Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 285 The Gathering of the Main Gods

Chapter 285 The Gathering of the Main Gods
"I have already seen your unique skills. Next, you should also see my unique skills!" As he said this, Diko grinned and flew toward Diya with a burst of speed. At the same time, a huge and clear figure appeared behind him. The white tiger looms.

Seeing the phantom of the white tiger emerging behind Di Ke, and feeling the terrifying force of restraint and oppression that caused the turbulence in space to stop and act on him like waves, Diya's expression suddenly changed: "This is... the white tiger. His innate magical power? How can it be so powerful?"

Facing Diko who was approaching and killing him at a rapid pace, Peng barely waved the two javelins in his hands, one long and one short, and barely resisted Diko's punch that contained a violent aura and terrifying power. Then Diya was in a panic. Flying away, even one of the two main artifact javelins in his hand was smashed into pieces by Dico's supreme armor glove.

"Bastard!" The main artifact was destroyed, and Diya, who had stabilized his figure in embarrassment, couldn't help but be shocked and angry. While feeling the terrifying power of the supreme artifact, he couldn't help but be frightened. If he hadn't blocked it with the javelin, the main artifact After a moment, Dico's punch fell on him, or on his head. It was probably enough to smash the main artifact armor on his body, directly seriously injuring or even killing him.

The terrifying power of the innate supernatural power and the power of the supreme artifact made Diya instantly realize that Diko was very difficult to deal with and it was unrealistic to kill him. She even couldn't think about why Diko's strength was so powerful for a moment. So strong.

The strength that Diko has shown now is enough to pose some threat to Diya, making her really treat Diko seriously.

"How about it, do you want to continue fighting?" Diko asked Diya calmly and confidently with a smile, while Diya, who looked ugly, snorted and walked away.Since there is nothing that can be done about Diko, there is no point in continuing to struggle. It is just humiliating oneself.

After Diko sneered and watched Diya leave, Beirut and Qinghuo quickly came to his side. At the same time, Beirut couldn't help frowning and said: "Dico, you are obviously stronger than Diya, why don't you take the opportunity to kill him?" Kill him? If you can kill him and refine his wind element upper master godhead, I am afraid you will be able to have a strength that far exceeds that of the four major rule masters."

"My current strength is not inferior to those ruled by the four major rules," Diko said with a smile, "It's nothing to worry about just a Diya! But once I show too much strength, it's hard to protect the four major The rules master will not be afraid of me. And it will also scare several other law masters. Then no one will dare to deal with me and snatch the supreme divine armor. That way, I will have no excuse to kill them. .”

"So, let's keep a low profile for the time being, and let the incident of me hunting the Lord God be fooled first. If we want to deal with Diya, just because he tried to kill me just now, I will have enough excuses to kill him in the future. Isn't it?" Dicko continued.

Beirut and Qinghuo, who looked at each other after hearing this, couldn't help but gasped in shock and speechlessness. Did this guy Dico actually want to use the supreme artifact as bait to kill more masters?
If more than one master really died in the hands of Dico, I am afraid that the four major rule masters will not remain indifferent and sit idly by.But if Diko refines another high-level godhead, the four rule masters may not be able to do anything to him even if they join forces.

Through divine consciousness detection, it was found that Diya had returned to the wind god plane, and the other main gods of the wind system had already left when Diya and he took action, apparently to inform the four rule masters and other main gods. , Diko couldn't help but said: "Let's go, let's go to the wind god plane and wait for the arrival of the four rule masters and other main gods."

Beirut and Qing Huo both nodded slightly when they heard this. Killing a main god was no small matter. Naturally, there had to be an explanation. At least they couldn't openly ignore the agreement of the main gods.

In the wind god plane, I found that instead of running away after killing Theresia, Dico returned to the wind god plane. He also took out a metal life and turned it into a large ship floating on the sea, chatting casually with Beirut and Qing Huo. Getting up, Diya couldn't help but feel increasingly annoyed.

However, after seeing Diko's strength and methods, although he was very puzzled, Diya had to admit that Diko was indeed confident. "Hmph, you obviously have the strength of the master level, but you are taking action against a lower-level main god in Theresia. When the four major rule masters and other main gods arrive, I want to see how you defend yourself. If you can't give me a solution to convince everyone. With a satisfactory explanation, I am afraid that the four masters of the rules will not let you off lightly, and will even take action directly..." Diya, who snorted coldly, sneered secretly in his heart, but when he thought of this, he suddenly thought of something like this. His brows furrowed slightly: "But once the four masters of rules take action and kill that boy, the set of supreme divine armor on his body will probably fall into the hands of the masters of the four major rules."

Diya, whose frown suddenly changed, couldn't help but narrowed her eyes: "It seems that we can't let him die for the time being. It is estimated that other law masters will not want the four major rule masters to get another supreme artifact. Moreover, They will definitely covet the Supreme Divine Armor. So... hmph, although that boy is strong and at most invincible in physical defense, he may not be able to withstand the siege of several of us law masters. "

"Once he dies, what about the supreme divine armor on his body?" Diya, who was thinking about it, suddenly became hot in her heart: "However, the premise is that the four major rule masters cannot use Theresia's death as an excuse to directly Take action to kill him."

"He killed Theresia and provoked the end, I still wanted to save his life first," Diya, who was a little self-deprecating, thought of Dico's supreme divine armor and couldn't think more about it. Nothing else.For the sake of a supreme artifact, I am afraid that other law masters will also resort to any means.Even if he is the master of the Four Rules, it is impossible not to be moved.

It's just that the four major rule masters already have suitable supreme attack artifacts, which are far more powerful than other rule masters. If they are confident enough, they will not be as eager and greedy as the rule masters when facing treasures like the supreme artifact.At the very least, they should be more considerate of their appearance.

The speed of the main gods was very fast. After receiving the news one by one, they came to the wind god plane one after another. Not long after, Diya accompanied the four rule masters and rushed to Diko and the others. After arriving at the location, the other main gods quickly came and gathered.

Among the four rule masters, the Death Master is familiar with Lin Lei, and the Destruction Master is also aware of Romon, but even the Destruction Master does not pay much attention to Dico, the extremely low-key leader of purgatory.

Unexpectedly, such a low-key boy not only quietly became the main god, but also killed Theresia. It was really a blockbuster without making a sound!

Therefore, the Lord of Death and the Lord of Destruction, as well as the Lord of Life and the Lord of Destiny, as well as the other Lords of Laws, the Middle God, and the Lower Gods who came later, couldn't help but become a little curious about Diko.Dare to kill the Lord God, you are very courageous!
After more than 60 main gods gathered, Dicko and Beirut, who were like hosts, also politely greeted them to the metal life ship.

On the spacious deck, the metal life naturally formed a total of 65 chairs, forming a circle. A group of main gods sat around each other, among which the four major rule masters sat in adjacent positions.

"Okay, now that we are all here, let's talk about Dicko!" The Lord of Destruction spoke first with a cold tone, while the other Lord Gods also became quiet after hearing the words, and all of them subconsciously looked at Dicko.

(End of this chapter)

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