Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 348 Breakthrough, Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 348 Breakthrough, Thunder Tribulation

Diko was not in a hurry to dispose of the body of the Silver Moon Sirius King, but continued to explore the contents of the storage bracelet with his spiritual sense...
As expected, the Bai Shangxian's storage bracelet did not contain anything too precious. Except for the Silver Moon Sirius King's golden elixir, there were only a few healing elixirs that were considered valuable, and even an extra spiritual elixir. There were no utensils, except for some worldly gold, silver, jewelry, jade and a small pile of purple gold, as well as some materials collected from monsters and spiritual herbs, etc. There was only a piece of ice jade-like strange ore the size of a millstone that made Dico feel a little bit confused. Unexpected.

"Is it the ore for refining spiritual weapons?" With a thought, he took out the ice jade-like ore, which was like a millstone, and chopped it with a flying sword. He saw the not too deep marks left on the ice jade-like ore. Dicko's eyes suddenly lit up: "This flying sword should only be a low-grade spiritual weapon, but it cannot split this ore. It seems that this ore is probably an ore that can refine a medium-grade spiritual weapon."

"Unexpectedly, that Bai Shangxian actually has such a good thing! Why does he only have a flying sword and not even a spiritual weapon to protect himself? Could it be that this piece of ore was just obtained in the ancient times? Didn't have time to refine the spiritual weapon?" Diko, who secretly guessed, looked at the ice jade-like ore in front of him as big as a millstone, and felt good for a moment.Such a large piece of ore should be enough to refine several spiritual weapons if divided into pieces.

However, without powerful flames, it would be difficult for Diko to use this ice jade-like ore to create a spiritual weapon, even if he knew the weapon refining skills of the Shanhai lineage.

"There's no rush! Anyway, I should be close to breaking through and entering the planetary level. I should be able to awaken my special ability to refine fire by then." Diko, who was not in a hurry to build a spiritual weapon, put away the ice jade-like ore. Finally, the spiritual sense carefully examined the storage bracelet again, and soon gained another extra harvest. He turned his hands and took out a purple-gold alchemy furnace and an inconspicuous gray-white jade slip.

Di Ke, whose spiritual sense invaded the gray-white jade slip and searched for a while, suddenly brightened up: "It turns out to be a method of alchemy. I didn't expect that this Bai Shangxian really has some good things. No wonder he has healing elixirs on him. According to the alchemy furnace, he has learned alchemy."

Although the jade slips only recorded some basic alchemy methods, for Diko, who had never thought much about alchemy, it was just right for him to try and learn.

In fact, the inheritance of the Vulcan lineage that Di Ke received also has a method of making medicine and alchemy, but it is different from the alchemy method in the world of cultivation. To be more precise, it is a method of combining medicines, mainly by boiling them. Methods are used to extract the essence of medicinal materials and combine them into pills.

But to put it bluntly, the principle of refining elixirs is still the same. They all take the essence of different medicinal materials and blend them, as if a chemical reaction occurs, to obtain elixirs with various magical effects.The reason why elixirs are refined is to get better effects than taking the medicinal materials directly.

So next, while practicing hard in the hope of reaching the planetary level as soon as possible, Diko also began to try medicine and alchemy. Anyway, there is no shortage of medicinal materials in this ancient world, and the method of medicine and alchemy in the inheritance of the Vulcan lineage is not good for flames. There are less stringent requirements and it is relatively simpler.

More than ten days passed in the blink of an eye. In the valley that evening, under the beautiful sunset, Di Yan, Yan Fen and others were resting. Only Di Ke was still immersed in cultivation.

"Young Master seems to have been practicing for a long time today," Yun Lan said with a worried frown as she looked at Di Ke, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating with his eyes closed on a slope not far away, with heat rising all over his body like a steamer.

"It's just practice, nothing should go wrong," Di Yan said nonchalantly: "You, don't keep worrying so much."

"Looking at the young master like this, are you about to break through? I feel that the temperature on the young master's body seems to be rising," Yan Fen suddenly frowned and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth suddenly surged towards Diko like a tidal wave. At the same time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that kept converging towards Diko seemed to be ignited. Diko, with red flames rising all over his body, also became surging with energy. Get violent...
"Is it really a breakthrough?" Seeing this scene, Xu Liangxian, Di Yan, Yan Fen and others all stood up in a hurry. Di Ke, who had a violent aura like a bathing fire, the color of the flames on his body quietly changed. The change turned into blood flames. The dazzling blood flames absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that was constantly gathering around them, causing the air to become distorted and blurred. "What is this? The rumored elixir fire of a cultivator at the golden elixir stage? But the young master has not survived the forty-nine small heavenly tribulations, so he should not be a cultivator at the golden elixir stage!" Feeling the blood flames for a while. Xu Liangxian couldn't help but be surprised by the terrifying temperature even in the distance.

However, Yan Fen's eyes were glaring and he became a little excited: "This flame should be enough to refine the spiritual weapons used by the immortals!"

Not long after, Di Ke, who was covered in bloody flames and seemed to be restrained, exuded an invisible pressure that was stronger than that of the Bai Shangxian. It even made Xu Liangxian and the others feel that their legs and feet were weak, as if they were facing a head. Like a terrifying prehistoric monster.

At the same time, chaotic beast roars came from outside the valley, faintly carrying a hint of fear.Apparently, the sound of Dico's breakthrough alerted some of the surrounding monsters.However, when they got closer, they were frightened by Dicko's aura.

"No..." Xu Liangxian and the others were also shocked. Obviously they did not expect that Dike's breakthrough would attract so many monsters.But thinking of Diko's strength, they relaxed.

However, at this moment, the sky that was originally full of glow suddenly dimmed and turned into dark red. The wind roared, accompanied by an invisible and terrifying sense of depression, and soon a huge vortex appeared in the dark red sky. , a large number of electric snakes were born out of thin air, absorbed by the vortex, and continued to converge into the vortex. In just a moment, the vortex turned into a purple calamity cloud.

"Forty-nine minor catastrophes?" Seeing the tribulation cloud that happened to appear above Diko, Xu Liangxian and the others' expressions suddenly changed: "What a terrible thunder catastrophe!"

"Be careful, don't let those monster beasts outside the valley disturb the master's tribulation," Xu Liangxian reacted and warned solemnly. Hearing the roars of the beasts outside the valley that were getting closer, he couldn't help but feel heavy in his heart.

With Diko's strength, he is not afraid of those monsters, but now Diko has to deal with the thunder tribulation with all his strength and cannot be distracted. The few of them can handle so many monsters and ensure that those monsters will not disturb Diko during the tribulation. ?

"Thunder tribulation? My forty-nine small tribulations came too suddenly, didn't they? I didn't feel anything before, but they just came. Could it be because my cultivation method is special and it is difficult to measure the level of strength, but now I Suddenly stepping into the planetary level, his strength is probably comparable to the level of the infant stage, so the thunder disaster can't wait to come?" Dike, who raised his eyebrows and looked up at the sky, also looked solemn: "The situation is special, I'm afraid this The power of thunder tribulation will not be weak."

Roar..roar..At the same time, there were bursts of roars, and the figures of some monsters flew out from the surrounding mountains and forests. A large number of innate monsters of different types, either in groups or alone, faintly covered the entire valley. They were all surrounded, and when they saw Xu Liangxian and others in the valley, they immediately saw murderous intentions.
Monsters are naturally hostile to humans who enter the wilderness.After all, this is their place of survival, how can these humans be allowed to intrude wantonly?

"So many?" After roughly distinguishing the number of those monsters, Xu Liangxian and the others' expressions suddenly changed. You must know that although most of these innate monsters are relatively average in strength and only have the strength of early and middle innate stages, they still have Once powerful demonic beasts comparable to late-stage Xiantian and even the Great Perfection Xiantian swarmed forward, Xu Liangxian and the others would not be able to resist them, and they would probably be torn to pieces by these demonic beasts soon.

(End of this chapter)

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