Chapter 357 Mu Cheng
Outside Baisha Town in the three eastern counties of the Chu Dynasty, in the quiet manor belonging to Di Ke, there was an elegantly decorated living room.

At the head of the guest seat on the left, a handsome and elegant young man in his 30s, dressed in a blue brocade robe, lowered his head and sipped tea unhurriedly.

On the seat below him, sat an old man with gray hair and gray robe with his hands folded in his sleeves. His eyes were slightly closed as if he was asleep. Although there were not many wrinkles on his face, his whole body was full of wrinkles. There is an air of decay and vicissitudes, obviously he must be very old.

Opposite, there were three people sitting. Opposite the handsome young man in green robes was Yun Lan, who was dressed in white. Next to him was Xu Liangxian, and under Xu Liangxian, sitting next to him, was a man in light yellow clothes. A woman with an oval face and a pretty face with light make-up that gives people a sense of being from a different world.

The woman looks to be in her 20s. Her appearance is not stunning, but her temperament is extraordinary. She is the kind of person who gives people a unique and amazing feeling when they meet her and makes them unforgettable.

"Where did His Highness go? Do you want His Highness to wait here forever?" A deep and deep voice suddenly sounded, breaking the tranquility in the living room.

Yun Lan, who had slightly raised eyebrows, just casually glanced at the burly man in black clothes standing behind the handsome young man in green robes, with thick eyebrows and big eyes like a guard, and then said to the handsome young man in green robes with a faint smile: " Your Highness, why don't I have someone arrange a guest room for you, and you can stay there first?"

"Where can I live? If he can't wait any longer, he can just get out!" A cold and unceremonious voice came from outside, and then I saw Dico in a dark red outfit walking in from the outside, followed by a red suit. The tall and cool Di Yan, and the graceful and noble figure in red clothes, are the Hong Luan who used magic to change the appearance of human beings.

The moment Di Ke came in, everyone except Xu Liangxian was still sitting, looking at Di Ke with a smile on his face. The woman in light yellow clothes sitting at the bottom quickly stood up and saluted respectfully, and Yun Lan also looked happy. He stood up and came forward: "Master!"

The old man in gray robe opposite him who seemed to be asleep finally opened his eyes and looked at Di Ke with his eyes narrowed. When he saw the two women behind Di Ke, especially when he saw Hong Luan, he felt... In a trance, Hong Luan seemed to have flames rising from his body, which made him feel an inexplicable burning sensation in his eyes. He couldn't help but change his face with excitement.

The handsome young man in green robes at the side finally raised his head. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed the change in the expression of the old man in gray robes. He put down the tea cup with a frown, then stood up and looked at Dike with a smile and said, "Second brother, I haven't seen you for a few years." , are you going to drive me away as soon as we meet? And you don’t even ask me why I’m here?”

Seeing how the handsome young man in green robe could still respond calmly with a smile when he heard that he told him to get out, Di Ke, who was slightly silent, went straight to the main seat in the living room and sat down, and Di Yan and Hong Luan also did the same. Stand on either side of Dicko.

"Sir..." After serving Diko a cup of tea, Yun Lan retreated to her seat and sat down.

"Your Highness, please don't forget that His Highness is your brother after all. You..." Faced with Di Ke's sarcastic remarks, the handsome young man in green robe could take it lightly, but the burly man in black attire behind him was annoyed. He couldn't help but pointed at Diko with an angry look on his face.

However, before he finished speaking, Diko's brows darkened and Hong Luan just glanced at him. The hand stretched out by the burly man in black attire burned quickly like dry firewood. stand up..
"Ah" amidst the shrill screams, seeing the palms and arms of the burly man in black attire rapidly burning into ashes, and the light red flames still spreading, the gray-robed old man's face changed again as he waved his hand. , a sharp sword energy visible to the naked eye has cut off the arm of the burly man in black armor at the shoulder level. When the blood spurts out, the broken half of the arm has already melted with the light red flames before it fell to the ground. Disappeared into nothingness.

The burly man in black attire was still covering his broken arm and screaming. The handsome young man in green robes who reacted quickly took some blood to stop the bleeding. Then he looked at Hong Luan with some surprise, then turned to frown and looked at Di Ke and shouted in a deep voice. : "Second brother, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Does he have the right to speak here? Who is he, and he dares to point fingers at me here?" Di Ke sneered: "I remember that in the Zhennan Palace, you, the Crown Prince, were the most valued You have to behave yourself. Why, now that you are here, why didn’t you teach your people what the rules are in advance?” “Second brother, you have changed,” the handsome young man in green robe who looked at Di Ke with a frown said in a slightly silent tone: "We haven't seen each other for several years, and you no longer look like the brother I knew."

"People change. In the past, how could you care about my humble brother? Let alone come all the way to see me in person." Diko shook his head and sneered, "If you have anything to do, just tell me Come on! I don't have much time to waste time with you here."

Di Ke actually didn't care about this cheap brother Mucheng, the eldest son of Zhennan King Muchun and the future heir to the throne of Zhennan King.However, this body didn't seem to be very interested in his brother, and the invisible influence made it difficult for Diko to have a good temper towards Mu Cheng.

Although they are said to be brothers, in fact, the real identities of Dike's body, Mu Ke and Mu Cheng, are half-mothers.Mucheng's mother was the royal concubine of Zhennan King Muchun, and Dike was just a concubine, so his status in the Zhennan Prince's Palace can be imagined.

It was really because her sister Mu Jin was a concubine and her fate was completely beyond her control. She was sent to the palace of the Chu Dynasty, so she was a dispensable victim.The reason why Mu Jin entered the palace was because Mu Cheng's mother, the Princess of Zhennan, was in charge of all this. This also made the relationship between Mu Ke and his brother Mu Cheng even worse.

It was not until Mu Jin died of illness in the palace of the Chu Dynasty that Mu Ke finally broke out and even broke with his father Zhennan Wang Muchun and left the Zhennan Palace.

"Say it directly here?" Listening to Diko's impatient voice, Mu Cheng couldn't care less about Diko's attitude and tone. After all, he didn't come here just to vent his anger on Diko, but it looked like After glancing at Yun Lan and the others, he still couldn't help but frown.

"Don't worry, the people here are all people I trust. My people don't talk as much as your people," Diko said calmly and casually: "No matter what you said today, not a word will be spread. "

Mu Cheng, who was speechless for a moment, turned to look at the burly man in black clothes who had simply bandaged himself. His face was pale and his forehead was so painful that cold sweat broke out. He waved his hand to let him go out first, and then sat down and said: " You may have guessed some of the reasons why I came here. You probably already know the identity of the innate late-stage master who was captured by your people before I came here."

"So, I won't say anything more. Leave the person to me and the matter will be settled. The people behind the other party will not come to trouble you again," Mu Cheng continued.

As soon as Mu Cheng finished speaking, Yun Lan stood up with a slightly solemn look and whispered a few words to Dike. After hearing this, Dike narrowed his eyes and glanced at the person sitting next to Xu Liangxian. After Yu Yin, the woman in yellow turned to look at Mu Cheng and sneered: "Trouble? Do you think I'm really afraid of the Qin family?"

"Qin De, the king of Zhendong, is the most powerful king with a different surname in our Chu Dynasty. Why do you have to offend him?" Mu Cheng frowned and asked.

"Did I offend him?" Diko shook his head in amusement: "Obviously it was his people who touched me, but he came to provoke me first!"

(End of this chapter)

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