Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 301 Fighting the Territory Lord

Chapter 301 Fighting the Territory Lord
In an instant, the space trembled. Faced with the terrifying hammer, Qingyu froze, and reluctantly turned around and blocked it with his sword.

Keng... Immediately afterwards, Qingyu's arm exploded, and his whole body flew away like a tattered sandbag, with blood floating in the starry sky.

With Qingyu's strength, he couldn't even catch the lean man's blow.Obviously, the gap between the two sides is too big. After all, Qingyu is only the second level of the universe, but the lean man is a domain master.A huge gap in realm is simply a chasm that is difficult to cross!Qingyu was not directly blown to pieces because of his special suit and strong defense.

"Suffer death!" The lean man shouted loudly, and suddenly swung the thunder hammer in his hand. In an instant, the entire thunder and lightning field turned into a thunder and lightning whirlpool, with him as the center, radiating and impacting towards the surroundings, causing the old man in black to be stunned. , the white-haired man Yun Lan and four other cosmic powerhouses were all thrown away as if struck by lightning.

Diko, who was also affected by the violent energy impact, had a flame field appear around him. He punched out, causing the space to freeze, temporarily blocking the energy impact, and taking the opportunity to escape from the suppression of the thunder and lightning field like a phantom.

"Huh?" The lean man who was about to continue to kill Qingyu, who had been severely injured and had no power to resist, suddenly turned his head to look at Diko, with a ferocious look on his face and murderous intent in his eyes: "It's you ?Are you the one who killed my son?"

"Son?" Diko frowned in confusion. Although he couldn't figure out which of the three men in black robes was his son, he saw the lean man bathing in thunder and lightning, charging toward him like a thunder god. He couldn't think too much, so he could only grit his teeth and curse secretly, and hurriedly retreated.

However, Diko was only a first-level cosmic-level spiritual master, so how could he escape the pursuit of a Territory Lord?In the blink of an eye, the lean man was already approaching. Thunder and lightning surrounded him, causing the starry sky to shake with a violent hammer.
"Trouble! I don't have a Demon Slayer clone like Luo Feng in the original work. With my current strength and law understanding, how can I possibly win over a Domain Lord-level powerhouse? I'm afraid that even if I use Will Shock, it will be difficult to attack him. How much impact has he caused?" Dico, who was anxious and helpless in his heart, faced the hammer that he could not dodge at all. He could only grit his teeth and punch it, while at the same time activating the power of the world in the world ring.
Boom... Even though he could barely withstand the terrifying power of the hammer with the help of the power of the world, Dicko was still thrown directly and he could only save his life for the time being. He was not on the same level at all.

"Even if Nuolan Shan comes, he still won't be able to complete this cosmic mercenary mission!" Di Ke cursed inwardly in depression: "Fortunately, this guy is not a telepathic master, otherwise, no matter whether it is a telepathic attack or a telepathic weapon attack, it will only I’m afraid I won’t be able to resist.”

"What? With such a strong defense, is there any kind of protective treasure? Where did a cosmic-level boy get such a treasure? Could it be given by his family elders or teachers?" Seeing that Diko actually resisted his own blow. It's okay. The lean man's face changed, and he couldn't help but feel surprised in his heart: "No matter what his origin is, if he dares to kill my son, he must die! And if I can get this kind of protective treasure, it will be enough to exchange for more practice." With resources, there may be hope of becoming a powerful Realm Master in the future.”

Thinking of this, the lean man's heart was filled with fire, and his murderous intention towards Diko became even more intense. His figure disappeared and rushed towards Diko again like a bolt of thunder and lightning...
"What should I do?" Diko, who was once again hit by his hammer and flew out, couldn't help but become anxious after he stabilized his figure in embarrassment: "If this continues, I will definitely die in his hands. There is no other way, it seems that I can only Let’s give it a try!”

Diko's mind was spinning. After the lean man came to kill again, his eyes suddenly gritted his teeth as if they were burning with flames. The mental power in the sea of ​​​​consciousness also boiled, and the mental power under the blessing of a strong will flowed towards him like a tide. The lean man rushes away
"Huh?" The slender man who was trembling suddenly frowned with a look of pain on his face. His attack movements were stagnant, and the energy in the thunder hammer in his hand became chaotic.

And almost at the same time, Dico's figure disappeared and turned into several afterimages and rushed towards the lean man. At the same time, the lean man with a shocked face suddenly stared and roared, and the thunder and lightning energy around him was violent. stand up.The ionized thunder and lightning energy flowed, and several figures of Diko disappeared one after another, but he had already arrived in front of the lean man. His whole body was burning with flames, and his whole aura was a bit violent and terrifying. Without waiting for the spirit, How did the thin man react? He roared with the same ferocious expression, and punched out with a terrifying power like a volcanic eruption. The space was instantly distorted.
The next moment, the lean man trembled as if he was electrocuted. After being hit by Dico and staggering back a few steps, he stiffly stared at Dico in disbelief. As the thunder and lightning field in the surrounding starry sky suddenly dissipated, The whole person floated powerlessly in the starry sky
"Dead? I...I actually killed him?" Diko, who watched the lean man fall down and died, also looked at his fists in disbelief, and then came the surprise of the rest of his life. .

The key to Dico's full-strength punch just now was its terrifying explosive power. It is now Dico's strongest trick that combines his power-generating skills with his understanding of the original law of fire.After the mental force and will impact determined the location of the vitality singularity in the lean man's body, taking advantage of the opponent being distracted by the impact of will and unable to dodge and resist in time, Diko's desperate punch that put him to death was able to Killing the opponent is indeed a bit of a fluke.

"Dico..." Just when Diko relaxed, and the seriously injured Qingyu and the others were struggling to fly over one by one, a more terrifying pressure of aura suddenly came, causing the surrounding space to be full of It was as if he was frozen for a moment.

Dico, who was stiff all over, saw the strong old man with short cyan hair in a black combat uniform who had appeared in the starry sky in front of him at some unknown time, looking at the body of a lean man. He couldn't help but despair in his heart: "World Master? How could he suddenly appear again?" A realm lord appears?"

"The strength of the first-level universe level is actually able to leapfrog and kill a third-level domain lord. Boy, you really surprised me!" The green-haired old man raised his head and looked at Dike with a scrutinizing look. , as he spoke, a smile like a spring breeze appeared on his cold and serious face: "Very good! I didn't expect that an ordinary one-star mercenary assessment mission in the universe would actually allow me, Feng Wu, to discover such a good prospect. . It seems that I can get a lot of contribution in the league this time."

"Uncle, why are you here?" Qingyu, who was seriously injured and had a broken arm that had not fully recovered, said in shock when he saw the old man.

Diko, who had reacted, saw the smile on the green-haired old man's face, recalled what he had just said, and realized that he should be from the Space Mercenary Alliance, and he was relieved.

And after hearing Qingyu's name for him, Diko also noticed that the green-haired old man had the same green-black skin as him, and judging from their appearance and temperament, they were also somewhat similar. It seemed that they were indeed from the same ethnic group.A powerful world lord is his uncle, so Qingyu really has some background!

"Of course it's because I found out that there were some changes in this one-star mercenary assessment mission, so I rushed over." Feng Wu, the old man who glanced at Qingyu, said with a smile: "I almost failed just now. I couldn't help but take action. I didn't expect that your companions would be so good. They could turn defeat into victory and kill a domain lord. Fortunately, I didn't intervene. Otherwise, even if you failed this mission, I wouldn't have discovered how many of you. There is also a monster genius among this junior."

(End of this chapter)

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