Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 388: Loose Immortals come to kill you

Chapter 388: Loose Immortals come to kill you
Seeing Qin Yu's worried look, Jiang Li, who was speechless, couldn't help but smile: "It's okay, Uncle Lan is not afraid of trouble. Besides, do you think Uncle Lan can stand by and watch if trouble comes?"

"Okay! Let's go find Uncle Lan to discuss countermeasures," Qin Yu, who was also speechless after hearing this, finally nodded decisively, said goodbye to Di Ke, and left in a hurry with Jiang Li.

After they left, Diko turned to look at Yanmo and said, "How about it? Have you thought about it? Should you go back to the Dragon Clan or..."

"I want to know, if I don't return to the Dragon Clan, can you keep me?" Yan Mo asked without answering. Dike, who raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, looked at Yan Mo's slight silence before saying: "I guess it's not possible for the time being. Moreover, I don’t want to offend the Dragon Clan. It seems that you don’t want to return to the Dragon Clan?”

"For the time being?" Yan Mo asked with a noncommittal eyebrow, and Dike immediately added: "I have some special gains in the Nine Swords Immortal Mansion, and it will take some time to improve my strength. If there is enough time, don't say We are on the side of immortal cultivators and demon cultivators, so even if your Dragon Clan’s demon-scattered elders and clan leaders come, I have nothing to be afraid of.”

Yanmo's eyes flashed when he heard this, and he couldn't help but look at Diko with burning eyes and said: "Dico, I want to follow you, do you dare to accept it?"

"Follow me?" Di Ke was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed loudly: "Yan Mo, since you have such courage and determination, if I don't accept you, wouldn't it mean that I am too courageous? What's more? How is it worthy of your following?”

"Okay, from now on, you can stay and practice here with me. No matter whether it is an immortal cultivator, a demon cultivator or a strong person from the Dragon Clan, I will do my best to protect you and the sky-shattering figure on your body. "Yes," Dico said directly with a smile.

Even Yan Mo chose to follow Di Ke. There is no doubt that his Snow Girl and the ancestor of the Three Eyes also chose to join the Fire Temple.

Next, Yanmo, Xue Nu, and the Three-Eyed Ancestor also stayed on Chaoyang Fairy Island to practice. After Dike, Yunlan and their children reunited for a short time, they also went into seclusion to practice.

The Sky-shattering Map is really too involved. Even the top figures in the world of immortals, demons and monsters are very interested in Niyang Realm.If Diko didn't improve his strength as soon as possible, facing the powerful immortal and demon masters on the side of immortal cultivators and demon cultivators, it might be really difficult to keep the Sky-breaking Diagram in Yanmo's hands, and he would even be in big trouble.

In the Qingyu Immortal Mansion, which is filled with rich and pure Yuanling Qi, in a quiet courtyard, Dike is sitting on the ground, swallowing like a whale, constantly absorbing the Yuanling Qi that gathers around him like a thick fog, and the blood flames rising all over his body are refining. Those Yuanling Qi, and the whole person's aura seemed like a volcano that was constantly accumulating power and was about to explode. The surging heat wave caused the thick fog in the courtyard to turn into Yuanling Qi.
I don’t know how long it took, when Diko’s whole body seemed to have turned into a human-shaped sun, causing the whole courtyard to rise like blood flames, and the fiery aura became countless times stronger. Diko, who was suddenly immersed in cultivation, seemed to have something. His brows furrowed slightly, and then he suddenly opened his eyes, as if there were substantial flames burning in his eyes...
At the same time, outside the Fire Temple outside, Yun Lan and others, as well as Yanmo, Di Long, and the Three-Eyed Ancestor, gathered together. They all looked into the air with shock on their faces. They saw green vines emerging and water flowing. The energy shield is covering the entire fairy island.

And outside the somewhat transparent energy mask, there were four figures standing in the air. Below them was a sharp sword light that distorted the space. It fell on the turquoise energy mask below, causing The light shield caused ripples and fluctuations, but it was impossible to break through them.

"Hmph!" Accompanied by a cold snort, Dico suddenly appeared at the side, making everyone feel as if they had found a backbone, and they who were originally a little nervous and worried suddenly felt certain. "Sir, he is a Sanxian from the Immortal Cultivator side. Their swords are very powerful in attacking, and some of them look like the moves of Qingxu Temple. He should be a Sanxian from Qingxu Temple on Tenglong Continent," Di Long said quickly.

"A mere four loose immortals of seven or eight tribulations dare to come to seize the Potian Diagram. They really don't know whether to live or die." Diko, who said with a sneer, disappeared in an instant, and then appeared outside the green energy light shield. The place where the sword light dissipated when the Sanxian jointly attacked.

At this time, the four immortals who were waiting for Qingxu Temple were shocked by the terrible defensive power of the formation on Chaoyang Island. They became more and more suspicious of Diko's origin. Seeing Diko's sudden appearance, they became nervous like instinct. He got up, and after sensing the energy aura on Diko that barely reached the level of a first- and second-level immortal, he breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

With such strength, he dared to show up to fight against the four loose immortals. Is this a bluff, or is there something else to rely on?After seeing the power of the defensive formation on Chaoyang Fairy Island, the four of them did not dare to underestimate Di Ke at this time.

"Master of the Fire Temple, if you have hidden it deeply enough, the sky-shattering picture of Qin Yu and Black Dragon Yanmo should be on you, right?" Shan Qu, the leader, squinted at Di Ke and said.

"The Sky-Breaking Map? Where are you? So what if you're not here?" Di Ke said with a faint smile. Before the other party could speak, he continued: "Qin Yu is not here. As for Yanmo and your Sky-Breaking Map in his hand, It is indeed on Chaoyang Fairy Island."

"Hand over the Sky-Breaking Map, otherwise..." A male Sanxian beside Shan Qu shouted coldly. Before he finished speaking, Dike looked at him with a stern look on his face: "Otherwise, what do you think? If you want to rob it by force, it depends on whether you have the ability. However, seeing that you can't even break through my island protection formation, you probably don't have much ability."

"Seeking death!" The male Loose Immortal with the strength of the Seven Tribulations Loose Immortal suddenly became angry with a gloomy and ugly face when he heard this, and murderous intent suddenly arose in his heart.You know, he is also a very senior ancestor in Qingxu Temple, and he is used to being aloof. Except for a few elders who are stronger than him, who dares to be so rude to him?
However, Shan Qu on the side stretched out his hand to stop him who was about to make a move. He looked at Di Ke with a frown and said, "The formation on this fairy island was arranged by the elders of your sect, right?"

"It can be said that," Di Ke smiled noncommittally. Such superb formations were naturally learned by Di Ke from the memory information of Zuo Qiu Mei, the God of Life, who flashed in his mind during his usual meditation. Moreover, it was Zuo Qiu Mei. The original formation contains the mysteries of water and wood. The energy is flexible and endless. It is an extremely excellent defensive formation.

Even though Diko has only scratched the surface of his understanding, even if this kind of formation is placed in the world of immortals, demons and demons, it is still a very mysterious and sophisticated top formation.If it weren't for the fact that Diko's strength when he set up the formation wasn't a bit weak, and the materials he used to set up the formation were too poor, its power would probably not be inferior to the strongest defensive formation in Qingyu Immortal Mansion. of.

"Okay, no need to test. If you want to break the sky, show your skills. Otherwise, do you think I will give the sky-breaking map to you with both hands?" Diko sneered and continued: "The Qingxu View of Tenglong Continent Although it can be regarded as the strongest cultivator sect on Zixuan Star, it is not enough to send out a few casual immortals to make me, Diko, afraid."

(End of this chapter)

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