Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 350 Crazy saber-toothed tiger

Chapter 350 Crazy saber-toothed tiger
Facing Xu Liangxian's urgent call, Dike, who did not respond, suddenly made a move. The sharp claws of the Silver Moon Wolf King suddenly turned into phantoms and flew towards Xu Liangxian and others, surrounding them. It also made those innate monsters who approached cautiously become wary and hesitant.

At the same time, he raised his head to look at the more and more violent thunder and lightning power that was gathering in the violently rolling clouds of calamity. Diko also had a ruthless look on his face as the blood flames all over his body condensed and turned into a blood-red translucent energy armor. , that restrained but increasingly powerful aura of coercion caused the surrounding air to vibrate.

Boom.. The wind roared, and the purple thunder and lightning zigzag and flickered, flying down like a purple dragon, carrying an invisible power that was much more terrifying than the previous thunder, and shrouding Diko. This was the last of the four-nine small heavenly tribulations. There was a thunder.

"Break!" Dico roared, and punched out with a bang just like he had dealt with the third thunderbolt. Instantly, there was substantial energy condensation on his fist, as if his fist had grown several sizes in an instant, causing the space to instantly disappear. Distorted, and collided with the thunder.

The thunder was accompanied by a thundering sound that shook the sky. Under the bombardment of Diko's terrifying punch, the equally terrifying thunder collapsed and turned into an electric snake that filled the sky and enveloped Diko.

However, under the protection of the energy armor condensed by blood flames, the dissipated power of lightning did not cause any substantial harm to Diko.

On the contrary, there was a thunderous roar, which caused the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the valley to become confused, and also frightened the innate monsters who were cautiously approaching.Their whole bodies were trembling, and their legs and feet were weak. Seeing that Dickos was unharmed in the thunder and lightning, they all fled in a hurry.

Obviously, this human being who can easily kill them by controlling hidden weapons has already survived the forty-nine minor tribulations. If he stays here, he will probably be the only one who will be slaughtered by him later.

"These monsters are really decisive." Seeing those innate monsters fleeing in all directions and quickly leaving the valley, Di Yan breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but muttered. , they are really much more knowledgeable than humans.

Yunlan, on the other hand, was somewhat surprised and ran towards Diko who had fallen on the ground: "Master, are you okay?"

"It doesn't matter! Although this last thunderbolt is a bit unexpectedly powerful, it can't do anything to me," Zhou You said with a slight shake of his head and a smile, and looked at Xu Liangxian and others who came forward excitedly. He was about to say something. , suddenly a familiar tiger roar came with invisible and terrifying power.

Roar... Roar... Immediately afterwards, the shrill and frightening, almost whimper-like beast roars sounded one after another, suppressing and trembling. There were even a few innate demonic beasts coming towards the valley like a desperation, but they did not dare to get close to Diko and the others. He fled from one side, which really corresponded to the saying "panic like a dog that has lost its home".

"What's going on?" Xu Liangxian's expression changed. The expressions of Di Yan, Yan Fen and others also changed, realizing that there seemed to be big trouble.

Even Di Ke couldn't help but frowned and looked in the direction of the tiger's roar and said: "It's a very powerful monster. I'm afraid it's not just the golden elixir stage. It's probably attracted by the movement of me overcoming the tribulation." Come."

"Listening to this roar, it sounds like it's a saber-toothed tiger. Could it be related to the saber-toothed tiger that Zhu San's people killed before?" Di Yan said and subconsciously looked at the forest next to the valley. The body of the saber-toothed tiger was being burned and dismembered for collection. After collecting some useful materials, the flesh and blood was buried in the forest.

The low and majestic roar of the tiger was getting closer and closer, and then Dike and others felt the ground shaking, and the mountains and forests around the valley were being destroyed as if they were being destroyed.
Huh... Accompanied by a strong evil wind, rocks and soil were splashed somewhere in the nearby mountain forest, and then a ferocious dark red tiger head emerged, letting out an increasingly angry roar. And that place seemed to be exactly Diko and the others previously dealt with the place where the bones and flesh of the saber-tooth tiger, the innate monster beast, were buried.

Seeing Dike and the others, the dark red tiger head with murderous intent in its blood-red eyes suddenly turned into a dark red phantom and flew over, landing on the grass not far from Dike and the others. It was a head full of murderous intent. It was a ferocious saber-toothed tiger that was more than two feet long, with spikes on its back that were like blood flowing, and two sharp saber teeth at the corners of its mouth.

The invisible ferocity and terrifying power swept over, making Xu Liangxian and the others tremble instantly, and their legs and feet felt weak. The invisible sense of oppression made them feel like it was difficult to breathe, and they couldn't give birth at all. A thought of resistance. "It's too scary. What level of monster is this?" The pale-faced Xu Liangxian and others were all trembling.Facing this saber-toothed tiger actually gave them a more terrifying feeling than facing the God of Death.

"Did you kill my child?" A low roar echoed throughout the valley along with the tiger's roar. Although the saber-toothed tiger that spoke human words did not take action immediately, it was full of murderous intent.

"Your child did not die in our hands. The person who killed your child has been killed by us." Diko was relatively calm, but the saber-toothed tiger became more murderous after hearing this: "But you got my child." You still have the corpse, and you yell at it! I will kill you! You will all be buried with your body!"

While the tiger's roar full of murderous intent echoed in the valley, the phantom saber-toothed tiger had gone straight towards Diko. The terrifying speed brought about an energy storm, instantly sending Xu Liangxian and the others flying away. .

Peng.. However, facing the saber-toothed tiger that was charging like a rampage, Dicko took the initiative to move forward to meet it. He just punched out, and with the muffled sound of the air shaking, while his whole body shook slightly and retreated, the saber-toothed tiger It was also thrown away directly.

The saber-toothed tiger roared and fell to the ground in a panic. It roared angrily and looked at Dico with a hint of fear in its murderous eyes.

Obviously, the confrontation just now made him realize that Dicko was difficult to deal with. The strength of the human in front of him did not seem to be that he had just survived the forty-nine small tribulations. He could fight it head-on with his fists. This powerful body How can power be something a human being can possess?

"Are you not a human? Are you a monster? A divine beast?" the saber-toothed tiger growled and asked, with a look of surprise in its red eyes.

"Of course I am a human being, how could I be a monster? It's just that I practice body training, so my physical body is naturally stronger," Diko said calmly and casually with a slight eyebrow raised.

"Ho, no matter you are a human or a monster, you will die today!" The saber-toothed tiger roared and flew toward Diko again. When he got close to Diko, he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a ball of flames. A dark red light was vaguely visible shooting out.

"Huh?" Faced with the blazing flames that swept forward, and the dark red light hidden in the flames that instantly reached his eyes, Diko, whose face changed slightly, hurriedly stepped back, and the invisible power of the soul swept out like a tide. Surrounded and entangled by the dark red light.

Under the influence of Diko's soul power, the attack speed of the dark red light slowed down, which also allowed Diko to see clearly the true face of the dark red light. It was a spiritual weapon like a dark red cone.

Phew...then the sharp cone weapon that slowed down continued to shoot at Diko, and in the blink of an eye it was in front of Diko.

Peng... punched out, and the fist condensed with substantial energy forced the pointed spiritual weapon back. Diko continued to fly away with a slight tremor all over his body. Then he saw the figure of the saber-toothed tiger with the same terrifying speed. Come closer.

The roar was accompanied by the soul-stirring roar of a tiger. The saber-toothed tiger approached Diko and bit him directly. The sword-like saber teeth stabbed hard, making Diko's skin tighten instantly. feeling
(End of this chapter)

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