Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 270 Fire Element Perfection

Chapter 270 Fire Element Perfection

Benfield, who also noticed this scene from the corner of his eye, couldn't help being shocked and resisted Mo Si's blow. He flew back to the red-robed woman and the black-armored man, grabbed their arms directly, and carried them with him. They want to escape.

"Chase!" Diko, who had returned with the two golden badges of the twin commanders, greeted Mo Si when he saw this, and then used the power of the Lord God to catch up with him at an explosive speed.

After a while, on the desolate land of the plane battlefield, Mo Si stopped and fell on the ground. He couldn't help but said helplessly to Diko next to him: "Benfield has two main defense artifacts. It's too difficult to kill him. It's almost impossible." He couldn't be killed. He wanted to protect the other two, so being able to kill one of them was pretty good. Moreover, his two companions also belonged to our side, so even if they were killed, the badge would be of no use. "

"Who said it's useless?" Diko asked coldly, then shook his head and said: "Forget it! Just run away! If you can kill one, it can be considered a small gain. This man on the battlefield Although there are many powerful leaders, not all of them are so easy to kill."

"However, if you want to collect ten badges in exchange for the main artifact before the end of this plane war, you still have to work hard." After Diko said that, he turned around and flew towards the barren mountain where he was staying. : "Let's go! Go back first!"

At the same time, hundreds of miles away in the wilderness, a slightly embarrassed Benfield's handsome face was full of anger: "Damn it! I didn't expect that there was a guy stronger than him next to Mo Si. After all, Who is he? Why have I never heard of him before?”

"Brother, he seems to be called Diko, and he is the new leader of Purgatory in Hell, but I didn't expect that his strength has reached this level. I think his understanding of the law of fire element is almost at the level of Dzogchen. "The red-robed and green-haired woman on the side also had a cold and ugly face: "And his gloves seem to be the main artifact. It can actually kill the third brother with one punch. The power is really terrible."

"Dico... thinks he can be so arrogant because his strength is close to the Great Perfection? Unfortunately, he is not the Great Perfection after all." Benfield, who gritted his teeth and clenched his hands, couldn't help but said bitterly: "Kill my third brother, and I will definitely let you. Pay the price."

"Brother, you do want it." The face of the red-robed woman on the side changed slightly. With Diko's strength, only the Great Perfection God could truly threaten him.Under the Great Perfection, even the extremely perverted Beirut might be able to overwhelm Dico, but it would be impossible to kill him.

Next, in just over 100 years, Diko and Mo Si teamed up to kill several powerful leaders one after another, not only those who belonged to the Light God Realm, but also those who were from the Dark God Realm like them. .

The continuous killings were inevitably discovered by some powerful leaders who knew their identities and approximate strength.Slowly, the news that Mo Si came to the plane battlefield and that Diko was not inferior to Mo Si's strength were also learned by some powerful leaders on the plane battlefield.

Naturally, in the face of Diko and Mo Si who were killing without scruples, many powerful leaders consciously avoided the places where they appeared.

But in the face of Diko occasionally using the power of the Lord God to investigate, and leading Mo Si to quietly attack and assassinate some powerful leaders who were alone, one by one the powerful leaders were still killed, and even the other commanders almost didn't know who they were. How did he die?

In the process, Diko also discovered Linley and Beibei who came to the battlefield from the underworld, and even accidentally discovered Qinghuo.It is obvious that Qing Huo, who is already very powerful but has not been able to refine the main godhead and become the main god, cannot remain bored in the Yulan Continent.But he was ruthless enough and actually came directly to the plane battlefield.

Similarly, Dicko also discovered Romon who came to the plane battlefield with Aiken.Moreover, the two of them also followed Dico's example, relying on the power of the Lord God to detect the traces of other powerful leaders, and struck a sap like a killer.

In the cave house in the belly of the barren mountain, a sneak attack battle had just ended. He came back to rest and sort out what he had learned from the battle. Dike, who was immersed in training, suddenly opened his eyes with some feeling, left the training quiet room, and came to the outside. in the hall.

"What's wrong?" Mo Si, who was drinking comfortably in the hall, saw Di Ke's slightly solemn expression and couldn't help but wonder: "Aren't you planning to practice for a while? Why did you come out so soon? Could it be that" "Someone Here we come!" Diko said coldly, and looking at his serious expression, he suddenly thought of something like this. He couldn't help but his face changed and he stood up suddenly and said: "The Great Perfection God?"

"That's right! Let's go! Since the majestic Great Perfection God has condescended to come in person, let's go and greet him," Diko nodded and walked directly out.

Mo Si, who hurriedly followed, could not help but feel a little nervous and worried and said: "Diko, that is the Great Perfection God! Are you sure you can deal with it? By the way, how could you detect that there is a Great Perfection God? Killed here? Could it be that you have already stepped into..."

"Don't worry! He's just a Great Perfection God, and it's not enough to scare me." He calmly and confidently led Mo Si outside. After hovering over the barren mountain, he saw two streams of light, one white and one red, flying rapidly in the distance. Come, and after getting closer in a blink of an eye, he turned into a man in white robes and a sturdy middle-aged man with fiery red curly hair in green robes.

The man in white robe was none other than Benfield, whom Dicko and the others had met before.When he saw the middle-aged man in green robe with fiery red curly hair, Mo Si couldn't help but change his face even though he was prepared in his heart: "Bamo, the Great Perfection God of Fire?"

The Great Perfection God is a fire-based Dzogchen who is good at material attacks and is equally terrifying in soul attacks. No wonder Mo Si is afraid.

But when Diko saw Barmer, his eyes lit up, and he was even a little surprised and excited: "Barmer? Great! He is a powerful Dzogchen master of the fire system. Let me fight with him to feel the perfect fusion. The mystery of the fire element may be able to touch me, but it’s not necessarily true.”

"You actually know that I'm here. Did you happen to be using the power of the Lord God to investigate before? Or are you going out to hunt the commander? You saw me and recognized me, but you still didn't run away?" Kan Di Ke and Mo Si seemed to be waiting for him, and Ba Mo couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"Haha... maybe they know very well that they can't escape in front of you, Mr. Balmer." Benfield on the side smiled and said: "Thank you, Mr. Balmer! They don't have two main items like me." It’s an artifact, it shouldn’t be difficult to kill.”

Balmer, who was noncommittal, looked at Diko and Mo Si with cold and sharp eyes, revealing murderous intent, and then his whole body burned with golden flames, turning into a flame that instantly passed through Diko's body.

Barmer's attack was so fast that Dico, who seemed to have no time to dodge, was penetrated by the flames, which made Mo Si's face change. "Dico..."

"Huh?" However, Barmer, who had a solid figure not far behind Dico, frowned and turned to look at Dico, who didn't seem to react at all: "You actually have the main soul defense artifact?"

"With my strength, I have a soul defense main artifact, what's so strange about it?" Diko also turned to look at Bamer and sneered: "The majestic Dzogchen High God, if he only has such a few means, it will be a disaster. I’m so disappointed.”

Ba Mo, who twitched his lips slightly when he heard this, couldn't help but said with a darkened expression: "Since you are looking for death, then I will help you today!"

(End of this chapter)

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