Chapter 260 Odin
Back in time, about 200 years after Dico and the others entered hell, in the plane of Magnolia Continent, more than 20 miles south of Finlai City, where the Ernst College was originally located, a new school based on the founder of the Bon Empire, Ai, had been re-established. The magic academy named after Lina.

In the academy, there is a silver-white temple, which can be regarded as the holy place of the academy.And this is where Elena stayed most often after she abdicated and founded this magic academy.

Similarly, Dico's divine clone naturally stays here to accompany Elena most of the time.Life in the academy is very peaceful. Watching the energetic young magicians grow up one by one, and occasionally mentor some real magic geniuses to cultivate talents for the Bon Empire, Dico and Elena also feel the same. Very satisfied.

The Bon Empire was a country they founded and protected together. Naturally, they also hoped that the entire empire would become more prosperous and powerful and cultivate more strong men.

So in addition to Elena Academy, which is the best magic academy in the entire Magnolia Continent, the Bon Empire also has the Warrior Academy Berlin Academy named after Emperor Berlin, who also abdicated long ago, as well as the Magician's Guild, the Warrior Guild, Organizations such as the mercenary union not only strengthened the training and management of magicians and warriors, but the increasing number of mercenary groups and the increasingly profound mercenary union also revealed the prosperity of the Bon Empire's business from the side.

When it was getting late, by the pond behind the temple, Diko's water god clone was fishing leisurely and comfortably. The tall man in white robes beside him was carefully and respectfully saying something to him. He was from the three-eyed winged human race. Chiquita who can refine souls.

More than 200 years have passed, and under Dico's occasional guidance, Chiquita has achieved a breakthrough and become a god.Normally, he would be like a steward around Dico, helping Dico handle some trivial matters.

"Huh?" Diko, who was listening to Chiquita's narration of recent events in Fenlai City, the imperial capital, with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes in response, stood up suddenly, and looked into the distance with sharp eyes like lightning. , the aura released from his body instantly made the surrounding space tremble slightly, which made Chiquita's face change slightly: "Master Dico..."

However, before Chiquita could ask any more questions, Dico, who had disappeared, turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the distant sky in an instant. Seeing the change in Chiquita's face, Chiquita became suspicious in her heart: "What's going on? What happened? , how could Master Diko be so angry and nervous and so anxious to leave?"

"Chiquita, what happened? What is Dico going to do?" A white phantom flashed, and Elena in a white dress appeared beside her. It was Ai who had also cultivated to become a god. Lina.

After all, Elena's innate understanding is actually not bad. In addition, the body refining method and the soul burning method make her elemental affinity and understanding of the law of light elements clearer and easier, and taking soul gold grains makes her soul stronger. In fact, she only spent more than a hundred years cultivating to become a god, and now she has reached the intermediate god realm.

"Lord Elena, I don't know what's going on. I guess Lord Dico has something important to do!" Chiquita also saluted respectfully when she saw Elena appearing.

"Is it important? Could it be..." Elena's beautiful eyes flickered when she heard this, and she frowned slightly thoughtfully. The first thing she thought of was the place from the Warcraft Mountains that Dico told her not long ago. A powerful upper-level god who escaped from a weak spot in space.

The reason why we know that the powerful high-level god is very strong is because it is difficult for ordinary high-level gods to get out of that weak space.Not only did the high-level god escape by himself, he also protected the other two high-level gods and escaped together. The energy fluctuations erupted in order to escape were so strong that all the god-level powerhouses on the Yulan Continent could sense it.

This person is none other than the 'Evil King' Odin, one of the five kings in the plane prison.Although Diko discovered him at the beginning, he was not in a hurry to deal with him. He just let the water god clone control a drop of the wind god's power that could be perfectly controlled in the soul space to check Odin's situation from time to time.Unexpectedly, Odin, who was always arrogant in that prison, did not take the initiative to provoke him, perhaps because he heard about his record of killing two high gods one after another, nor did he come to the Baruch Empire. Dragon Blood Castle to look for trouble, but took his people to the Magnolia Empire, and directly and domineeringly controlled the Magnolia Empire.

Speaking of which, the Holy Magic disciples of the High Priest of the Magnolia Empire were also very tired.After finally waiting for the powerful middle god who previously occupied the Magnolia Empire to leave the plane of the Magnolia Continent, and after they helped the royal family of the Magnolia Empire to recover, only 200 years of peaceful life had passed, and then an even more terrifying situation ushered in. Evil Odin.

Fortunately, Diko sent a message in time, causing Linley's good brother George, Delia's brother Dixie, and some other holy magicians under the high priest to flee to the neighboring Baruch Empire for refuge.

Originally, Dico thought that Odin might be wary of him and not be too greedy. However, he did not expect that Odin would be greedy after controlling the O'Brien Empire, the Rhine Empire, and the Luo Empire. They took action against the Dawson Chamber of Commerce, which was closely related to the Bon Empire.

Odin wanted to directly control Yale through the soul seed, and then control the entire Dawson Chamber of Commerce. It was naturally impossible for Dicko to watch indifferently.So, after Dico found out that Odin wanted to attack Yale...
Buzz.. A terrifying shock wave spread from the territory of the Lion Empire, instantly alarming all the god-level powerhouses on the Magnolia Continent, including the god-level powerhouses from the two major powers, the Bon Empire and the Baruch Empire. There are very few god-level experts in the Yulan Continent.

Naturally, this extremely short but violent energy fluctuation also alarmed Odin's younger brother and son who were staying in the Magnolia Empire's imperial capital, which is now the newly established Odin Empire's imperial capital, as well as a group of god-level experts under their command. .

Odin's younger brother and son are both high-ranking god-level experts who have refined their godhood. Through divine consciousness detection, they discovered that Odin had been killed and the two god clones were dead. He was immediately frightened and hurriedly led a group of god-level powerhouses towards him. Arctic ice sheets escape.

However, before they could escape to the Arctic ice sheet, the clone of Dicko's Thunder God caught up with them on the North Sea and easily dispatched them.

This Odin has the title of 'Evil King', and his reputation is so bad that those god-level experts still follow him. It is obvious that they are all working for the tiger and are not good people.Dicko would not feel any psychological burden by killing them.

In fact, the reason why there is no rush to attack Odin and those under him is because the strength and identity are different, which makes Dico's mentality also change. If it is not necessary, Dico really doesn't have the leisure to go there. Kill Odin who is only a mere seven-star demon.

It's a pity that this one of the five kings of Odin's plane prison, after escaping from the plane prison, was not in a hurry to go to the god plane and the supreme plane to experience it, but he stared at the small Magnolia continent and wanted to Occupying more territory in the Magnolia Continent and enjoying a powerful position in the world has finally touched Diko's bottom line. The person who touched Diko wanted to die blindly, so Diko had no choice but to fulfill him.

(End of this chapter)

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