, no less than three of them." Diko nodded slightly: "We are going to set off tomorrow. I don't know about Harry and the others."

"Let them go to Fenlai City with you first, and you will set off together tomorrow," Beirut said with a smile and then said: "By the way, my god clone in hell is the master of Youlan Mansion. You guys are wandering in hell. After a while, I would like to trouble you to send the three of them to my place."

Diko, who nodded in response after hearing this, couldn't help but feel a little helpless. Originally, he had no plans to deal with the four divine beast families, but now it seems that he still has to go to Youlan Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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