Chapter 283 The hunt is on

Thousands of years have passed since Fenlai City. Now, the capital of the Bon Empire has become the truly largest city on the Magnolia Continent. It is also the cultural and commercial center of the entire Magnolia Continent. The only one in the entire continent is the Baruch Empire. The imperial capital Baruch City can barely compete with it.

And the Elena Magic Academy outside Fenlai City, close to the Warcraft Mountains, has not only occupied a larger area after thousands of years of development, but every building and every ancient tree inside is full of magic. The breath of historical sedimentation.

In the backyard of the Temple of Light that belonged to Elena, Dicko's true self was drinking tea and chatting with Elena, who was rarely practicing, in the pavilion.

"Have you really made an agreement with Mr. Beirut and Mr. Qinghuo to go to the wind god plane to hunt the main god together?" Elena still felt a little shocked and nervous when she thought of what Dico said to her last night.

In fact, Dico suddenly became the main god before, and knowing that Beirut and Qinghuo were also the main gods was already shocking to Elena.Now that she heard Dico say that he was leaving the Magnolia plane to hunt a main god, how could she not feel anxious and nervous?After all, the main god is aloof. In the past, she could never have dreamed that Dico could become the main god.

"Don't worry! Since I dare to hunt the Lord God, I am naturally confident. Even among the Lord Gods, my strength is considered top-notch. In addition, I have obtained the Supreme Divine Armor of Life before, even if I am the master of the four rules , they can't kill me," Diko smiled confidently, and then said: "Besides, if I don't hunt down a few main gods, where will Luo Meng and Lin Lei get the main godhead refining? How will you have a chance in the future? What about becoming the Lord God?”

"Me? Lord God? I don't dare to think about this," Elena shook her head and said seriously: "Dico, I just hope that you can be safe and don't take risks. Try not to take risks. Just treat it as For me and the kids, okay?”

"I know! It's not dangerous, otherwise Beirut and Qinghuo wouldn't let me go out to take risks easily," Diko nodded with a smile: "Don't say anything that you dare not think about. As long as you can become an independent god and reach the realm of a high god, there will be The main godhead with matching attributes can be refined into the main god. This time, what I want to hunt is a lower main god of the wind system, and the main godhead is prepared for Romon. In the future, I will have the opportunity to obtain the light system or As the main godhead of the destiny system, you can naturally be refined into the main god."

"I know that my talents and understanding are far inferior to yours. Now that I can become a high-ranking god, I am very satisfied. I am really satisfied to see the empire prosper, the family become strong, and the younger generations grow up slowly one by one! So, Whether I can become the Lord God, I really don’t have much desire for it,” Elena shook her head and said with a smile.

Diko smiled after hearing this, and then said with a slightly serious expression as if he was aware of it: "Okay, Beirut and Qing Huo are here, and I am going to prepare to go to the wind god plane with them."

"Be careful!" Elena couldn't help but said nervously when she heard this, while Diko, who patted her hand with a faint smile, said calmly: "Don't worry! We are going to the wind god plane this time. How long will it take? If everything goes well, we can come back within today."

After saying that, Diko left in a hurry, and soon joined Beirut, Qing Huo and his fire main god clone in the sky above the Warcraft Mountains.

At the speed of Diko, Beirut, and Qinghuo, even if they were not flying at full strength, they left the Magnolia Continent and arrived at the North Sea in just a moment, flying across the vast North Sea toward the Arctic ice sheet.

"Diko, you have refined a lot of the essence and blood of the four divine beasts, and after stimulating the blood, what is the power of the innate magical powers of the four divine beasts now?" During the flight, Beirut couldn't help but asked curiously.

"It's not bad! I have refined twenty or thirty drops of each of the four divine beasts' essence and blood. The amplitude of the innate magical powers that I can display is about one thousand or two thousand times. I feel that I have reached the limit," Diko said, shaking his head slightly. He said slightly helplessly: "After all, I am not the four divine beasts. No matter how much my bloodline is stimulated, I can't reach the power of the four divine beasts who jointly display the fusion talent magical power. The amplitude of ten thousand times is too unbelievable, and it is simply unrealistic to achieve it."

"Well, I also refined ten drops of each of the four divine beasts' essence and blood, and then stimulated the blood according to the method you taught me, and used the natural energy to display the natural magical power, which has about hundreds of times the amplitude and power." Beirut nodded slightly: "But I After all, he is a lower god, not the Great Perfection. Even if he uses the fusion talents of the four divine beasts, although it is enough to sweep the lower god, it is still more difficult to threaten the middle god, especially the middle god of Dzogchen." "Ten drops. Essence and blood are almost at their limit. Even if they are refined a little more, the increase in the power of the fused innate magical power will be very limited," Diko said in deep thought. He had refined more of the essence and blood of the four divine beasts. According to the refining effect , naturally it is easy to judge this.

"It's almost the same. When I use the fusion talents of the four divine beasts, the amplitude is hundreds of times greater. It can only threaten the lower main gods and the middle main gods," Qing Huo on the side also said. Apparently he also refined the essence of the four divine beasts. Blood.

After all, Diko has already figured out the secrets and tricks of using the magical power of the fusion of the four divine beasts. Naturally, neither Beirut nor Qinghuo will let go of such a trick that can increase the amplitude of their attacks hundreds of times. .

While talking, the three of them had arrived at the teleportation array on the top of the highest iceberg in the Arctic ice field, and directly passed through the teleportation array to the wind god plane.

Before setting off, Beirut had already learned through the Blood Peak Lord that Theresa had returned to the wind god plane.After coming to the wind god plane, Diko, who used the power of the main god to release his divine consciousness, quickly determined the location of Theresia.

The wind god plane, Qingya Island, is the place where the lower wind god Teresia lives. The entire wind god plane is also a forbidden place. Ordinary god-level experts dare not approach it at all.

After Dico and the other three quietly approached, Theresia, who felt a little uneasy for some reason, subconsciously spread out her consciousness. She immediately discovered three figures that were only a thousand or two thousand miles away and were coming at a rapid speed. She couldn't help but be shocked. : "Beirut? There are two strange main gods. Could it be?"

Theresia, who had already made some guesses, felt that the speed of the three people was inferior to hers, and she suddenly sneered in her heart and said: "Haha... Beirut, you dare to leave the Magnolia plane, you are not afraid of the Lord of Light coming over Kill you? Why, do you think that with two helpers, you can fight against the Lord of Light? There are only three lower gods, and you can't even do anything to me."

"Lord of Light? Of course I'm afraid," Beirut teased Chuanyin and said with a smile, "But you are not the Lord of Light."

Diko then sneered and sent a message: "Theresia, you seem to have forgotten that you are only a lower lord god. You dare to covet the token of the supreme god and threaten to kill my descendants. You are quite courageous!"

"Huh? So Romon is your descendant? Are you also from the Four Divine Beasts family?" Theresia was a little surprised, and then snorted coldly: "I didn't expect that the Four Divine Beasts family would have another main god. If it is dominated by light, I know, I’m afraid I’ll want to kill you even more.”

At the same time, Teresia also sent a message to Diya, the most powerful wind master in the wind god plane: "Master, Beirut brought two lower gods to kill me. It seems that they have bad intentions."

"Beirut, what are you three doing here?" Soon, a cold voice sounded in the minds of the three Dicos: "Beirut, you are also the main god of my wind system. I am the wind system. I don't want killings to happen. Things to fight about.”

(End of this chapter)

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