Chapter 287 Kill the Lord
Diko, who watched Beirut and Qinghuo leave, turned to look into the distance and saw that the fastest lightning master Huurlei had caught up with him and greeted him with a smile: "Dico..."

"Huerlei?" Diko, who deliberately pretended to change his face when he saw Huerlei, hurriedly turned into a stream of light and flew towards Liufeng Mountain, as if he was trying to escape.

The smile on Huerlei's face froze when he saw this, and then his sharp and cold eyes turned into a lightning bolt and he quickly chased after Diko.

Diko, who deliberately wanted to pretend to be weak to lure Huerlei into taking the bait, was naturally not very fast, and he looked like the main god in the middle of the Great Perfection. With Huerlei's speed, he caught up with him in the blink of an eye.

"Stay!" Amidst the cold shouts, a javelin surrounded by a large number of thunder and lightning shot out directly from the hand of the thunder master. The powerful javelin passed through the space and stabbed Dico's head directly. come over.

Boom.. Almost at the same time, Dico, whose face darkened, also punched out. The violent and terrifying power instantly caused the space to collapse. The dark green glove blocked the javelin and dispersed the thunder energy surrounding it. At the same time, it also made the purple javelin tremble and be about to shatter, and the dim light flew back to the hand of the thunder master.

"What? The power of his punch is so strong? He deserves to be the supreme divine armor!" The thunder master was a little surprised. When he saw the dark green divine armor emerging from Diko's body, his eyes suddenly became intense: "I want to kill him. , material attacks are useless, it seems that soul attacks can only be used."

"Lord of Thunder, do you want to kill me? For the supreme divine armor on my body?" Diko's very angry shout echoed throughout the world.

"Of course! Die!" Realizing that Augusta and several other law masters had followed, Huerlei, who didn't want to waste any more time, shouted in a low voice and directly used his strongest attack method.

For a moment, the space for tens of thousands of miles around changed color, and the terrible thunder and lightning energy gathered, turning into shaky thunder dragons, and bombarded Diko...
The terrifying attack, which seemed to have the power of destroying the world, not only frightened countless powerful creatures within a radius of tens of millions of miles, but also Augusta and several other law masters who were chasing after them, and even the sky above the distant sea. The four masters of the rules who were speaking also turned their heads subconsciously with slightly changed expressions to look at the place where Dico and Huerlei were fighting.

Huerlei's most powerful trick is the combination of material attacks and soul attacks. The attacks of the thunder system are mysterious and violent.However, Dico has the supreme artifact of material defense. Although the material attack method contained in that trick is terrifying, to Dico, it is like scratching an itch.

But as a large amount of illusory thunder and lightning light entered Dicko's body, the sound of thunder echoed in his mind, and the violent vibration of the soul defense ring's diaphragm made Dicko frown and look a little more solemn. Dare to be careless and use your strongest soul defense method to resist.

After all, Hu Erlei, the ruler of the thunder system, is not only the Great Perfection, but also has refined an extra piece of land lord godhead. The power of his will is stronger than that of other law rulers, and his soul attacks are naturally much more terrifying. Compared with Nadiya’s innate magical power It's all scarier.

"This Huurlei, actually made a killing move with his first move?" Augusta, who was not far away, discovered this scene with his spiritual consciousness, and immediately accelerated his speed, fearing that he would be late and Dico would die in the hands of Huerlei. , the Supreme Divine Armor was also obtained by Huerlei, then he would regret it.

"Huh? Not dead? How could he resist my soul attack?" After the thunder and lightning dissipated, he found that Dico was only pale and weak, but not dead. Huerlei couldn't help but stared in surprise.

And Di Ke also looked at Hu Er Lei with sharp eyes, and suddenly shouted in a cold voice: "Hu Er Lei, you forced me to do this. Since you want to kill me, then just die for me!" "You want me to die? Just because of you. What?" Huerlei looked at Diko with a sneer, and then as if he had seen something incredible, he stared at the huge phantoms of the four divine beasts that appeared around Diko with a look of shock: "The fusion talent of these four divine beasts Supernatural powers?”

"The innate supernatural powers of the four divine beasts? Impossible!" Augusta, who was approaching quickly, looked at Dike, who had a blue dragon on his left and a white tiger on his right, and a red bird on top of Xuanwu's head, and was also shocked.

Not only them, but also several other law masters, as well as the four major rule masters watching the battle from a distance, were all stunned when they saw this scene.

Even though the shadows of the four divine beasts were only a few meters long, their appearance was a huge shock to these masters.And then, with Dico as the center, the space tens of millions of miles around suddenly froze, and the space fluctuations seemed to disappear in an instant.

The terrible binding force acted on Huerlei, and the chaotic feeling of space and time frightened Huerlei.At the same time, a transparent stream of light shot out from between Dick's eyebrows and was instantly absorbed into Hurley's body at a terrifying speed.

"Ah no..." He roared in pain, and Huerlei, who was trembling all over, fell down under control with a weak breath, and a transparent crystal that looked like thunder and lightning fell out of his head.

Immediately afterwards, a figure flew out of Huerlei's body and turned into an earth-yellow stream of light, about to fly away into the distance.

Boom... But with an explosion, Dico, who had expected it, had already caught up with him as fast as lightning. He easily exploded Huerlei's underground main god clone with one punch. When it collapsed, he could see the turbulent flow in the space. There was only one crystal floating in the void, emitting earthy yellow light.

"Hourley is dead?" Augusta, who had already arrived, witnessed this scene with his own eyes, and still felt that it was a little unreal. When Dico turned to look over with a cold and sharp look, he came back to his senses with a shock. Augusta decisively turned into a stream of white light and ran away.

"Want to leave?" Diko sneered, and while chasing after him, he used the fusion talent of the four divine beasts at the scene, causing the space to freeze, and then a transparent stream of light was directly absorbed into August's body.

Boom, where Diko came out just now, the thunder-type high-level god clone he left behind was directly refining the thunder-type high-level god in front of him... The elemental energy gathered, and the power of the purple thunder god like a torrent also surrounded him.
"August, you are not even the Great Perfection, but you are able to withstand the magical attack of the fusion of the four divine beasts that even Huurlei cannot stop. It seems that everyone underestimates you! Could it be that you also secretly completed it? During the mission of the Supreme God, did you get a supreme artifact for soul defense?" Seeing that August was unaware of the attack, Dico, whose cold shouts echoed across the world, also took advantage of August's attack. Te was affected by the binding force and quickly approached.

Cang... Faced with Dico who was approaching and punching him mercilessly, Augusta hurriedly waved his sword to block, and Augusta, who was a little frightened, flew away in embarrassment. At the same time, he hurriedly used his strength to fight. He fled towards the direction of the four masters at an even faster speed.

"Hmph! Can you escape?" After the thunder god clone refined the thunder upper master godhead and became the new thunder master, it gained an additional will power and fused divine power, and the explosive speed made Diko even more terrifying. , and in a blink of an eye, we have caught up with Augusta.
(End of this chapter)

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